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Are you looking to optimise your research career?
EURAXESS has valuable tools and resources to offer.
Have a look below!
EURAXESS Jobs is a stress-free recruitment tool where no charges apply.
Researchers can find a wealth of constantly updated information on job vacancies, funding opportunities, fellowships and hosting offers throughout Europe. Posting their CV will allow recruiters to find them.
Companies or research institutes can post vacancies free of charge and search for the CVs of international top-notch researchers.
Users can also directly access the national EURAXESS portals of the partner countries which contain information on research job, funding and hosting opportunities, as well as on personalised services in each country.
EURAXESS supports organisations provide a more attractive working environment for researchers by hosting the e-tool to manage applications to the HR Strategy for Researchers, the implementation tool of the principles of the Charter & Code in their practices and policies.
The Career Development section contains many resources, training material and other tools for both researchers and organisations.
Researchers will be able to plan their next steps in their career, assess their skills, learn about working opportunities beyond academia and read policy recommendations.
Those organisations interested in setting up career development services to support their researchers can also find valuable resources to help them in their endeavours.
Have you got already funding and looking for a host organisation? Or maybe you need a bright mind to launch your start-up? EURAXESS Partnering is a collaborative tool that matches talented supply and demand.
EURAXESS Services is a network of more than six hundred Service Centres located in 42 European countries.
These Centres help researchers and their family to plan and organise their move to a foreign country. This free personalised assistance helps researchers tackle issues such as accommodation, visa and work permits, language lessons, schools for their children, social security and medical care. Advice on career development and intersectoral mobility is also provided by this team of well-informed staff, at their service.
In an increasingly interconnected world, EURAXESS Worldwide offers users the chance to interact on a global scale.
EURAXESS Worldwide is a networking tool supporting researchers working outside of Europe who wish to connect or stay connected with Europe.
Whether you want to know more about European research policy, funding or further collaboration opportunities, EURAXESS Worldwide has dedicated teams in ASEAN (Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, and Vietnam), Latin America and Caribbean States (CELAC), China, India, Japan, North America (US and Canada) and Australia and New Zealand ready to assist you.
My EURAXESS is your private area that lets you manage your account, roles and services online.
Becoming a member takes very little time, has many benefits and is absolutely free!