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EURAXESS Researchers in motion


Join EURAXESS China Mailing List

EURAXESS China links researchers in China with Europe. Free information and events on research funding, research careers and collaboration opportunities. EURAXESS China has been serving all researchers interested in a research career in Europe since 2009.

  • Cluster 2 Info Days 2025
    Horizon Europe Cluster 2 'Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Societies' Info Day
    Under Pillar 2 of Horizon Europe, Cluster 2 "Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society" aims to meet EU goals and priorities on enhancing democratic governance and citizens participation, on the safeguarding and promotion of cultural heritage, and to respond to and shape multifaceted social
    EU Science Diplomacy Framework
    A European Framework for Science Diplomacy Report Released
    The Commission has published an expert report titled A European Framework for Science Diplomacy. The report is the result of a six-month co-creation process involving 130 scientists, diplomats and other science diplomacy experts, to develop recommendations for a future European Framework for Science
    EU China Research
    Flashnote on China research initiatives in Europe
    In the last few years, there has been a concerted effort to enhance the research about China in Europe. The EURAXESS China February 27 flashnote highlighted some of those efforts, focusing particularly on China research supported by EU funding via Horizon Europe programme. Explore the projects to
    MSCA PF 2025 China Japan Korea Info Session
    17 April 2025 - 17 April 2025
    MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship 2025 Information Session
    This webinar focuses on the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellowships (MSCA-PF), a mobility scheme that targets researchers who are holding a PhD and wish to acquire new skills, develop their career while carrying out their research activities abroad. This grant helps academics
    Forum of European Researchers 2025
    24 April 2025 - 26 April 2025
    The 5th Forum of European Researchers in China
    European researchers working in China are cordially invited to the 5th Forum of European Researchers in China held in Beijing April 25 to 26, 2025.As in years past, the Forum will provide opportunities to meet and network with fellow researchers working across China in a wide variety of institutions
  • Jobs and Funding

    You will find below fellowships, grants and other funding opportunities for your research stays in Europe including hundreds of support schemes for research cooperation and mobility between EURAXESS WW and Europe. EURAXESS covers all research fields, including Social Sciences and Humanities, Life Sciences and Physical Sciences and Engineering.

    If you wish to browse the global jobs and funding database, please click below:

  • European Scientific Diaspora Networks

    European Research Diaspora in China

    One of the tasks of EURAXESS China is to support European researchers coming to and staying in China. We do than by connecting them with each other and with the European Research Area here in China.
    Since 2015 EURAXESS China has been partner to member states' scientific diaspora networks supporting them in various ways, and from 2021 EURAXESS China has fostered and facilitated the establishment of pan-European thematic networks of European researchers in China.
    Representatives of each group works together on events and joint activities under the auspices of EURAXESS China.


    National Networks
    Member States' Scientific Diaspora Networks
    Researchers from several member states of the European Union have organized formal and informal national networks and associations.

    The Association of Italian Scholars in Eastern China
    AAIIC is a non-profit organization of Italian professors, lecturers, scholars and researchers working in Universities of Eastern China, with the aim of fostering the academic, scientific and technological cooperation between Italy and China.
    Facebook @Accademicicina @AccademiciCina

    Network of Researchers China-Spain (RICE)
    RICE was created in February of 2016 with the aim of bringing together Spanish researchers and scientists who fully/partially develop their activities in China. They want to boost the exchange of information and cooperation to offer new opportunities and enhance the efficiency of the
    Spanish scientific community in China. RICE network has received the support of the Embassy of Spain in China, the FECYT and the CDTI, and
    its members are professors, representatives of universities and industry.
    Facebook @/RedInvChiEsp @RedInvChiEsp

    Informal Network of French Researchers in China
    An informal network of French researchers in China, ran by the Embassy of France in Beijing. Organize annual meetings at the French embassy for French researchers in China, run an online forum for French researchers on WeChat.

    Netherland's Science Network
    The Netherlands Science Network (NSN) in China is a network uniting those who have a Dutch or Chinese background and have a professional career in the academia in the other, or both countries.
    Through this network you will have a chance to establish a network of peers and learn from each other's experiences. The NSN informs its members regularly on relevant changes in policies, new joint calls and invite them for offline big and small events.

    Informal Network of German Researchers in China
    An informal network of German researchers in China - do annual meetings in China in collaboration with the science section of the Embassy of Germany in China and the Beijing office of the German Academic Exchange Center. Do also regular online meetings and have an online forum on WeChat. Supported by EURAXESS China.

    Contact and we will add you.

    European Networks
    Thematic Networks of European Researchers in China

    Network of European Researchers in Physics and Chemistry in China
    A network of European researchers in China in the fields of Physics and Chemistry.
    Want to join the network and participate in its discussion on their WeChat group?
    Contact and we will add you.

    Network of European Researchers in technology and engineering in China
    A network of European researchers in China in the field of Technology and Engineering.
    Want to join the network and participate in it's discussion on their WeChat group?
    Contact and we will add you.

    Network of European Researchers in politics and economics in China
    A network of European researchers in China in the field of Politics and Economics.
    Want to join the network and participate in its discussion on their WeChat group?
    Contact and we will add you.

    Network of European Researchers in social science and humanities in China
    A network of European researchers in China in the field of Social Sciences and Humanities.
    Want to join the network and participate in its discussion on their WeChat group?
    Contact and we will add you.

    Network of European Researchers in the environmental sciences in China
    A network of European researchers in China in the field of Environmental Sciences.
    Want to join the network and participate in its discussion on their WeChat group?
    Contact and we will add you.

    Network of European Researchers in Biology and medicine in China
    A network of European Researchers in Biology and Medicine in China includes over 55 members based all around China.
    See more at
    or contact the networkthrough


  • About EURAXESS China

    We promote researcher mobility and cooperation. We serve researchers of all nationalities, all disciplines, and at all career stages. The membership is free!

     We focus on two actions:

    • To provide regular, tailored and reliable information
    • To organise networking and information events 

    Our community has more than 6000 researchers, managers and students who are interested in Sino-European collaborations. 

    Contact us

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