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    • Poland
    • Poland
    • Portugal

    MIT Portugal

    This programme arise from an agreement between the Portuguese Government and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA) aiming at financing exploratory research projects for the development of products and services of high technological performance, between public and private partners and...

    • Portugal
    • Portugal

    UT Austin-Portugal

    This programme arise from an agreement between the Portuguese Government and the University of Austin (USA) aiming at promoting and financing exploratory scientific projects proposed by teams of specialists and researchers in areas related to Research of Emerging Technologies.

    • Romania


    The MANUNET III scheme is funded under the EU-funded ERA-LEARN scheme. Objective: to encourage transnational research and development projects oriented manufacturing processes and high risk applications that demonstrate: • Market orientation • Active participation of enterprises • Implementation and...

    • Romania
    • Romania

    OPC 1.2.3. Knowledge Transfer Partnerships

    Full name: Operational Programme Competitiveness Action 1.2.3. Knowledge Transfer Partnerships. Specific goal: improving transfer of knowledge, technology and personnel with RDI competences between public and private sectors. Ojectives: - Encouraging interactions between higher education and...

    • Slovakia

    Support to Research Cooperation Bilateral Projects Between Slovaika and Other Countries

    These mobility schemes (they probably cannot be called programmes) have been in principle small international mobility grant schemes implemented in cooperation with other countries. They usually have no sectoral focus or specific target groups other than researchers/research organisations intending...

    • Slovakia

    Multilateral Research and Development Cooperation in Donau Region

    This mobility scheme is in principle small international mobility grant scheme implemented in cooperation with Czechia, Austria and Serbia. The scheme is part of the Donau Strategy, its priority area 7 “Knowledge Society”. It has no sectoral focus or specific target groups other than researchers...