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  • stand-with-ukraine


    An interdisciplinary scheme for young creatives of various specialities aimed at developing prototypes of activities and innovations that could be later implemented in Ukraine. Participants will work around topics inspired by the UA Recovery Plan: Healing the city / Rewilding the night /...
  • cfe

    Call for evidence on the EU Youth Strategy interim evaluation process

    The call for evidence on the EU Youth Strategy interim evaluation process is now published and available on Europa in 24 languages: EU Youth Strategy 2019-2027 – interim evaluation (   The EU Youth Strategy for 2019-2027 aims to: encourage young people to participate in democratic...
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    European Talent Fair - registrations are open!

    On Saturday 16 July 2022, the first ever European Talent Fair will be launched as part of the EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF). ESOF, this year at its 10th edition (from  13 to 16 July in Leiden, the 2022 European City of Science), is the largest conference in Europe about interdisciplinary and...
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    Open Call: New EU TalentOn for young academic talents

    Today, the Commission and Leiden – European City of Science 2022 launched a call for applications for the EU TalentON, a new event that challenges young, academic talent to find solutions contributing to the goals of the five EU Missions from Horizon Europe. The four-day event brings together early...
  • era4ukraine_banner_570x320

    Stand Up For Ukraine: private sector can donate in-kind support

    As part of the ‘Stand Up For Ukraine’ campaign, the European Commission has created a new system to channel in-kind donations from the private sector to Ukraine, Moldova and neighbouring EU countries, to help cater for the needs of internally displaced and refugees. The EU will coordinate the...
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    Together for Ukraine: get to know some of the stories

    As the war in Ukraine continues to rage, more and more people are being forced to flee their homes. Everyone can play their part in helping those fleeing the invasion of Ukraine and every effort counts. The European Commission is gathering some of the stories - stories of bravery and resilience -...
  • s4p_matchmaking1

    Science and policy matchmaking event

    The European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) and Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture (DG EAC) are organising a pilot science and policy matchmaking event to bring together researchers and potential policy-related host institutions. The event will focus on the...
  • improved_homepage_2

    Launch of a revamped ESCO portal

    The European Commission has recently launched a new ESCO portal to improve the look and functionalities for accessing the ESCO data and ensure a smoother user experience. The newly revamped ESCO portal is more user-friendly, fully accessible, and aligned with the Europass and EURES websites (by...