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EURAXESS Researchers in motion

Funding Guide

Europe - Japan Funding Guide

You will find here the second edition (2014/2015) of the “European Funding Guide for Researchers & Students in Japan”.

Following the success of the first edition which came out in 2011/12 and was very well received by the research community, this is a new, updated edition with information on the latest schemes that support mobility, research collaboration, and research exchange between Europe and Japan.

The information in the booklet is targeted mainly at those in graduate school at the doctoral level; or working as researchers at postdoctoral or more senior levels. It will also be of interest to those in universities or research institutions responsible for international relations, careers or research administration.

The content includes a brief overview of each scheme, outlining its purpose, research field, eligibility or nationality requirements, application deadline or expected call announcement schedule. The format of the booklet should enable researchers to scan the multitude of schemes that exist and quickly grasp the key aspects of each programme, while more detailed information may be available in our newsletters or on-line content, as well as on each scheme’s webpage.

In addition to the rich array of schemes under Horizon 2020, the document lists funding schemes of EU Member States and Associated Countries. It also lists some Japanese funding schemes open to international researchers, and those offered by other foundations or multilateral schemes.

We aim to provide comprehensive information that will be of interest to:

  • Researchers wishing to return to or visit Europe from Japan,
  • Researchers wishing to travel to Japan from Europe,
  • Researchers looking to locate European funding opportunities in Japan,
  • Researchers seeking to collaborate with partners either in Europe or Japan;

Without restriction on academia level (from PhD student level onwards) or discipline (social sciences and humanities included).

We would like to remind you that the list is by no means exhaustive. New schemes regularly come on board that will not be included in this booklet. The best way to keep informed of all new funding developments by using our funding database:

This document was put together by EURAXESS Japan in cooperation with the Science and Technology Section of the European Delegation to Japan, EU Member States and countries associated to Horizon 2020. We would like to thank them for their assistance in this project.

A Japanese version of this document has also been released, with some updates, in 2015.

Wishing you a good read!


Funding Guide for European Researchers and Students in Japan
