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EURAXESS Researchers in motion


Self Test for Researchers

The test contains two parts. In Part One you are asked to reflect on your behaviour when working on intercultural teams and in Part Two - on your attitude to intercultural communication in general. 


Choose an option for each statement.



1. try to find out what makes the other person behave the way they do and continue taking part in the interaction.

Readiness to interact with others is an important attitude in intercultural communication.

Refusing to accept other people’s behaviour that may be different from what you consider “normal” is likely to have a negative impact on the way you communicate across cultures.

Going through the Intercultural Assistant Course, The image of the other: how useful are generalisations and Identity and identificationswill help you understand these differences.


2. continue taking part in the interaction but decide that you are no longer going to communicate with that person.



3. continue taking part in the interaction but decide that you are no longer going to communicate with representatives of that culture.


4. expect him/her to start behaving like you in order for your communication to be successful.



5. you decide it’s not possible to establish successful communication and discontinue the interaction.