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EURAXESS Researchers in motion

Scientific Communication In Practice 2019




Scientific Communication in Practice 2019

13 June 10:00 - 18:00, ELSI Tokyo (access)

Presentation materials now available!

Please also check our updated 'Scicom resources' tab for more useful links


What is this event?

This is a pilot event jointly organised by EURAXESS Japan and ELSI, aiming at providing Japan-based students and young researchers with knowledge and tools for their scientific communication needs and endeavours in English.

Students and young researchers from all horizons, disciplines (including humanities and social sciences) and nationalities are welcome. Japanese nationals are particularly encouraged to attend.

To allow trainers to implement practical exercises during their workshops, seats are limited. Potential attendees will need to motivate their wish to participate at registration step (selection of attendees will be performed by the organisation committee if capacity is reached).


Event features

The event will mainly feature three workshops covering a large span of researchers' needs for scientific commmunication training:

  1. Academic writing (papers and grants)
  2. Oral communication (in academic or non-academic setups)
  3. Outreach writing (outwards communication on various supports)

    The whole day will propose practical tools and exercises so as for the audience to actively participate and learn.

Where and When?

This year, we propose one full day of training on 13 June (10am start) within the WPI ELSI building, Tokyo Institute of Technology.


Partner events:



Host & Co-organiser:


Partner events:

Grants In Practice, 11-12 June, Eu Delegation Tokyo
More info:

Falling Walls Lab Tokyo, 13 June, ELSI
More info: FWLT2019



Non exhaustive, non hierarchised, in progress list of references of interest:







Workshop 1: Academic Writing

Jesus Rojo Gonzales

H2020 NCP for MSCA, Spain, and Head of unit for Technology Transfer and European Programmes at Fundacion madri+d

Jesus Rojo Gonzalez holds a degree in Geography and Urban Planning, Master in Cartography, GIS and Remote Sensing, a Postgraduate Degree in European Initiatives and Programmes and Master in Intellectual Property, Competition and New Technologies. He has extensive experience in managing R&D projects and programmes, particularly in European and International projects. He is currently the head of unit for Technology Transfer and European Programmes at Fundacion madrid.




Matthieu Py

Coordinator, EURAXESS Japan

Dr Matthieu PY has a background in materials science and has experience as a researcher both in Europe and in Japan. From 2013 onwards he worked as research support (more specificaly towards internationalisation of research) in different organisations before taking the role of coordinator at EURAXESS Japan. He has expertise in science communication as organiser of science communication workshops and contests, and in research funding as advisor for research cooperation and mobility.





Workshop 2: Oral Communication

Caitlin Devor

Senior Specialist in Science Communication, University of Tokyo

Caitlin Devor is a science communicator originally from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA and a former member of Australia’s Science Circus where she regularly held fire in her hands, safely with science.


She writes to excite non-expert audiences about the daily-life relevance of new scientific discoveries and empowers researchers to find their own voices as communicators.



Caitlin Devor


Workshop 3: Outreach Writing

Thilina Heenatigala

Director of Communications, Earth-Life Science Institute (ELSI)



Thilina Heenatigala




Registration desk opens 15 minutes before programme starts. Please come early!
Please bring your laptop &/or writing materials for the workshops!


Welcome address

Overview of Scientific Communication practices


Workshop 1: Academic Writing

Matthieu Py (EURAXESS Japan)

One of the four main reasons of rejection of an article in peer-reviewed journals is that the author’s writing style is disorganised and the article is not structured properly. In this short workshop, we'll particularly focus on techniques to draft academic abstracts that will act as 'commercials' for your work while providing precise overview of the research within. [~40']

Jesus Rojo Gonzales (Foundation for Knowledge Madri+d)

Competitive grant writing is an integral factor of a successful research career. Finding the right grant for your career and prepare a winning application could be a daunting adventure. This workshop will provide you a basic approach with the understanding of the key factors of this process; and highlight elements such as grantmanship, timing, target audience, information gathering, do's and don't's for the writing and revision of the process. [~50']


  Lunch break & networking (lunch box available for attendees)


Workshop 2: Oral Communication

Caitlin Devor (University of Tokyo)

Can you describe your research topic in 90 seconds? In three minutes? Can you adapt your presentation to suit different audiences? In this workshop, we'll discuss audience awareness and top tips for making your next presentation enjoyable for both you and your audience. All participants will leave with a blueprint for their own research elevator pitch.


  Coffee break


Workshop 3: Outreach Writing

Thilina Heenatigala (WPI ELSI)

'Storytelling in Science'

Research is not only about charts and figures. It’s about storytelling, expectations and plot reversal. A well-written research could create a captivating story to link the science with the human connection. This workshop will explore how storytelling  methodologies can help to communicate your research better and through a hands-on activity, participants will learn how to build a narrative to their research work.

18:30Falling Walls Lab Tokyo start (partner event, science communication contest)