EURAXESS Africa is an initiative of the European Commission established with the aim to provide free access to information about research in Europe, opportunities for research funding, international collaboration and trans-national mobility. It links researchers in Africa to Europe. Furthermore, the network is open to all nationalities and research fields.
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The last edition of the EURAXESS Africa Quarterly Newsletter for 2024!

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Doctoral Researchers in ECM-Hypoxia Research unit, Faculty of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine - Oulu, FinlandFaculty of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, ECM and Hypoxia The University of Oulu is one of the biggest and most multidisciplinary universities in Finland. We create new knowledge and innovations that help to solve global challenges. We offer you an international and inspiring working
PhD student Optimization in transport and logistics - Hasselt, BelgiumAbout the function As selected candidate, you will be guided in performing your research with the aim of obtaining a PhD. Your research topic is situated in the context of designing and applying operations research techniques for the optimization or simulation of decision-making problems in the
Sweden - 27 PhD positions in Synchrotron methods and applicationsPRISMAS - PhD Research and Innovation in Synchrotron Methods and Applications in Sweden – is a new doctoral network, training the next generation of 40 leading synchrotron experts and offering them opportunities for the development of their research careers, leading to the development of new

- EURAXESS For Researchers - presentation and leaflet
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- EURAXESS portal video
- How to post a job offer on EURAXESS portal? (watch introduction video or download detailed guideline)
- How to prepare a good European research CV?
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- Watch video on Career development tools
- What is Horizon Europe - Horizon Europe: Investing in our future together
- Webinar: How to prepare a successful proposal in Horizon Europe - Part 1Part 2
- Webinar: Dissemination and exploitation in Horizon Europe
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The structure of Horizon Europe consist of three main pillars as shown at the picture below

- Browse ERC Document library
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- wp_horizon-erc-2021_en.pdf
- Read before applying - MSCA FAQ at Net4Mobility+ project web site
- ERASMUS+ Resources and tools
- ERASMUS+ Programme guide - Download and read as pdf
- ERASMUS+ Programme guide - Read online
- Glossary of terms
- Entry conditions to Europe for third-country national researchers
- The European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for their Recruitment - download full-text (English, Francais, Portugues) or the leaflet (English, Francais, Portugues)
- Open Research Europe: The new EU open access publishing platform
- How to submit your research to Open Research Europe
- GEAR Tool - Gender Equality in Academia and Research
- How to do PhD in Spain? - a video guide
- How to prepare a good PhD research proposal? - a video guide
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- EURAXESS For Researchers - presentation and leaflet
- EURAXESS For Organisations - presentation and leaflet
- EURAXESS portal video
- How to post a job offer on EURAXESS portal? (watch introduction video or download detailed guideline)
- How to prepare a good European research CV?
- Read EURAXESS for you
- Watch video on Career development tools
- What is Horizon Europe - Horizon Europe: Investing in our future together
- Webinar: How to prepare a successful proposal in Horizon Europe - Part 1Part 2
- Webinar: Dissemination and exploitation in Horizon Europe
- Webina: Funding and Tenders portal for beginners
- Funding and Tenders portal - Find a call
- Find support for your Horizon Europe proposal from National Contact Points (NCPs) in your country or host country - search for NCP contacts at the Funding and Tenders portal.
- Find REFERENCE DOCUMENTS for participation in the programme
- Learn more about funded projects - find your inspiration - search abstracts at CORDIS here
- Visit Research*eu MAGAZINE
- Get informed about the latest news and the thought-provoking science and innovative research projects funded by the EU - Horizon magazine
- Learn how to boost your research results from Horizon Europe and watch Horizon Results Platform TV (HRP TV).
The structure of Horizon Europe consist of three main pillars as shown at the picture below

- Browse ERC Document library
- Find ERC funded projects
- Read before applying - ERC Frequently Asked Questions
- wp_horizon-erc-2021_en.pdf
- Read before applying - MSCA FAQ at Net4Mobility+ project web site
- ERASMUS+ Resources and tools
- ERASMUS+ Programme guide - Download and read as pdf
- ERASMUS+ Programme guide - Read online
- Glossary of terms
- Entry conditions to Europe for third-country national researchers
- The European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for their Recruitment - download full-text (English, Francais, Portugues) or the leaflet (English, Francais, Portugues)
- Open Research Europe: The new EU open access publishing platform
- How to submit your research to Open Research Europe
- GEAR Tool - Gender Equality in Academia and Research
- How to do PhD in Spain? - a video guide
- How to prepare a good PhD research proposal? - a video guide
The AU-EU High Level Policy Dialogue (HLPD) on Science, Technology and Innovation was adopted at the 3rd AU-EU Summit in Tripoli in 2010 as an important element of the Joint Africa-EU Strategy (JAES). The dialogue serves as a platform for regular exchange on research and innovation policy and aims to formulate and implement long-term priorities to strengthen Africa-Europe cooperation in research and innovation. The AU-EU High-Level Policy Dialogue (HLPD) on Science, Technology and Innovation is co-chaired by the European Commission Directorate General for Research and Innovation (DG RTD) and by the African Union member state holding chair of the Specialised Technical Committee (STC) on Education, Science and Technology of the African Union.

(source: https://africa-eu-partnership.org/en/partnership-and-joint-africa-eu-strategy)
In the context of the Joint EU-Africa Strategy (JAES) and the partnerships adopted at the AU-EU Summit in December 2007, the HLPD SOM plays a central role in formulating, reinforcing and evaluating the Africa-Europe cooperation in research and innovation (R&I).
The dialogue is co-chaired by the European Commission (DG RTD) and by the African Union (STC on Education, Science and Technology). During its biennial Senior Officials´ Meetings (SOMs), the HLPD brings together the R&I representatives from the 27 EU and the 55 AU member states. To engage the AU and EU economic regions in the policy dialogue, the regional economic communities, the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) and other regional organisations are invited as observers to attend the SOM.

Participants of the HLPD SOM 2019 at the African Union Commission headquarter
The HLPD SOM also acts as the forum which reports, supports and prepares the Ministerial Meetings on Research and Innovation. It further assists the follow-up the implementation of the Ministerial decisions. The first ever AU - EU R&I Ministers’ Meeting took place on 16 July 2020, under the framework of the AU-EU High-Level Policy Dialogue (HLPD) on Science, Technology and Innovation.
The HLPD SOM is supported by the HLPD Bureau, comprising of representatives from several AU and EU member states. From 2013 onwards, the HLPD bureau has met more than 50 times, mostly through video conference.
The Bureau provides logistic and technical support to the SOM and the chair, particularly in preparing input documents, following-up the implementation of SOM decisions and organising the SOM and Ministerial Meetings. The Bureau is chaired by the SOM chair. To this end, current members of the Bureau from the African side are: AUC – Department of Human Resources, Science and Technology, Uganda (AU co-chair), Central African Republic (1st Vice Chair), Namibia (2nd Vice Chair), Algeria, Egypt, Senegal, South Africa and Sudan. From the European side the following countries Croatia, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal and Spain are members of the Bureau.
The HLPD supports the implementation of the JAES by defining priority areas for research cooperation. So far, the HLPD focuses on the implementation of its four long-term, jointly funded R&I partnerships:
Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture (FNSSA),
Climate Change and Sustainable Energy (CCSE),
Public Health represented by the European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP).
During the first Ministerial Meeting of the African Union and European Union R&I Ministers in July 2020, the EU Commissioner Mariya Gabriel announced the Partnerships of the HLPD as part of the four thematic priority groups between the two continents: Public Health, Green Transition; Innovation and Technology and Capacity for Science. In this sense, each pillar will touch upon existing instruments of the cooperation:
Priority group Public Health: the EDCTP for Health;
Priority group Green Transition: the two partnerships on Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture (FNSSA), as well as Climate Change and Sustainable Energy (CCSE),
Priority group Innovation and Technology: the working group on Innovation under the HLPD.
At the request of the AU-EU Summit 2014, an African-European expert group was tasked, under the guidance of the HLPD, to draft a roadmap towards an AU-EU R&I Partnership on Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture (FNSSA).
The partnership on FNSSA aims to address the challenges laid down in SDG 2 (end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture) by stimulating the joint AU-EU research and innovation activities for an initial period of ten years. This will complement current R&I partnerships supporting the STISA objectives of food security.
Key goals of the FNSSA partnership thus include to:
- Boost the impact of AU-EU joint research at local level by addressing the entire value-chain, strengthening capacity-building (human, research infrastructures and institutional) and focusing on demonstration projects and pilot actions to bring R&I results to the users;
- Improve access to sustainably produced, nutritious and safe food, enhance income growth and promote rural development, contributing as such to Agenda 2030 (SDGs).
The partnership channeled a joint investment of EUR 381 million on four priorities:
- Sustainable intensification;
- Agriculture and food systems for nutrition;
- Expansion and improvement of agricultural trade and markets;
- A group of cross-cutting topics.
The FNSSA project database is part of the task to map and cluster ongoing and recently finished projects contributing to the FNSSA roadmap. It currently counts more than 200 current and concluded projects and contains projects in the area of FNSSA, funded by the European Commission framework programs such as Horizon 2020, as well as the African Union Research Grants. In addition, the database also contains a number of relevant projects from other EU Directorate Generals (DGs), and from various national funders within the EU. The projects all have participants from countries in Africa and Europe in cooperation.
For the successful implementation of the partnership, an AU-EU FNSSA working group was set up in March 2017, supported by the LEAP4FNSSA project and the former EU funded project research and innovation network for Europe and Africa (RINEA).
The FNSSA partnership is further associated with DeSIRA (Development Smart Innovation through Research in Agriculture). The objective of the DeSIRA initiative is to contribute to climate-relevant, productive and sustainable transformation of agriculture and food systems in low and middle-incomes countries. The FNSSA partnership supports the initiative by fostering international research, especially in Africa to address Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture.
Recent developments
The partnership is evolving with the new political priorities of the AU and EU. It is part of the ‘Green Partnerships’ in relation to the EU Green Deal and Farm to Fork Strategies. By mid-2020 the partnership has mobilized funding in the order of 380 M€. The FNSSA working group met eight times in 2020 and has approved a study on policies, which takes account of the changing policy priorities and will help to develop the partnership further. A study on projects reports on the project portfolio helps to identify gaps. An infographic provides an overview on one page. Several projects started in 2020, among them FOODLAND, InnoFoodAfrica, HealthyFoodAfrica, EWA – BELT, SustainSAHEL, SustInAfrica, UPSCALE and Soils4Africa.
UN Sustainable Development Goal 7 is fully dedicated to energy. Thus, additionally to the FNNSA partnership, a roadmap for a jointly funded AU-EU R&I partnership on climate change and sustainable energy (CCSE) was adopted at the 4th AU-EU HLPD SOM in Brussels in October 2017.
The first pillar on climate action for adaptation and mitigation involves generating and translating climate-related data and applying technological and system solutions that support information management and dissemination, as well as developing an integrated knowledge approach to climate action. It will be geared towards supporting countries in their efforts to implement the Paris Agreement and achieve its goals. As the Partnership evolves, the activities will be further refined and new areas will be considered, in line with new and emerging priorities and innovations.
The second pillar focusses on renewable energy (including the development and integration of renewable energy in the energy system, planning and modelling sustainable energy systems, and strengthening basic research and technological development) and energy efficiency (e.g. increasing efficiency of production, promoting energy savings). With more than 16% of the world population in 2017, Africa accounts only for 5% of the world's global primary energy use. Moreover, in most AU countries 70 to 80% of used energy is generated from traditional biomass (wood fuel). Africa has abundant energy resources (fossil and renewable energy). However, the main issue remains energy access. In sub-Saharan Africa, the average electrification rate is just 35%. In rural areas it is very low (below 20%).
The roadmap of the AU-EU R&I partnership on CCSE can be prioritised in terms of three phases, taking into consideration the goals and requirements of the Paris Agreement and the need to promote access to sustainable and affordable energy, in line with the Agenda 2030 and its Sustainable Development Goals:
- First phase: Establishment of enabling environment/capacity/regulations;
- Second phase:Conducting joint research in priority areas identified in the first phase;
- Third phase:Commercialisation and utilisation of research results.
An investment of EUR 84 million for climate services, renewable energy and energy efficiency will support the adaptation and mitigation efforts in various sectors for Africa and implementation of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. The new partnership will be assisted by valuable lessons learned from existing projects. Capacity-building, open data and open access are some of the cross-cutting issues addressed by the CCSE Partnership.
Recent developments
In the framework of the CCSE partnership, a working group was launched on 15 July 2020 with the task to explore future avenues of cooperation notably on green/renewable hydrogen, circular economy, energy efficiency in buildings, climate-environment-health nexus and climate. An online workshop on “COVID-19 and the health-energy climate nexus” in February 2021 is under preparation. Collaborative AU-EU activities in the field of sustainable energy include PRE-LEAP-RE, LEAP-REand ABC 21. In the field of climate changeCONFER; Down2Earthand FOCUS-Africa.
Africa-Europe Innovation Partnership (AEIP) is the pilot project of the innovation partnership and aims to connect high-quality tech hubs from both continents to explore opportunities for mutually beneficial partnerships resulting in collaboration, exchange and growth. It was launched in 2019 with the support of the African Union Commission and paved the way for a deeper cooperation between the continents in the innovation sector. AEIP aims to support and connect innovation and technology incubators and accelerators in tapping into new markets, find their trusted partner across the Mediterranean as well as build new perspectives, knowledge and networks. Incubators, accelerators and technology transfer offices play a key role in fostering development of innovative enterprises. They allow start-ups and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to engage in (new) business opportunities by providing support, guidance, mentorships and coaching, as well as access to essential network contacts.
In order to best assist the needs of tech-hubs and entrepreneurs in Africa and Europe, the AEIP gathers and continuously updates a list of useful resources on topics such as European funding opportunities, tech-hub management and business models, innovative approaches to startup support and technology transfer. The AEIP also promotes events, provides news and contacts.
The 5th HLPD SOM declared then in its conclusions 2019 the importance of innovation within a broader partnership, its cross-cutting nature, and its potential for the creation of sustainable growth, development, jobs and thus stimulating entrepreneurship. The AEIP was welcomed as a critical framework to foster collaborative alliances and relationships between the continents:
- Ensuring regular exchange between key actors in Africa and Europe in AU-EU cooperation and innovation;
- Identification of key issues in AU-EU cooperation in innovation;
- Elaboration of potential for AU-EU cooperation in innovation;
- Development of key recommendations for the HLPD.
ENRICH in Africa
As a follow-up of the AEIP pilot, the project seeks to set-up a self-sustainable network of European and African incubators and accelerators, strengthening their capacities to boost their local innovation landscape as well as providing cutting edge value to entrepreneurs and innovators from both continents. Geographically, the network will cover both the European Union and the Sub-Saharan Africa region with an initial network coverage of ten participants from nine African countries (Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe), which will be expanded throughout the project and beyond by the consortium and a dedicated, Africa-based ENRICH in Africa Network Centre.
From a strategic level, the ENRICH in Africa project supports the strategic dialogue between Europe and Africa in innovation and builds on the successes of previous EU-funded Africa-EU innovation initiatives. By continuing their legacy in the African-European innovation cooperation area as well as deepening the links between the innovation stakeholder communities, the project will contribute to the soon to be established EU-Africa strategic partnerships by strengthening innovation in areas such as green transition & energy access, digital transformation and sustainable growth & jobs.
ENRICH in Africa started in January 2021 and will run until December 2023. The consortium of 12 project partners, consisting of experienced European and African organizations in incubation, acceleration, innovation networking, digital innovation platforms and innovation funding, will implement the project in close collaboration with experts of the advisory board as well as key innovation actors from both continents.
International cooperation is a fundamental and inherent component of health research. In recent decades, the African Union Commission and the European Commission have strengthened their collaboration on global health and multilateral research. The current health disparities and the asymmetries in global health and health research, reveal the importance of a strong cooperation between Africa and Europe to address these issues.
At present, the European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP) is a public-public partnership between sixteen African and fourteen European countries, supported by the European Union. EDCTP is fully embedded in the AU-EU High-Level Policy Dialogue on Science, Technology and Innovation. Established in 2003, EDCTP is a key part of the longstanding cooperation between Africa and Europe in health research. Its goal is to reduce the social and economic burden of poverty-related diseases in developing countries, in particular sub-Saharan Africa, by accelerating the clinical development of effective, safe, accessible, suitable and affordable medical interventions for HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and neglected infectious diseases.
The second EDCTP programme (EDCTP2) also has a focus on vulnerable populations often excluded from clinical trials, including pregnant women, infants, children, adolescents, and people with additional health conditions (co-infections and co-morbidities). EDCTP2 supports clinical trials, as well as implementation research.In addition, the EDCTP is making an important contribution for research capacity building in Africa, supporting researchers’ careers and strengthening national health research systems.
Recent developments
In reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic, the EDCTP launched an emergency call for expressions of interest to support research on the coronavirus. With a budget of EUR 11.75 million (EUR 2.25 million from Horizon 2020, and additional funding from France, Sweden, France, South Africa and UK), this call aims at funding research to manage and/or prevent the spread of the outbreak and support clinical management. This first call will support 24 projects, ranging from studies contributing to clinical trials for diagnostics and therapeutics, validation and adaptation of existing serological tests and point-of-care diagnostic tests, to studies contributing to better understanding of the natural history of infection and improving surveillance capabilities and understanding of the role of asymptomatic infection in transmission.
- An EUR 18 million Coordination and Support Actions call was launched to strengthen EDCTP’s Regional Networks of Excellence, the research centres involved in clinical trials in the four regions of sub-Saharan Africa, these being: West WANETAM, East EACCR2, Central CANTAM and South TESA. Specifically, this was aimed at improving their clinical research capacity to conduct multi-country clinical trials as well as to consolidate South-South and North-South collaborations between researchers and institutions, encouraging networking to maximise the impact of clinical research in Africa.
- A EUR 5 million call was launched for further capacity development for disease outbreak and epidemic response in sub-Saharan Africa, in collaboration with the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC), namely by training and establishing an African cohort of epidemiologists and statisticians.
EURAXESS Africa will keep you updated on future events and activities within Africa-EU Partnership. Past events you can look at the Africa-EU Partnership website.

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About EURAXESS Africa
We promote researcher mobility and cooperation. We serve researchers of all nationalities, all disciplines, and at all career stages. The membership is free!
We focus on two actions:
To provide regular, tailored and reliable information
To organise networking and information events
What can we do for you?
You can visit us on our premises but it is necessary to schedule an appointment by writing to africa@euraxess.net. We will be glad to welcome you.
It is possible to invite EURAXESS Africa team to your institutions - universities, research institutes and companies. We will be glad to present the services offered by EURAXESS, cooperation and career opportunities with Europe, etc.
The main EU funding for researcher mobility (by the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions - MSCA and the European Research Council - ERC) can also be introduced. Depending on your needs, the interactive session can target faculty members, senior scientists or young researchers. If you wish to organise such a presentation in your organisation, please contact africa@euraxess.net
Virtual presentations (webinar or videoconference) are also possible.
If you would like to co-organise an event with EURAXESS Africa or to share ideas and suggestions, please do so by writing to africa@euraxess.net
For any question relative to Horizon 2020, contact the Research & Innovation Section of the EU Delegation to African Union: Delegation-African-Union@eeas.europa.eu
For EU funding of researchers mobility, contact Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions MSCA and the European Research Council ERC National Contact points (NCPs). NCPs in African countries can be found at http://bit.ly/Horizon_NCP.
EURAXESS Africa team can also provide you with useful information and present the funding opportunities in your institution. Contact us at africa@euraxess.net
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