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EURAXESS Researchers in motion


Our mission

The EURAXESS Science4Refugees initiative aims to facilitate refugee researchers in finding internships, part-time and full-time jobs, and access to the European Research Community. Through the EURAXESS portal, Science4Refugees initiative provides a complete range of essential information and support services for a successful transition in working and living in Europe.

Ukrainian researchers at risk are eligible to benefit from the Science4Refugees initiative without the need of holding the refugee status. Moreover, an overview of all existing support initiatives at the European and national levels can be found on our ERA4Ukraine page.

  •  You can rely on a supportive refugee-welcoming network of universities, research organisations and businesses across Europe to help put your skills and experience to use, as soon as possible.

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Tools & Resources for Researchers at Risk

There are many other resources you can consult that aim at supporting refugee researchers and researchers at risk by providing information about national labour markets, training courses, fellowships, and more.

This overview ranges from information on language courses, support and information services for academic recognition to research and higher education funding programmes as well as to academic mentoring and training programmes available for refugee researchers.

  • BRiDGEII Projects videos on academic mentoring provide tips and guidance for mentoring refugee researchers.

    Here you will find the BRiDGE II Video handbooks

    See also the online tools for supporting mentors of refugee researchers 

  • Caritas Sofia Centre for Integration of Refugees and Migrants “St. Anna” provides social counselling, psychological support, Bulgarian language courses, address registration, personal physician registration, home and employment assistance, art activities, mentoring programmes and other activities supporting the integration process in the Bulgarian society. 

    The job centre offers advanced Danish language education for foreigners who receive unemployment benefits, cash benefits or integration benefits. 

    The funding programme enables NRW universities to offer study guidance for refugees and German language courses in preparation for as well as during studies. Language Courses in Universities up to C1 (Admission threshold). 

    Language courses for refugees are 100% sponsored by the municipalities in Denmark. 

    The link provides information regarding the attendance of courses offered by the University of the Aegean on learning the Modern Greek language, for both absolute beginners and more advanced speakers. 

  • The Nydansk Association (Foreningen Nydansker), an educational and vocational membership organisation in Denmark with over 100 private and public companies supports the integration of immigrants in the labour market and regularly collaborates with companies on mentoring programs for highly educated refugees. A hands-on guide on mentoring highly skilled refugees can be downloaded here

    An academic and social integration programme, first offered to people in the asylum field (N, F, B-refugee or C refugee permit) who have had to interrupt a degree course, university studies in their country and/or who have already completed one or more courses. 

    The REST project focuses on the employment and integration of refugees in the labour market and provides workshops and matchmaking events with employers in order to create and apply a comprehensive training and support system for enterprises and organisations that want to employ and integrate refugees at their workplaces. 

  • “Refugee-friendly” Research organisations

    Whether you are looking for full-time employees or an intern, EURAXESS and Science4Refugees will help you find a match. The only thing you need to do when posting a vacancy on EURAXESS is to indicate that the position offered is to refugee researchers' applications.

    Post a job offer

  • If you work closely with refugee researchers, this section offers information and resources to help you support them more efficiently.

    This section is primarily aimed at staff working with refugee researchers. The guide is offering information for staff on how to support comprehensive career planning for refugee researchers in an early stage. It should assist in enabling refugee researchers to create their own individual paths and work towards a sustainable career in the host country be it inside or outside of research, while minimising the threat of dequalification.