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Researchers Test and Course

Intercultural Assistant Course


The course consists of three parts:

  1. The Substance of Culture
  2. Intercultural Communication 
  3. Mediating between Cultures 

Apart from the course materials, which are entirely designed for self-access, each part contains additional links and resources for those of you who would like to explore the topics further.

Parts One and Two contain a section introducing its aims and the different sub-topics. Each topic consists of a lead-in task, a short presentation text (and visuals), activities and final reflection. This topic structure allows for flexibility – you can do the whole course or opt for the topics which you consider most relevant to your needs.

Part Three contains short video stories about examples of real life situations presenting instances of intercultural misunderstandings. These will involve you in reflecting about what went wrong in the situation and how it could have been avoided.

Although primarily oriented towards researchers, the course is suitable for EURAXESS staff too as it will allow them to expand their knowledge of cross-cultural differences and raise their awareness of further strategies to cope with such in their daily work.

Test your intercultural competence


  • To raise your awareness of the complex substance of culture and intercultural communication.
  • To involve you in reflecting on some aspects of your own culturally-conditioned behaviour.
  • To help you identify some of your own views and attitudes towards cultural differences.
  • To suggest which sections of the Intercultural Assistant Course can help you boost your intercultural competence.

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The substance of culture

The aims of this section are to:

  • raise your awareness of cultural characteristics of culture variations 
  • engage you in reflecting on the above on your own cultural background

Choose topic:


  • to further raise your awareness of cultural orientations

  • tо engage you in reflecting on the way these have affected or may affect your personal and professional relationships

  • to encourage you to think of how you can apply this knowledge in practice

Approximate time: 40 minutes

Go to cultural orientations



Intercultural communication

The aims of this section are to:

  • engage you in reflecting on who you are, what factors have shaped your identity and how you see others
  • explore the essence of intercultural communication and how you can make the most of it

Choose topic:


  • tо engage you in reflecting on the factors that have contributed to forming your identity
  • to raise your awareness of the complexity of your personal and social identities
  • to encourage you to think of how you these may influence the way you communicate with others

Approximate time: 30 minutes

Go to Identities



Mediating between cultures

The aim of this section are to provide you with

  • opportunities to apply the knowledge and skills acquired while working on the previous two
  • some useful links for further consideration

Approximate time: 40 minutes


  • What seems to be the problem?
  • How to make the most of a stay abroad?
  • Useful links

Go to Tasks