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AU-EU Innovation Interface

AU-EU Innovation Interface

The crossroads portal for the AU-EU Innovation Agenda

Welcome to the new African Union (AU) - European Union (EU) Innovation Interface, part of the Innovation Talent Platform! The AU-EU Innovation Interface will bring information on initiatives, resources and opportunities addressed to innovators, entrepreneurs, researchers and investors, generated as part of the implementation of the joint AU-EU Innovation Agenda. By doing so, the Interface aims to connect Research and Innovation Stakeholders and ecosystems at the interface between Africa and Europe and therefore bring value to the impact of the Innovation Agenda.


The Dashboard of Initiatives of the AU-EU Innovation Agenda is now available!

The Dashboard of Initiatives represents a "living inventory” of projects, programmes, partnerships and scholarships officially recognised as contributing to the implementation of the AU-EU Innovation Agenda. 

Launched in March 2024 during the EU R&I Days in Brussels, this Dashboard is updated on a quarterly basis, to include as many as possible initiatives that are aligned with the objectives and actions of the AU-EU Innovation Agenda. 

Do you want to actively contribute and wish to see your organisation's initiatives featured in the Dashboard? Click on the button below to learn how to make it happen and discover all information related to the Dashboard!


Workshop Series of the AU-EU Innovation Agenda

The series of biannual Workshops dedicated to the implementation of the AU-EU Innovation Agenda started in November 2023. The objective is to provide AU-EU innovators and the whole Stakeholder community participating in the implementation of the AU-EU Innovation Agenda with tangible opportunities for training, growth, networking and collaboration.

The series comprises a total of seven Workshops that focus on topics related to the priority areas of the AU-EU Innovation Agenda: Public Health, Green Transition, Innovation and Technology, Capacities for Science and Cross-cutting issues. 

Each Workshop consists of three components:

  • One on experience sharing, including testimonials by innovators, entrepreneurs and researchers providing insights on how they have benefitted so far from their involvement in the AU-EU Innovation Agenda. 

  • A Deep Tech Training Module, part of the “AU-EU Deep Tech Transformation Training Scheme”, covering different sub-topics according to the overall focus of each Workshop (e.g. Intellectual Property Rights, Artificial Intelligence, big data, quantum computing, blockchain, biotechnologies etc.).

  • One on match-making, fostering networking and collaborations among Stakeholders, known also as “The Virtual Café”.

The first Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) took place on 28 November 2023 and focused on how the AU-EU collaboration on IPRs could be shaped in the context of the AU-EU Innovation Agenda. The full recording isavailable here

The second Workshop on Access to Finance for Innovation took place on 29 May 2024 and was attended by more than 300 participants. If you missed the session, you can now rewatch it here.

The third Workshop focused on innovations in public health. The event was held in hybrid mode in Pretoria, South Africa, and online. The event report and video recording of the deep tech sessions will be available soon on this Interface. The fourth Workshop will take place in April 2025 at GITEX Africa and online. Subscribe to the AU-EU HLPD on STI newsletter to stay informed about all future events.

Join the ENRICH in Africa virtual Community Platform!

Funded under the EU Framework Programme Horizon 2020, Enrich in Africa (EiA) brings together key Stakeholders from European and African innovation ecosystem to upgrade the capacity of incubators and accelerators and benefit entrepreneurs in both regions. It supports knowledge exchange, provides co-creation opportunities, and enables the delivery of quality services for European and African innovators. Join this community to learn more about what ENRICH in Africa has to offer, expand your network, and find partners and investors!

Story map on the Projects pertaining to the AU-EU Research & Innovation partnership on Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture (FNSSA)

Find out how geographical analyses, based on the use of the “Africa Knowledge Platform”, bolster efforts to unlock tangible impact through the AU-EU Innovation Agenda.

If you are an investor, find out how you can engage in supporting the scale up of most promising and innovative projects!

Exploring International Collaboration Opportunities with EURAXESS Africa

Give your career a boost! EURAXESS - Researchers in Motion is a one-stop shop for researchers and innovators seeking to advance their careers by moving to other countries.

EURAXESS Africa aims to link researchers in Africa to Europe by providing free access to information, opportunities for funding, international collaboration, and trans-national mobility. 

Strengthening the Europe-Africa Digital Ecosystem (SEADE) Through Increased R&I Cooperation

Funded by the European Commission’s Horizon Europe programme, the SEADE project aims to deliver tangible support services to the Research and Innovation (R&I) ecosystems of Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa. The project’s objective is to provide Research, Innovation, and Industrial Development (R&IID) actors in Ghana, South Africa, Kenya and Senegal with a seamless Route-to-Market pathway, transferring research knowledge into market success.

Global Gateway Africa - Europe Investment Package – Flagships on Science, Technology and Innovation

In the context of the 6th EU - AU Summit, the EU committed to step up cooperation with African partner countries to improve capacities in Science, Technology and Innovation, strengthen innovation ecosystems, increase research collaboration and upgrade Research and Innovation facilities. Accordingly, the Global Gateway Africa - Europe Investment Package foresees three flagship initiatives with a specific focus on Science, Technology and Innovation, one of which is indeed on (i) the AU-EU Innovation Agenda, together with those on (ii) Earth Observation and Space Technologies and (iii) Regional Centres of Excellence.