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EURAXESS Researchers in motion

Intercultural Assistant

Intercultural Assistant

The EURAXESS Intercultural Assistant for Researchers aims at raising your awareness of the complexity of the intercultural encounters you are likely to experience as a researcher on the move. It consists of four sections.


The first section,What Is Culture?, explores some basic notions about culture.


The second section,Boost Your Intercultural Competence, introduces the notion of intercultural communication and intercultural competence with a view to the intercultural experiences you are likely to have.




The third section, Compare Cultures, explores one of the many approaches to describing cultural differences and allows you to compare your own and the culture of your host institution along Hofstede’s dimensions.


The fourth section, Socialising, contains practical tips about finding support while adapting to the new cultural environment.


What Is Culture?

Culture is… the way you speak, the way you behave, what you believe in, what you consider right or wrong…

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Intercultural Competence

The more competent you become in intercultural issues, the better you will be able to communicate successfully with people from other cultures. You will be more aware of clashes due to cultural differences and it will be easier to overcome them.

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Compare Cultures

Going through this section you will have the opportunity to learn even more about your own culture and compare its specifics with other cultures.

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Get Socialised 

From the first day of your mobility you enter a new world – the world of the local society. Everyday communication with people and interaction with your colleagues, making friends with locals and being in touch with expats from your own culture – in other words your active social life  plays a significant role in your wellbeing.
