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EU Funding and Int'l Collaboration in Horizon Europe: Pillar II info session


Horizon Europe graphic

Note: The speaker presentation can be found in the Attachments section below. The video recording is embedded. You can view the interactive Mentimeter results here.



Join an info session on Horizon Europe for researchers and institutions interested in European Union funding and collaboration opportunities. Horizon Europe is the largest-ever EU funding program for research and innovation, with a €95.5 billion budget for the 2021-2027 period.

This info session will explain Pillar II, "Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness," with a focus on how Canadian and U.S. institutions/researchers can apply to open calls. Given the international nature of the research consortia, we welcome attendees from around the world. Pillar II features €53.5 billion in funding.

The webinar will take place on Zoom on Wednesday, June 26th, 2024 at 12:00 noon Eastern Time (convert to your local time zone here). It will be held in English and is completely free but advance registration is required.


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Want to learn more prior to the event? Watch our info session from last year, aimed at U.S.-based researchers but with information applicable to all.


Date & Duration


Horizon Europe National Contact Points (NCPs) from the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) will present an overview and answer your questions during a Q&A session. Additional speakers will also present.


Adeline Marcos is a science journalist, expert of the Cluster 2 Committee on Culture, Creativity, and Inclusive Society of the European Commission's Horizon Europe Framework Program and National Contact Point (NCP) of the same. With a degree in Journalism and a Master in Journalism and Communication of Science, Technology, and the Environment, she has worked for 15 years at the Spanish Science News Agency SINC since its creation, publishing in national and international media. Her communication and consultancy work now focuses on Spanish scientific projects linked to cultural and creative industries, democracy, and socio-economic transformations through her position as NCP in the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) and her collaborations in the Spanish National Radio (RNE).

Marta Marin is PhD in Developmental Biology and Master in project management and international R&D. She has previously worked as international grants manager in La Paz University Hospital and the National Institute of Health Carlos III. Since 2022 she works at the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) as expert and national contact point for the Cluster 1 on Health and National Contact Point for the European Innovation Council Pathfinder and Transition calls, both part of the European Commission's Horizon Europe Framework Program.

Florent Bernard, PhD is Counselor for Research & Innovation at the Delegation of the European Union to the USAPrior to his current posting in the U.S., he was International Relations Officer for China at the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation in Brussels. He also held the position of International Relations Officer for India, Innovation Policy Officer, and Scientific Officer at the European Commission. He carried out postdoctoral research in Barcelona, Spain before joining the European Commission.

Claire Chen is the Senior Executive of NCURA’s Global Initiatives. She is currently the Horizon Europe’s National Contact Point (NCP) Coordinator in the U.S., she has served as speaker in various bilateral working groups such as the U.S.-Italy Bilateral working group on science and technology, and spearheaded NCURA’s transatlantic cooperation initiatives such as BILAT USA, ENRICH in the USA, and developed formal relationships the French University Association UDICE and the Finnish-American Research and Innovation Accelerator (FARIA). She holds a MA in international Communication and Public Diplomacy. She is a Board Member of Women in Science Diplomacy Association (WiSDA).


Horizon Europe Pillar II webinar flyer 2024-06-26


EURAXESS North America


Horizon Europe Pillar II presentation by FECYT 2024-06-26.pdf
(6.82 MB - PDF)