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EURAXESS Researchers in motion

EURAXESS South Korea Launch Event



Info day: Europe & Korea Research Cooperation and Researcher Mobility

EURAXESS Korea Launch Event

13 July 2018 9:30 - 18:30
Four Seasons Hotel Seoul

Presentation files available for download:


What is this event?

On Friday 13 July, 2018, EURAXESS Korea Launch Event is taking place at Four Seasons Hotel Seoul to celebrate the launch of the European Commission's initiative supporting international researcher mobility and research cooperation, EURAXESS, in Korea. EURAXESS serves researchers of all nationalities, all disciplines, and at all career stages by providing regular, tailored and reliable information, and organising networking and information events. We hope to grow our member community of students, researchers, managers in Korea, to whom we provide prime information about opportunities for cooperation or mobility with Europe.


What is EURAXESS Korea?

EURAXESS Korea is the local branch of EURAXESS. We promote researcher mobility and cooperation between Korea and the European Research Area, a group of 40 countries (including the EU-28). We serve researchers of all nationalities, all disciplines, and at all career stages.
We focus on two actions:
- To provide regular, tailored and reliable information, and
- To organise networking and information events.
We hope to grow our member community (membership is free!) of students, researchers, managers in Korea, to whom we provide prime information about opportunities for cooperation or mobility with Europe.


Event features

The launch event's main feature is double:

- A series of roundtables of interest to students and researchers of all career levels interested in Europe;

- Two parallel seminars and interactive workshops proposed by professional trainers who come especially from Europe.

Attend, and you're sure to improve your knowledge about Europe-Korea cooperation and mobility, and to improve your grant proposal writing skills!







About the MSCA IF grant

The Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Individual Fellowships (IF) aim at supporting the international mobility of researchers within and beyond Europe as well as helping to attract the best foreign researchers to work in the EU. The grant usually covers two years' salary, a mobility allowance, research costs and overheads for the host institution.

IF is for experienced researchers of any nationality, i.e. researchers holding a doctoral degree or at least four years’ full-time research experience by the time of the call deadline; in any discipline (no age limit).

Individual researchers submit proposals for funding in liaison with their planned host organisation. Proposals are judged on their research quality, the researcher's future career prospects, and the support offered by the host organisation.

There is a yearly call for applications which opened on 12 April and will close on 12 September 2018.

Further materials about MSCA IF:

Grant details, Tips & tricks for application, Interviews of grantees on EURAXESS website

Official MSCA website


About the ERC grants

The European Research Council (ERC) is a funding organisation for frontier research. It aims to stimulate scientific excellence in Europe by funding the very best, creative researchers of any nationality and age, and supporting their innovative ideas. Researchers from anywhere in the world can apply for ERC grants provided the research they undertake will be carried out in an EU Member State or Associated Country. ERC grants are becoming more and more internationally recognised as awards for scientific excellence.

Research projects funded by the ERC can last up to five years and can cover frontier research in any scientific domain, including social sciences, humanities and interdisciplinary studies. The grants may help both emerging research leaders ('ERC Starting Grants' and 'ERC Consolidator Grants') and already well-established and recognised scientists ('ERC Advanced Grants'). Find out more about the different ERC grants.

If you are moving to Europe from a third country, you can apply for additional funding, which can total up to €2 million for a Starting Grant (instead of €1.5 million for those already established in Europe), €2.75 million for a Consolidator Grant (instead of €2 million) and €3.5 million for an Advanced Grant (instead of €2.5 million).

There are three calls per year according to each category. In 2018, the call deadlines are: October (yet TBA, Starting Grants); 9 February (Consolidator Grants); 31 August (Advanced Grants).

Further materials on ERC grants:

Grants details, Possibilities from Japan, Tips & tricks for application, Interviews of grantees on EURAXESS website

Official ERC website







MSCA IF Trainer:
Cristina Gomez, NCP for MSCA, Spain

Cristina Gomez joined the International Projects Unit of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) in 2009 to coordinate EURAXESS at national level and also carry out the monitoring and support to other FP7 and international projects. In January 2014, she was appointed National Contact Point and Expert at the Programme Committee for Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions, becoming part of the European Office, whose objective is to encourage the participation of Spanish Institutions in Horizon 2020. She has over 9 years of experience in national and European research landscape, with a focus on career development and mobility of researchers.

As an MSCA NCP since the beginning of Horizon 2020, Cristina participates very actively in the international NCP network and contributes to the promotion of the programme by delivering a large number of informative and hands-on training sessions in Spain, Europe and worldwide. Besides, she offers direct support to researchers and institutions, including personalized pre-screen service of MSCA proposals. As part of FECYT European Office communication Strategy, she has widely contributed to the promotion of Spanish institutions funding offers (MSCA and others).

LinkeIn profile | Twitter account


ERC Trainer:
Stefanie Schelhowe, NCP for ERC, Germany


Stefanie Schelhowe leads the team of the German National Contact Point for the ERC in Bonn. With more than 10 years work experience with European research policies and funding, she is specialised in ERC proposals since 2009. Besides dealing with daily questions of applicants, she has trained researchers in several information and proposal writing events as well as in specialised ERC interview trainings.

Core areas of expertise:
- Over 10 years work experience with European research policies / funding
- Since 2009 National Contact Point for the European Research Council (ERC), since 2013 head of team
- From 2010 to 2013 National Contact Point for the Joint Research Centre (JRC)
- Advising on proposal writing, evaluation process, grant management, interview preparation
- Organisation of high-level events, information and proposal writing events, interview trainings
- Detailed specific and generalist understanding of Horizon 2020
- Active as a trainer since 2009.








Alumni & facilitators:

Grantees and alumni from ERC and MSCA IF will participate in the event with short feedback on their experience, and as facilitators to the interactive sessions.


Dr Dong-Jin Kim

MSCA Cofund Fellow, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

CAROLINE Project (1 October 2017- 30 September 2020)


Dr Dowon Bae

MSCA Cofund Fellow, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands

LEaDing Fellows Project (1 March 2018 - 29 February 2020)





**DISCLAIMER: progamme subject to change without prior notice**
Registration desk opens (with coffee!) 30 minutes before programme starts. Please come early!

09:30 – 09:45 [Opening] the European Research Area: Opportunities for Fruitful Exchanges

Dr Michael Reiterer, EU Ambassador to Korea
Fabienne Gautier – European Commission, Head of Unit, DG RTD. B2, Open Science and ERA Policy

09:45 – 10:40 [Session1] Linking Europe and Korea
PART1. EU-Korea research cooperation: achievements and future perspectives

Science, technology and innovation cooperation form an important and rich part of the EU-Korea relationship as key to mutual economic growth. In this session, each panellist will present particular achievements in collaboration between Korea and Europe. Another special emphasis is given to schemes promoting the mobility and international exchange between researchers for the advancement of their scientific career.

Moderator: Halldor Berg, EURAXESS China

Panellists:  [5’ each + panel discussion]

  • Ju Young KIM, Policy Officer in Science, Technology and Innovation, EU Delegation to Korea
  • Dr Jong-Deok Kim, Director, Office of European & African Affairs, The National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)
  • Prof. Ui Wook Hwang, Kyungpook National University, MSCA RISE GETM3 project manager
  • Prof Il-Gyu Kim, Team Leader, ETRI, coordinator or EU-KR joint call on ICT
  • Tomasz Wierzbowski, EURAXESS Korea || Former GNSS.Asia project manager, Korea


10:40 – 11:40 [Session1] Linking Europe and Korea
PART2. EU-Korea Researchers Mobility Programmes – results, challenges and the way forward

This session aims to animate a discussion among researcher mobility experts from different institutions and with different experiences from European Commission, European Commission’s funding agency, National Contact Point for ERC, and MSCA Cofund fellows.

Moderator:  Samrat Kumar, EURAXESS India

Panellists: [5’ each + roundtable discussion]

  • Kitty Fehringer, European Commission, EURAXESS Worldwide
  • Ilse Schenk, EURAXESS Service Centre, the Netherlands || Nuffic
  • Dr. Theodore Papazoglou, Head of Unit, ERCEA
  • Dr. Hyong-Ha Kim, Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science / ERC NCP, Korea
  • Dr. Dong Jin Kim, MSCA Cofund Fellow, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
  • Dr. Dowon Bae, MSCA Cofund Fellow, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands


11:40 – 12:10 [Session2] INTRODUCING EURAXESS:
Improve your international careers and projects with us

In this session, EURAXESS as an initiative for international mobility and career development of researchers will be introduced to the Korean audience. It is a celebration of this new chapter in the country.

Opening Speech: Kitty Fehringer – European Commission

About global researcher mobility and EURAXESS Worldwide: Xiaomeng Shen, Germany Aerospace Center, EURAXESS Worldwide
About EURAXESS Korea: Matthieu Py and Tomasz Wierzbowski, EURAXESS Korea


12:10 – 12:15 Celebration of the official launch of EURAXESS Korea


12:15 – 13:30 Lunch Networking


13:30 – 14:30 [Session3] ERA Countries' Research Landscapes

This session is dedicated to highlighting the manifold European funding and research opportunities. Each panellist will present and highlight the national research infrastructure and funding schemes in another European area and will highlight opportunities for collaboration among researchers. Special emphasis will be given to innovation.

Moderator:  Matthieu PY, EURAXESS Korea

  • Caroline Adenberger, Commercial Attache, Advantage Austria Seoul
  • Eske Rosenberg, Embassy of Denmark
  • Elodie Franco-Ritz, Embassy of France, S&T Attache
  • Sabine Puch, DLR (Germany)
  • Peter Wijlhuizen, Senior Officer for Innovation, Technology and Science, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
  • Gareth Davies, British Embassy, Head of Science, Innovation and Energy


14:30 – 15:00 Coffee & Tea break


15:00 – 18:15 [Session4] European Funding Schemes for international researchers

* These two parallel afternoon sessions provide hands-on training for researchers on drafting proposals successfully under European funding schemes.

PARALLEL A. EU’s programme for excellent researchers looking to setup their own team in Europe: ERC

European Research Council (ERC) grants:
The ERC's mission is to encourage the highest quality research in Europe through competitive funding and to support investigator-driven frontier research across all fields, on the basis of scientific excellence.

Moderator: Kitty Fehringer, European Commission, EURAXESS Worldwide
Expert trainer: Stefanie Schelhowe, ERC NCP
Facilitators: Tomasz Wierzbowski, EURAXESS Korea || Dr. Hyong-Ha Kim, Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science / ERC NCP, Korea


A1-Introduction to ERC schemes

  • Introduction to the ERC grant schemes
  • The ERC-NRF researcher exchange scheme
  • Experience feedback and interaction with ERC grantee(s)

A2-How to write a successful proposal for ERC?

  • Details on different parts of the proposal
  • How to convince reviewers
  • Evaluation criteria for ERC proposals
  • Structure of evaluation panels
  • Interactive exercise on ERC grant writing

PARALLEL B. EU’s mobility programme for researchers: MSCA Individual Fellowships

The Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (MSCA): support researchers at all stages of their careers, regardless of age and nationality. Researchers working across all disciplines are eligible for funding. The MSCA also support cooperation between industry and academia and innovative training to enhance employability and career development.


Moderator: Matthieu Py, EURAXESS Korea
Expert trainer: Cristina Gómez, MSCA NCP, Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology
Facilitators: Dr. Dong Jin Kim, MSCA Cofund Fellow, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland || Dr. Dowon Bae, MSCA Cofund Fellow, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands


B1- Introduction to MSCA IF

  • MSCA Individual Fellowship in general
  • Specifics for Korea
  • EURAXESS, NCPs Support and Net4mobility+

B2- How to write a successful proposal for MSCA IF, part 1

  • IF 2018 Call in details

B3- How to write a successful proposal for MSCA IF, part 2

  • Experience feedback by alumni
  • How to prepare a competitive MSCA IF proposal
  • Tips, take-home messages and wrap-up


18:30 – 18:40 Conference Closing


 18:40 – 20:40 Networking cocktail