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  • The European Research Council (ERC) has appealed to its grantees to provide temporary employment to refugee researchers and support staff from Ukraine. The information on possible job opportunities will be progressively published on the ERC website. 

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  • In the context of the current situation in Ukraine, an initiative has been put in place for projects funded under the Horizon Europe programme, consisting in the publication in the Funding and Tenders Portal of opportunities addressed to researchers or other specialists from Ukraine. 


  • Stay updated about the latest ERA4Ukraine news 

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Other support initiatives 

  • #ScienceForUkraine is a community group of volunteer students and research scientists from academic institutions in Europe and around the world. Their mission is to collect and disseminate information about support opportunities at the university, national, and international level for graduate students and researchers directly affiliated to a Ukraine academic institution.

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  • Inspireurope is a Europe-wide alliance for researchers at risk. The network facilitates cooperation between initiatives and programmes supporting researchers at risk and provides useful resources. 

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  • The Institute for Human Sciences (IWM) is an institute of advanced studies in the humanities and social sciences. Its Ukraine Information Hub is a central place to find information and content from the IWM and its community on the war in Ukraine. 

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  • The Robert Schuman Centre (RSC) at the European University Institute (EUI) welcomes applications for up to three fellowships for post-doctoral researchers of any nationality who are directly affected by the war in Ukraine. 

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  • The Human Frontier Science Programme (HFSP) supports innovative basic research that applies novel and interdisciplinary approaches to tackle fundamental biological problems and includes scientific exchanges across national and disciplinary boundaries. Since 1990, over 7000 researchers from over 70 countries have been supported and 28 HFSP awardees have gone to receive the Nobel Prize. HFSP launches a support mechanism, “Scientists for scientists”, to help researchers affected by the war in Ukraine. All HFSP-supported scientists and laboratories are invited and will receive support from HFSP to host displaced researchers in their institutions. 

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  • On 20 April 2022, the Science in Exile initiative launched the Science in Exile Declaration “Supporting at-risk, displaced and refugee scientists: A call to action”. The Declaration outlines key commitments necessary at the global level for both immediate and long-term support and protection to scholars and scientists who are at-risk, displaced or refugees, so as to build a better future for them, science and society at large. 

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  • The EUI has opened its programmes to all directly affected by the war in Ukraine. The EUI will provide funding opportunities to support candidates of any nationality who are directly affected by the war in Ukraine. This includes candidates who live in Ukraine, have been displaced or cannot return to Ukraine because of the war, or who are directly affected for other reasons that can be specified in the application. 

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    Digital Opportunities - ICT Jobs and Skills for Refugees 

    DIGITAL SME and its member associations developed a portal to allow refugees of Ukraine, as well as anyone else who has left their country for better opportunities in Europe, to find a suitable ICT job and support them in integrating into the new job market through upskilling, i.e., finding relevant training to empower them while relocating to a safer country in Europe. 

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    SPLOT UA Residency 

    An interdisciplinary scheme for young creatives of various specialties aimed at developing prototypes of activities and innovations that could be later implemented in Ukraine. Participants will work around topics inspired by the UA Recovery Plan: Healing the city / Rewilding the night / Revitalising education. SPLOT UA is looking for creative Ukrainians (aged 18-30), residing in Poland because of the Russian aggression, who want to channel their extraordinary interests or talents across diverse disciplines into something meaningful. 

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