EURAXESS Japan links researchers in Japan with Europe. Free information and events on research funding, research careers, mobility and collaboration opportunities.
EURAXESS Japan has been serving researchers in all fields interested in collaborating with or pursuing a research career in Europe since 2008.

You will find below fellowships, grants and other funding opportunities for your research stays in Europe including hundreds of support schemes for research cooperation and mobility between EURAXESS WW and Europe. EURAXESS covers all research fields, including Social Sciences and Humanities, Life Sciences and Physical Sciences and Engineering.
If you wish to browse the global jobs and funding database, please click below:
Browse Partner Job Offers In Japan
-5- PhD Positions in Physical Chemistry in the IMPRS-EPPC in Berlin, GermanyThe International Max Planck Research School for Elementary Processes in Physical Chemistry (IMPRS-EPPC) at the Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society offers -5- PhD Positions in Physical Chemistry The Fritz Haber Institute (FHI) in Berlin-Dahlem is one of the oldest and renowned research

EU – EURAXESS JAPAN Collaboration Opportunities
There are numerous opportunities for travel and research collaboration between Europe and Japan. Until 2015, we highlighted each month around 30 to 50 schemes to support researcher collaboration, exchange, or mobility in our monthly Newsletter.
We have also produced a Funding Guide: Funding Guide Booklet (4.77 MB) which is a comprehensive listing of institutional, national, and European Union schemes (also available in Japanese: 欧州研究助成ガイド2015年
(5.15 MB)
European Research Career Sites:
- Find A Postdoc
- Find scholarships in Europe
- Find PhDs in Europe
- Careeredu.eu
- Academic Jobs EU
- Euro Science Jobs
- European Job Mobility Portal
- Careers with the European Union: European Personnel Selection Office
- Careers with the European Union (EPSO), non-permanent positions
- EuroBrussels
- European Southern Observatory (ESO) recruitment portal
- CERN job portal
- Joint Research Centre external staff recruitment portal
- Austrian Database for Scholarships and Research Grants
- Belgian Federal Portal for Research and Innovation
- Cyprusâ Research Promotion Foundation Database
- Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science Funding Guide
- Estonian Research Portal
- Estonian Scholarships and International Degrees Portal
- France PhD portal
- CNRS external examination portal
- CEA PhD and Postdoctorate offers portal
- DAADâs Research in Germany Portal
- DAAD Research Fellowships and Grants Portal
- Max Planck Societyâs job portal
- Helmoltz Associationâs job portal
- Irish Research Council Funding Portal
- Italian National Research Council vacancies
- BBSRC vacancies (UK)
- Science and Technology Facilities Council vacancies (UK)
Each of the main Japanese research institutes have an active recruitment policy for international researchers, and thus offer numerous positions (usually âon-project”) advertised in English in the following links.
For better insight into the full recruitment campaigns, please check the Japanese version of their website.
Applied Sciences:
NII (Japanese only):
Life Sciences and Clinical Research:
Kanagawa Cancer Center (Japanese only):
NARO (Japanese only):
Mathematics and Fundamental Sciences:
Natural Sciences:
Social Sciences and Humanities:
Each of the main Japanese universities are very proactive in the recruitment of international staff. These universities often offer a number of positions (postdoctoral, project-based, tenure-track) advertised in English through the following links.
For better insight into the full recruitment campaigns, please check the Japanese version of their website.
The World Premier International Research Centre Initiative (WPI) was launched in 2007 by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) to build research centres which boast a very high research standard and outstanding research environment.
These centres are given a high degree of autonomy, allowing them to innovate compared to conventional modes of research operation and administration in Japan.
Each centre advertises for various temporary and permanent positions.
The relationship between the EU and Japan is increasingly close and diversified. Various cooperation agreements have been concluded since 1988, at both bilateral and multilateral level. An overarching Science and Technology Cooperation Agreement was signed in 2009 and came into force on 20 March 2011.
This agreement pledged to encourage, develop and facilitate cooperative activities. To that end, it also established a Joint Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation, to exchange information and views on Science and Technology policy issues, identify priority areas for cooperation and promote reciprocal access to research and innovation programmes. This committee meets at least once every two years. It first met in Tokyo in June 2011, with the second meeting taking place in June, 2013. The Third such meeting took place in Brussels in May, 2015. At this meeting agreement was made on a "Joint Vision" towards a closer relationship in research and innovation.
The importance of close and friendly relations in science, technology and innovation has been recognised by the leaders of Japan and the EU, who have expressed commitment to unlocking the full potential of cooperation (21st EU-Japan Summit Joint Statement, art.17) . Later statements reiterated this commitment 22nd EU-Japan Summit Joint Statement, art.14 and 23rd EU-Japan Summit Joint Statement, art.22. On 29 May 2015, during the 23rd EU-Japan Summit, the leaders endorsed a New strategic partnership in Research and Innovation between the European Commission and the Government of Japan.
- Through the regular Horizon 2020 calls for proposals, where Japanese participants can join projects in any area.
- Through "coordinated" or "joint" calls for proposals issued by the EU and counterpart ministries and agencies. Here, each side makes available an equal amount of funding to support their researchers in joint projects in areas of common interest. In recent years such calls have been issued in photovoltaics, superconductivity, aeronautics, critical raw materials, and Information and Communication Technology (ICT).
- Individual researchers can take part in mobility programmes under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions scheme (MSCA). Japanese researchers may also apply for the European Research Council (ERC) grants, which are for the most ambitious and highest quality researchers.
- The EU and Japan also work together in multilateral schemes. One such example is the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor ITER. This is a large-scale scientific experiment to demonstrate the technological and scientific feasibility of fusion energy using a 'Tokamak' machine. Other multilateral cooperative projects include the "Human Frontier Science Programme".
- Nuclear energy cooperation is carried out under Euratom
- EU and Japanese policy makers meet regularly, including at the EU-Japan Science Policy Forum, which takes place in the margins of the Science & Technology in Society Forum in Kyoto in early October every year
The EU and Japan have a successful track record of collaboration, but a lot more can be done to further build and strengthen our research relations. In the 7th Framework Programme (FP7), there were over 100 Japanese participations in cooperative research projects, in a broad range of areas, as it can be seen in a figure below.
Japanese researchers have also participated in mobility programmes funded under the Marie-Curie actions of FP7 as well in ERC grants. This trend continues under Horizon 2020.
Priority areas for future cooperation with Japan include critical raw materials, transport research including aviation, nanotechnology, health, sustainable food security, ICT, and there is also the potential to do more together in renewable energies, ocean research and robotics. We also work together in a number of other areas, including energy (non-nuclear), nuclear safety, space research, security research and Euratom. See here for more details on areas where Japanese participation is particularly welcomed.
EURAXESS Japan aims to be a comprehensive service to support mobility, collaboration and exchange between Europe and Japan.
To that end, we provide funding and grant information for:
- Research and study stays or visits between Europe and Japan,
- Research funding in Europe or Japan,
- Jobs or fellowships at every step of your career,
- Collaboration opportunities between Europe and Japan.
Since 2010, we have been producing a Funding Guide Booklet that aims to provide a comprehensive list of all the relevant schemes. This guide provides basic information (who? what? when? how?) on approximately 300 programmes.
Download the most recent version (2015) of this document:
Funding Guide for European Researchers and Students in Japan (4.77 MB)
As of December 2015 this guide also exists in Japanese (5.15 MB)
日本語版もリリース致しました!欧州研究助成ガイド2015年 (5.15 MB)
Paper versions of both these documents are usually distributed at our events.
Please note that this guide will be the last one, as we switched in 2016 to an interactive, searchable database which you can access here:
This service allows EURAXESS Japan community members to make grant proposal drafts available for reviewing by other researchers, members of the community, in identical or similar research fields.
This service allows EURAXESS Japan community members to make grant proposal drafts available for reviewing by other researchers, members of the community, in identical or similar research fields.
EU-Japan Co-funding mechanisms in Horizon 2020
Horizon 2020 is the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation covering 7 years between 2014-2020 with a budget of nearly € 80 billion and with the aim to attract private investments.
Japan is mentioned in a number of calls in the Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2016-2017. Apart from the joint calls, there are also a number of regular Horizon 2020 calls in which a Japanese partner will receive funding: see below for details.
Remember: Japanese institutions can also participate to any of the other Horizon 2020 calls, provided they have matching funds of their own.
Further information: Horizon 2020 Participant Portal, Horizon 2020 Calls for Japan (138.79 KB)
For further information on Horizon 2020 and Japan, please visit the pages of the Delegation of the European Union to Japan and of JEUPISTE.
Through the Horizon 2020 work programme 2016-2017, the third coordinated call for ICT was launched with MIC and NICT. This time, 4 topics are available for joint projects:
- EUJ-01-2016: 5G – Next Generation Communication Networks
- SC1-PM-14-2016: Novel ICT Robotics based solutions for active and healthy ageing at home or in care facilities
- EUJ-02-2016: IoT/Cloud/Big Data platforms in social application contexts
- EUJ-03-2016: Experimental testbeds on Information-Centric Networking
More info for Japanese applicants on the page of MIC and NICT.
At the 23rd EU-Japan Summit in Tokyo, held on 29 May 2015, the EU and Japan agreed to deepen their cooperation on Research and Innovation, based on a joint vision. The agreement builds on the strong research ties in areas like ICT and aeronautics and strengthen collaborations in health and medical research, environment, energy and physics and an agreement to stimulate scientific exchanges has been signed between the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) and the European Research Council (ERC).
The common initiative launched is based on the existing EU-Japan Scientific and Technological Cooperation Agreement signed in 2009. The JSPS Fellows who will come for these scientific visits in Europe will continue to receive remuneration from JSPS. The first initiative of this kind was signed in July 2012 with the US (National Science Foundation, NSF) to provide opportunities for NSF researchers to join ERC-funded teams for shorter visits. This was followed by similar agreements with Korea (National Research Foundation of Korea, NRF) in November 2013 and with Argentina (National Scientific Technical Research Council, CONICET) in March 2015.
The 3rd EU-Japan Joint S&T Committee meeting in May 2015 endorsed a co-funding scheme developed by JST in close cooperation with the EC. This scheme has the intention to support EU-Japan collaboration in research and innovation, and to provide funding to successful Japanese participants in open calls for proposals in Horizon 2020.
The co-funding scheme is initially applied to the following two call topics in Horizon 2020, Work Programme 2016-17, which opened in October 2015 (Deadline: first stage - 8 December 2015; second stage - 24 May 2016):
- NMBP-02-2016: Advanced Materials for Power Electronics based on wide bandgap semiconductor devices technology
- NMBP-03-2016: Innovative and sustainable materials solutions for the substitution of critical raw materials in the electronic power system
In these topics, Japanese participants may apply for funding from JST. JST will carry out its own evaluation of Japanese applicants prior to that on the EC side.
The EC-JST co-funding scheme is one of the support schemes put in place by EU international partner countries to enable a stronger and more balanced collaboration between their universities, research institutes and enterprises with European ones under Horizon 2020.
This mechanism is not for Horizon 2020 projects, but is specifically targeted towards cooperation for projects between Japan and several European countries (target countries in Europe are France, Germany, Spain and Turkey). EIG CONCERT-Japan has launched their 3rd Call, this time on Food Crops and Biomass Production Technologies on 10 February 2016. The deadline is Thursday 28 April 2016. EIG CONCERT-Japan is an international joint initiative to support and enhance science, technology and innovation cooperation between European countries and Japan. CONCERT-Japan began as an ERA-NET project funded by the 7th EU Framework Program for Research and Technological Development (FP7) from 2011 to 2014. It is now in its second phase, as an independent activity of the European Interest Group (EIG) for Japan.
The call is now open, for more information: http://concert-japan.eu/spip.php?article1
Japanese page: http://www.jst.go.jp/sicp/announce_cj3.html
Advance in your career with the ERC and MSCA grants
At this event, Japanese and European researchers based in Japan may learn, in details, about the Marie Sklodowska-Curie and European Research Council grants.
Experts, grantees and alumni provide thorough descriptions of the grants and their evaluation procedures, experience feedback and tips for success.
Job Offers
For individual researchers: find the position you always wanted, through our offer database of research-related jobs in Europe.
For research institutions: advertise your offers on our portal, the most important one in Europe!
Funding Proposals Peer-Review Service
This service allows EURAXESS Japan community members to make grant proposal drafts available for reviewing by other researchers, members of the community, in identical or similar research fields.
Find Funding for your Mobility and Research Cooperation Projects
Our Funding Guide is a document where you will find, classified by country, funding schemes for mobility and cooperation projects between Europe and Japan. In a short, bullet-point like style, it introduces more than 300 different schemes!
EU Policy Reports, Proceedings of EURAXESS Events...
Reports on EU policy subjects, Proceedings of our events, as well as brochures on EURAXESS or EU schemes for research funding and mobiity, find what you need here!

Louise received her Master’s degree in Chemistry from the University of Oxford. Following this she undertook a DPhil working on proteins involved in the epigenetic response. She now works as a MSCA GF in the laboratory of Professor Hiroaki Suga at the University of Tokyo.
Louise WALPORT, MSCA IF Global Fellow, University of Tokyo

Dr. Fumikazu Furumi is a JSPS postdoctoral researcher at the Graduate School of Human Development and Environment, Kobe University, Japan. He was hosted by the INTERACT ERC project team headed by Dr. Antonia Felicity De Courcy Hamilton at the University College London, UK.
Fumikazu Furumi, post-doc at Kobe University and participant in the ERC-JSPS exchange scheme

Eri Sakata is a project group leader at Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry (Germany). She received her Ph.D from Nagoya City University and carried out a joint postdoc at Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry and at Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science (Japan).
Eri SAKATA, MSCA IF Fellow and Group Leader at Max Planck Institute

'I was a postdoc in CEA-Grenoble (France) for two years from 2000, and then went back to Japan to get an academic position. Idecided to return to France in 2007, as a researcher. I first tried to obtain an ERC grant but failed.But I tried again two years later, and succeeded. My ERC project started in 2010.
Dai AOKI, former ERC grantee, and professor at Tohoku University

Isabelle Vea obtained her Ph.D in Comparative Biology in 2009 at the American Museum of Natural History, New York City. She was a postdoctoral fellow for three years in the School of Bio-Agricultural Sciences at Nagoya University before starting her MSCA Individual Fellowship at the University of Edinburgh in January 2017.
Isabelle VEA, MSCA IF Reintegration Panel grantee, Edinburgh University
Useful Information
Browse useful information we collected for you.
Find out more about Horizon 2020, the biggest EU funding programme for research and innovation! Keep yourself informed about current research collaboration between Europe and Japan.
European Member States and Associated Countries: Representations and Researcher Associations
Below find a list of useful websites regarding European countries’ collaboration with Japan– information about embassies and related S&T offices in Japan, national EURAXESS websites for mobile researchers as well as Japanese-European joint research structures. You may also find a list of the national researchers associations that are based or existing in Japan.

+ Embassy of the Republic of Albania in Japan:
mail: embassy.tokyo@mfa.gov.al | web: http://www.ambasadat.gov.al/japan/en
EURAXESS Albania: http://www.euraxess.al/

+ Austrian Embassy Tokyo:
mail: tokio-ob@bmeia.gv.au | web: https://www.bmeia.gv.at/en/embassy/tokyo.html
+ (example) OeAD office / contact for Japan = ?
+ German speaking JSPS Alumni Association: http://www.jsps-club.de
EURAXESS Austria: http://www.euraxess.at

+ Embassy of Belgium in Japan:
mail: tokyo@diplobel.fed.be | web: http://japan.diplomatie.belgium.be/en
+ Walloon Trade and Investment Office: http://www.brussels-in-japan.irisnet.be/en/home
+ Flanders Investment & Trade, Government of Flanders: http://www.flanderstrade.com/site/internetEN.nsf/ContactUsVlev?openform&id=455
EURAXESS Belgium: http://www.euraxess.be/

+ Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Tokyo:
mail: bih1emb@gol.com | web: http://bhembassy.jp/
EURAXESS Bosnia and Herzegovina: http://www.euraxess.ba/

+ Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Japan:
mail: Embassy.Tokyo@mfa.bg | web: http://www.mfa.bg/embassies/japan/setlang/en
EURAXESS Bulgaria: http://euraxess.bg/

+ Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in Japan:
mail: croemb.tokyo@mvep.hr | web: http://jp.mvep.hr/en/
EURAXESS Croatia: http://www.euraxess.hr/

+ Consulate General of Cyprus in Tokyo:
mail: info@cyprus-hcg.jp
EURAXESS Cyprus: http://www.euraxess.org.cy/

Czech Republic
+ Embassy of the Czech Republic in Tokyo:
mail: tokyo@embassy.mzv.cz | web: http://www.mzv.cz/tokyo/en/
+ Czech Invest Japan:
mail: tokyo@czechinvest.org | web: http://www.czechinvest.org/jp
EURAXESS Czech Republic: http://www.euraxess.cz/

+ Embassy of Denmark in Japan:
mail: tyoamb@um.dk | web: http://japan.um.dk/en
EURAXESS Denmark: http://euraxess.dk/

+ Estonian Embassy in Tokyo:
mail: Embassy.Tokyo@mfa.ee | web: http://www.estemb.or.jp/
EURAXESS Estonia: http://euraxess.ee/

+ Embassy of Finland in Tokyo:
mail: sanomat.TOK@formin.fi | web: http://www.finland.or.jp/Public/Default.aspx
+ TEKES Japan Office (Team Finland): mail: miia.rantanen@formin.fi
EURAXESS Finland: http://www2.aka.fi/en-gb/Mobility/

+ Embassy of France in Tokyo:
mail (S&T section): info.sst@ambafrance-jp.org | web: http://www.ambafrance-jp.org/
+ CNRS Japan Office:
mail: Philippe.codognet@cnrs.fr | web: http://www.cnrs.fr/derci/spip.php?article42&lang=fr
+ Campus France Japan: http://www.japon.campusfrance.org/fr
+ Sciencescope (French speaking researchers association in Japan): http://www.sciencescope.org/
+ French Tech Tokyo Hub: http://tokyo.lafrenchtech.com/
EURAXESS France: http://www.euraxess.fr/en

FYRo Macedonia
+ Macedonian Embassy in Tokyo:
mail: tokyo@mfa.gov.mk
EURAXESS FYRo Macedonia: http://www.euraxess.mk/

+ Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany:
web: http://www.japan.diplo.de/Vertretung/japan/ja/Startseite.html (Jpn) | http://www.japan.diplo.de/Vertretung/japan/de/Startseite.html (Ger)
+ DFG Office Japan: http://www.dfg.de/en/dfg_profile/head_office/dfg_abroad/japan/
+ German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Tokyo Branch Office: http://tokyo.daad.de/wp/lang/ja/ (Jpn) | http://tokyo.daad.de/wp/lang/de/ (Ger)
+ German Research and Innovation Forum Tokyo (DWIH Tokyo): http://www.dwih-tokyo.jp/en/
+ Fraunhofer Representative Office Japan: web: http://www.fraunhofer.jp/en.html | mail: info@fraunhofer.jp
+ German Aerospace Center - DLR Tokyo Office: http://www.dlr.de/dlr/en/desktopdefault.aspx/tabid-10264
+ German (speaking) JSPS Alumni Association: http://www.jsps-club.de/
+ DIJ, German Institute for Japanese studies (Tokyo): http://www.dijtokyo.org/?lang=en
EURAXESS Germany: http://www.euraxess.de/en/

+ Embassy of Greece in Tokyo:
mail: gremb.tok@mfa.gr | web: http://www.mfa.gr/missionsabroad/en/japan.html
EURAXESS Greece: http://www.wlearn.gr/euraxessgr/

+ Embassy of the Republic of Hungary in Tokyo:
mail (S&T Counsellor): mission.tio@mfa.gov.hu | web: http://www.mfa.gov.hu/kulkepviselet/JP/en/mainpage.htm
EURAXESS Hungary: http://euraxess.hu/en/

+ Embassy of Iceland in Tokyo:
mail: icemb.tokyo@utn.stjr.is | web: http://www.iceland.is/iceland-abroad/jp/english/
EURAXESS Iceland: http://www.euraxess.is/home/

+ Embassy of Ireland in Japan:
mail (Scientific cooperation): Diarmuid.OLeary@dfa.ie | web: https://www.dfa.ie/irish-embassy/japan/
EURAXESS Ireland: http://www.euraxess.ie/

+ Embassy of Israel in Japan:
mail: science@tokyo.mfa.gov.il | web: http://embassies.gov.il/tokyo-en/Pages/default.aspx
EURAXESS Israel: http://www.euraxess.gov.il/UI/Main/Home.aspx

+ Embassy of Italy in Tokyo:
mail (scientific cooperation): alberto.mengoni@esteri.it | web: http://www.ambtokyo.esteri.it/ambasciata_tokyo/ja/
EURAXESS Italy: http://www.euraxess.it/

+ Embassy of the Republic of Latvia in Japan:
mail: embassy.japan@mfa.gov.lv | web: http://www.mfa.gov.lv/en/japan
EURAXESS Latvia: http://euraxess.lv/

+ Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania to Japan:
mail: amb.jp@urm.lt | web: http://jp.mfa.lt/jp/en/
EURAXESS Lithuania: http://www.euraxess.lt/

+ Embassy of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg in Tokyo:
mail: infotokyo.amb@mae.etat.lu | web: http://tokyo.mae.lu/en/
EURAXESS Luxembourg: http://www.euraxess.lu/

+ Maltese Honorary Consulate General in Tokyo:
mail: malta@ipsj-tokyo.org
EURAXESS Malta: http://www.euraxess.org.mt/

+ Honorary Consulate of Montenegro in Japan:
web: http://montenegro-consulate.or.jp/
EURAXESS Montenegro: http://www.euraxess.me/sitegenius/index.php

The Netherlands
+ Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Tokyo:
mail (S&T cooperation): mail@nost.jp | web: http://japan.nlembassy.org/
EURAXESS Netherlands: http://www.euraxess.nl/

+ Royal Norwegian Embassy in Tokyo:
mail (trade and technology office): svein.grandum@innovationnorway.no | web: http://www.norway.or.jp/embassy/english/
+ Research Council of Norway: tur@rcn.no
EURAXESS Norway: http://www.euraxess.no/prognett-euraxess/Home_page/1224067050882

+ Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Tokyo:
mail (S&T cooperation): tomasz.jamroz@msz.gov.pl | web: www.tokio.msz.gov.pl/en
EURAXESS Poland: http://www.euraxess.pl/

+ Portugal Embassy in Tokyo:
mail: portugal@embportjp.org | web: http://embaixadadeportugal.jp/en/
EURAXESS Portugal: http://www.euraxess.pt/

+ Embassy of Romania to Japan:
mail: alexandru.huza@mae.ro | web: http://tokyo.mae.ro/en
EURAXESS Romania: http://www.euraxess.gov.ro/en/

+ Embassy of the Republic of Serbia to Japan:
mail: embassy@serbianembassy.jp | web: http://www.serbianembassy.jp/english.html
EURAXESS Serbia: www.euraxess.rs/

+ Embassy of the Slovak Republic to Japan:
mail: emb.tokyo@mzv.sk | web: https://www.mzv.sk/web/tokio-en
EURAXESS Sovakia: http://www.euraxess.sk/

+ Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Tokyo:
mail: Mirjam.Cuk-Moishi@gov.si | web: http://tokyo.embassy.si/index.php?id=4929&L=1
EURAXESS Slovenia: http://www.euraxess.si/en/

+ Embassy of Spain in Tokyo:
mail (Cultural and S&T relations): santiago.herrero@maec.es | web: http://www.exteriores.gob.es/embajadas/tokio/en/Pages/inicio.aspx
+ ACE Japon (association of Spanish researchers in Japan): https://acejapon.wordpress.com/english/
EURAXESS Spain: http://www.euraxess.es/eng

+ Embassy of Sweden in Tokyo:
mail (Science and Innovation counsellor): niklas.kviselius@gmail.com | web: http://www.swedenabroad.com/en-GB/Embassies/Tokyo/
+ VINNOVA (Swedish Innovation Agency) Japan contact point: lennart.stenberg@vinnova.se
EURAXESS Sweden: http://www.euraxess.se/

+ Embassy of Switzerland in Japan:
mail (S&T office): tok.science@eda.admin.ch | web (S&T office): http://www.stofficetokyo.ch/
+ Swiss Alumni Organisations: http://www.stofficetokyo.ch/education/alumni/
EURAXESS Switzerland: www.euraxess.ch

+ Turkish Embassy in Tokyo:
mail: tokyo.ekonomi@hmtokyo.jp | web: http://www.turkey.jp/
EURAXESS Turkey: http://euraxess.tubitak.gov.tr/euraxess/

United Kingdom
+ British Embassy Tokyo:
mail (Science and Innovation Section): Elizabeth.Hogben@fco.gov.uk | web: https://www.gov.uk/government/world/organisations/british-embassy-tokyo
EURAXESS UK: https://www.britishcouncil.org/new/euraxess/

Sciencescope (France)
Sciencescope is a French organization of researchers and students in Japan. The main objective of Sciencescope is to reinforce relationships and promote research discussions between the French-speaking research community in Japan from any field or citizenship (researchers, engineers, students).
To this end, Sciencescope shares information about research in Japan through its website, online Social Networks or Mailing List. It also provides practical information for daily life in Japan (grant, job opportunities, internships, research events, etc.).
Finally, Sciencescope jointly organises with the French Embassy in Japan a yearly “French Research Day”. (website of the 2015 edition: http://jfr-2015.org)

German JSPS Alumni Association
The JSPS Club is providing a unique “Japan Network” within the German-speaking scientific and academic landscape. It features about 400 members, of which about 50 currently live and work
in Japan on a temporary or permanent basis. In addition, several Japanese universities with offices in Europe are institutional members of the JSPS Club.
There is no limitation to any nationality: German speaking researchers and scientists, even Japanese, are much welcome.
Although the association is called JSPS Club, membership is not restricted to former scholars of JSPS.
As of Jan. 1st 2017: membership fees are of EUR 60 a year for ordinary members, half-price for unemployed scientists and those still working on their doctor thesis and 300 Euro for supporting institutions.
Membership offers benefits such as: • Applying for BRIDGE fellowship • Designing program for scientific meetings • Information about joint projects in cooperation with
Japanese partners • Nominating for scientific awards/prizes • Receiving funding for visiting scientists • Receiving invitations to events organized by the JSPS Club

Italian Researchers in Japan
Informal group of Italian citizens, either currently or previously active in Japan. Activities include information sharing and gatherings.

NorAlumni Japan (Norway)
http://japan.noralumni.no/ | https://www.facebook.com/NoralumniJapan/ | https://twitter.com/noralumnijapan | https://www.linkedin.com/in/noralumni-japan-7793b486
NorAlumni Japan is a network for strengthening research collaboration, student exchange and industrial partnership between Japan and Norway.
Membership opens the door to a number of opportunities – job requests, invitations, updates on what is happening in Norway and in Japan, academic projects and tenures, along with the chance to attend both formal and informal events in both Japan and Norway.
The NorAlumni Japan network is open for everybody with a connection to Norway and Japan, and membership is completely free of charge.
NorAlumni Japan is maintained cooperatively by the Research Council of Norway and Innovation Norway, with the support of the Norwegian embassy, the Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education, Abelia, and Norwegian Chamber of Commerce in Japan.

ACE Japón (Spain)
https://acejapon.wordpress.com/ | https://www.facebook.com/acejapon/
ACE Japón aims to represent and give voice to the Spanish researchers community, providing support to its members in different ways through fostering academic networking to facilitate their integration in Japan; acting as mediators to increase and strengthen collaboration between organizations related to R&D in Japan and in Spain; disseminating our achievements, at an individual level as well as promoting the potential of Spanish scientists; increasing social perception of science and technology; and approaching society by organizing activities of interest to both parties.
ACE Japón accepts members who are Spanish citizens, involved in academic /research activities and based in Japan.
Membership costs JPY 2000 for PhD students and JPY 4000 for post-doctoral and senior researchers.
About EURAXESS Japan
We promote researcher mobility and cooperation, serve researchers of all nationalities and disciplines at all career stages. Free membership!
We focus on two actions:
To provide regular, tailored and reliable information
To organise networking and information events
Our community has more than 3000 researchers, managers and students who are interested in Europe-Japan collaboration or mobility.
Contact us for more information or for announcements to the community!