
One of the first things you will need when relocating to another country is to find a place to stay. The quest for suitable accommodation can often be quite challenging.
EURAXESS helps you to arrive prepared and ease this task!
Health insurance
A researcher in a foreign country will also have to deal with insurance and healthcare. During your stay, you must ensure you have adequate health insurance coverage and get familiar with the overall healthcare system in your host country.
Upon your arrival in a foreign country, it is important to become familiar with its banking system.
EURAXESS provides you with a wealth of information on the topic. Feel free to browse through.
Day care, schooling and family-related issues
If you are bringing your children abroad with you, it is essential to look into childcare or schooling as early as possible!
Culture and language courses
Learning the language of your host country when relocating is paramount to live the experience to the fullest, make connections, manage your daily life and integrate faster, and easier, in your new place.
Where to find language courses? How to enroll? What is to know about the country’s culture? Find the answers on EURAXESS!
Related information
Contact one of the EURAXESS Centres available throughout Europe for tailored, free of charge support and country-specific information.