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EURAXESS Researchers in motion

Leaving Europe

Opportunities outside Europe

Changing countries can advance your research career. EURAXESS lists also jobs, funding and hosting opportunities outside Europe and allows you to create personalised alerts to stay updated on new opportunities.

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EURAXESS Worldwide

In addition to its European network, EURAXESS has dedicated offices in the following countries and regions ready to assist you: ASEAN (focus on Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Vietnam), Latin America and the Caribbean (focus on Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Mexico, and Colombia), China, India, Japan, North America (US and Canada). 

Connect with your nearest EURAXESS Worldwide office to get involved in their activities and become part of the European scientific diaspora in your region.

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Departure conditions

Leaving Europe entails specific formalities and bureaucratic procedures, such as de-registration from your municipality, cancelling your bank account or health insurance, and modifying your status as a taxpayer.

Check your departure conditions by selecting your country of residence from the EURAXESS National Portals list and/or ask for free, personalised assistance from one of the EURAXESS Support Centres.

Find EURAXESS Support Centers