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EURAXESS Researchers in motion

Boost Your Career: Grants In Practice

Grants In Practice event series

Here, students, researchers and administrators can learn directly from experts and current grantees or alumni:

  • What types of grants there are and when are the calls?
  • What kind of documents and skills are needed for application?
  • How can researchers and institutions benefit?
  • How does the evaluation process work?
  • How to optimize your proposal, how to find hosts, and how things work once you get the grant!

This event series focuses --for now-- on the Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions (MSCA) Individual Fellowships (IF) and European Research Council (ERC) grants.


2018 Event: Parallel MSCA IF and ERC trainings!

The 2018 edition will take place within our launch event on 13 July. It will feature two parallel 3-hour trainings, held by professional trainers (Horizon 2020 NCPs -- experts coming directly from Europe), focusing one on MSCA IF calls, the other on ERC calls.

2018 event programme, details and registration here