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EURAXESS Researchers in motion

European Alumni Research Nights 2019



European Alumni Research Nights 2019

Network in an informal setup
at the European scale!

EARN#3 23 september is postponed!



유럽 연구 동문의 밤 행사 (European Alumni Research Nights)이란?

EARN2019은 2018년부터 한국 EURAXESS가 계획해온 유럽 연구 동문의 밤 행사입니다. 이번 행사를 통해 한국에 거주하며, 국적에 상관없이, 유럽에 관심이 있는 연구원들을 초대하여 함께 연구방향과 커리어 그리고 유럽과의 관계에 대한 토의의 장을 만들려고 합니다.
2019년 한국 EURAXESS는 정기적으로 더 많은 행사를 개최하여, 한국의 연구원들이 유럽에서 박사학위, 박사학위 후의 과정을 취득하고 연구 커리어를 쌓을 수 있는 기회를 모색 할 수 있는 시간을 마련하고자 합니다. 인문학과 사회과학분야를 포함하여, 다양한 학문 분야를 유럽에서 연구 할 수 있는 특별한 기회가 될 것입니다.
해당 행사의 첫 순서는 ‘연구 기회에 관한 발표’로 다양한 분야의 연구에 대한 소개 발표가 있을 예정이며, 두 번째 순서에는 연구 지원 프로그램에 참가한 한국과 유럽 연구원들이 각자의 소중한 경험을 공유하는 시간을 가질 것입니다.


What is EARN2019?

The European Alumni Research Nights events, organised since 2018 by EURAXESS Korea, aim to bring together researchers of any nationality, currently based in Korea and interested in Europe, to discuss research, careers and relation to Europe.

In 2019, we will held  several editions at regular intervals so as to allow local researchers to benefit from social, evening events which will feature talks on opportunities for Korea-based researchers to perform PhDs, postdoc or research stays in Europe at various stages of their career, which will be a unique opportunity for researchers to connect with others at the European scale, this for any discipline including social sciences and humanities

Each event will feature a short introduction presenting various aspects of research in orwith Europe called 'Research Opportunities Talks';and a second part where Korean and European researchers (often alumni from European grant schemes and programmes) will directly provide the audience with their valuable experience feedback.


Support Organisation:






ERC & MSCA mobility tools

Thursday 28 March 19:00 ~ 21:30


This edition's focus is on mobility tools, grants and opportunities to Europe for young researchers. The Research Opportunities Talks will draw an outline of the available programmes within ERC and MSCA; and the Alumni Talks will provide feedback from researchers with experience in Europe or in Korea with these grants. 

이번 동문의 밤은 신진 연구원들이 유럽에서 연구를 할 수 있는 기회 및 유럽-한국 연구교류 증진, 연구 보조금 지원에 관한 설명에 중점을 두고 있습니다.

또한, 연구 기회에 관한 대담을 통해 ERC와 MSCA 내의 연구 프로그램 관한 계획을 소개하고, 동문과의 만남을 통해 유럽 및 한국에서의 연구경험에 대한 피드백을 제공할 예정입니다.


Presentation files:

about euraxess about horizon 2020 about MSCA ITN, IF and ERC erc-msit exchange feedback 1erc-msit exchange feedback 2 erc-msit exchange feedback 3 erc project participant feedbackMSCA IF fellow feedback


Research Opportunities Talks:

Ju Young Kim || 김주영

Policy Officer in Science, Technology and Innovation, Delegation of the EU to Korea || 과학기술혁신정책관,주한 EU 대표부

'Overview of EU's tools for research exchanges'


European Commission - EU Delegation to Korea

Policy Officer, Science & Technology

Jul 2014 – Present


National Research Foundation of Korea


Sep 2008 – Jul 2014



University of Westminster

Master, International Conference Management

2007 – 2008



Bachelor, English

1999 – 2004




Tomasz Wierzbowski

Programme Officer, EURAXESS Korea

'Overview of EU's tools for researchers mobility'

Tomasz has been working as a EURAXESS Programme Officer since May 2018. Before joining the EURAXESS Worldwide team his professional career was in both public and private sector where he managed international projects financed by the European Commission under FP7/Horizon 2020 and Erasmus+ schemes. Tomasz holds a Ph.D. degree in Political Science and offers academic courses in International Relations. When he has some spare time, he enjoys building scale model aircrafts.

토마스 박사는 2018년 5월부터EURAXESS 프로그램 담당자로 일해왔으며, EURAXESS 월드와이드 팀에 합류하기 전에는 유럽연합 집행위원회에서 지원하는 국제 프로젝트 FP7/Horizon 2020 and Erasmus+ schemes를 운영하며, 공공, 민간 부문에서 활동하였다.

토마스 박사는 정치학 박사학위를 보유하고 있으며, 대학에서 국제관계학 수업을 가르치고 있다. 취미는 비행기 프라모델 조립이다.





Alumni talks:

Hyun Woo Kim || 김현우

Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology, Chemical Data-Driven Research Center, Senior Researcher || 한국화학연구원, 화학데이터기반연구센터, 선임연구원

Experience in Europe: ERC-MSIT research exchange at University of Luxembourg

hyun woo's profile


Yuhoon Hwang || 황유훈

Assistant Professor, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Department of Environmental Engineering || 조교수,서울과학기술대학교 환경공학과

Experience in Europe: ERC-MSIT research exchange at  University of Cambridge

Dr. Yuhoon Hwang finished his PhD at KAIST (Korea), and his postdoc at Technical University of Denmark. He is currently working in Seoul National University of Science and Technology (Seoultech, Korea) as Assistant Professor. He is working in the field of environmental engineering, especially water and wastewater treatment. He has research interests in application of functional nanomaterial for sustainable water production. He has mainly investigated nanoscale zero valent iron as functional nanomaterial, but he also has experience in making various nano-composite materials for more practical remediation application. He have visited Dr. Michael De Volder’s group at the University of Cambridge through ERC research network program.



InKyeom Kim || 金 仁謙

Professor, Department of Pharmacology, School of Medicine & Director, Cardiovascular Research Institute, Kyungpook National University

Experience in Europe: ERC-MSIT research exchange at Heinrich Heine University of Dusseldorf

InKyeom's profile


So-ong Kim || 김 소옹

PhD candidate, Cell and Microbial Engineering Laboratory, Seoul National University || 박사과정,세포 및 미생물 공학 연구실, 서울대학교

Experience in Europe: Participant in EU-funded ERC project NANOZ-ONIC

Link to nanoz-onic project page


Federico Pianzola

Senior Researcher at the School of Media, Arts and Science, Sogang University & Marie Sklodowska-Curie Researcher at the Department od Human Sciences for Education, University of Milano-Bicocca

Federico Pianzola (PhD, 2014) is Marie Sklodowska-Curie Researcher at the University of Milano-Bicocca (Italy) and Sogang University (South Korea). He received an international PhD in Italian Literature (University of Florence, University of Cambridge), with a dissertation on aspects of myth in Primo Levi’s fictional short stories. His research also concerns narrative theory and the impact of digital technologies on literature, especially regarding digital social reading and the use of Virtual Reality. His most important works are: “Looking at Narrative as a Complex System: the Proteus Principle,” in Narrating Complexity (Springer, 2018); with F. Passalacqua, “Epistemological Problems in Narrative Theory,” in Narrative Sequence in Contemporary Narratology (Ohio State UP, 2016). He is also managing editor of Enthymema, an international academic journal of theory, critics and philosophy of literature.






Spaces Work, Gran Seoul 7F ACCESS



18:30 doors open, 19:00 Introduction, 19:10 start

Opportunities Talks: 30' (including discussion time)

Alumni Talks: 20' each (including discussion time)

21:30 networking session & wrap-up

registration here!





Skill-up: learn to write better proposals for EU funding!

Wednesday 26 June 19:00 ~ 21:30


This edition will provide experience feedback from successful researchers, tips and tricks to better write EU funding proposals, and workshop sessions so as to upgrade your skills in writing proposals! A particular focus will be given to the MSCA-IF fellowships programme that allow visits for up to 2 years in Europe (deadline 11 September 2019); but this training can also help you improve your proposals for other EU funding programmes.


Presentation files:

MSCA IF general presentationMSCA IF do's and don'ts + workshops


Research Opportunities Talks

Tomasz Wierzbowski

Programme Officer, EURAXESS Korea

'The MSCA IF research stay programme and its proposal structure'




Mathieu Py

Coordinator, EURAXESS Korea

'The do's and don'ts of EU funding proposals (focus on MSCA IF)'

Dr Matthieu PY has a background in materials science and is a specialist in physical/chemical material characterisation. He has experience as a researcher both in Europe, where he obtained his PhD in 2011 (at CEA-Leti in Grenoble, France) and in Japan (Kyoto University) where he stayed as a graduate student and as a post-doc. He was involved in the development of new international collaborations with overseas laboratories and private institutions in Europe and in Japan. From 2013 he worked as a deputy attaché for Space Science at the S&T division of the Embassy of France in Japan.

He took in August 2014 the position of Coordinator of the EURAXESS activities in Japan, and launched the EURAXESS Korea hub in 2018. As a specialist of European (including EU) and Japanese funding schemes, and as an expert of research and innovation ecosystems, he promotes research cooperation and researchers’ mobility between Europe and Japan. His actions focus on providing tailored information to researchers and research administrators through web-based platforms and through individual consultation; setting up information sharing and networking platform events; counselling researchers and research managers about funding and mobility opportunities; and managing a community of researchers and research-related personel of more than 3,300 members in Japan and 400 members in Korea.





Alumni Talk

Teun-Teun Kim || 김튼튼


Research Professor, IBS Young Scientist Fellow, Center for Integrated Nanostructure Physics (CINAP), Institute for Basic Science (IBS)

Experience in European funding: MSCA IF recipient, University of Birmingham, UK


Dr. Teun-Teun Kim is currently a Young Scientist Fellow at Center for Integrated Nanostructure Physics, Institute for Basic Science (IBS), Sungkyunkwan University. He received his Ph.D. degrees in Department of Physics from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) in 2010. He did his post-doctoral work at KAIST (2010-2013) and continues as NRF post-doctoral fellow and Marie Curie Research Fellow (2013-2017) at University of Birmingham. His current research interests are focused on graphene and 2D materials based Metamaterials & Metasurfaces, PT-symmetric (or breaking) Metamaterials, and Topological Metamaterial.





Spaces Work, Gran Seoul 7F ACCESS

18:45 doors open, 19:00 Introduction, 19:10 start
Research Opportunities Talks: 30' (including Q&A time)
Alumni Talk: 20' (including Q&A time)
20:00 Practical workshop 1: the abstract
20:45 Practical workshop 2: the dissemination and communication plan
21:30 networking session & wrap-up

registration is closed!










Gender equality in research careers

Monday 23 September 19:00 ~ 21:30


This edition will provide you with an overview of the situation of women in research and innovation in Korea and Europe (with a quick review of the latest She Figures); a pick into the policies implemented on both sides to ensure gender equality in research careers and projects; and experience feedback from Korean researchers coming back from Europe. Further details and registration coming soon!.



Research Opportunities Talks

Tomasz Wierzbowski

Programme Officer, EURAXESS Korea

'Gender equality in the EU funding programmes for Research and Innovation'

Tomasz has been working as a EURAXESS Programme Officer since May 2018. Before joining the EURAXESS Worldwide team his professional career was in both public and private sector where he managed international projects financed by the European Commission under FP7/Horizon 2020 and Erasmus+ schemes. Tomasz holds a Ph.D. degree in Political Science and offers academic courses in International Relations. When he has some spare time, he enjoys building scale model aircrafts.


토마스 박사는 2018년 5월부터EURAXESS 프로그램 담당자로 일해왔으며, EURAXESS 월드와이드 팀에 합류하기 전에는 유럽연합 집행위원회에서 지원하는 국제 프로젝트 FP7/Horizon 2020 and Erasmus+ schemes를 운영하며, 공공, 민간 부문에서 활동하였다.

토마스 박사는 정치학 박사학위를 보유하고 있으며, 대학에서 국제관계학 수업을 가르치고 있다. 취미는 비행기 프라모델 조립이다.




Mathieu Py

Coordinator, EURAXESS Korea

'Gender equality in research careers in Europe: a status updateand hindsight from the She Figures 2018 report'

Dr Matthieu PY has a background in materials science and is a specialist in physical/chemical material characterisation. He has experience as a researcher both in Europe, where he obtained his PhD in 2011 (at CEA-Leti in Grenoble, France) and in Japan (Kyoto University) where he stayed as a graduate student and as a post-doc. He was involved in the development of new international collaborations with overseas laboratories and private institutions in Europe and in Japan. From 2013 he worked as a deputy attaché for Space Science at the S&T division of the Embassy of France in Japan.


He took in August 2014 the position of Coordinator of the EURAXESS activities in Japan, and launched the EURAXESS Korea hub in 2018. As a specialist of European (including EU) and Japanese funding schemes, and as an expert of research and innovation ecosystems, he promotes research cooperation and researchers’ mobility between Europe and Japan. His actions focus on providing tailored information to researchers and research administrators through web-based platforms and through individual consultation; setting up information sharing and networking platform events; counselling researchers and research managers about funding and mobility opportunities; and managing a community of researchers and research-related personel of more than 3,300 members in Japan and 400 members in Korea.





Alumni Talk

Soo-Hyun Mun

Professor, Department of History, Hanyang University

Experience as researcher both in Korea (University of Kukmin, Kyung-Hee, and Hanyang) and in Europe (University of Bielefield, Germany)



Professor, Hanyang University(September 2019~ )

Associate Professor, Hanyang University(September 2015~ August 2019)

Assistant Professor, UNIST(Feb. 2010~ August. 2015)

Research Professor, School of Humanities, University of Kyung-Hee(July 2008-Feb. 2010)

Research Assistant Professor, Department of History, State University of New York in Stony Brook(September 2009-December 2009)

Lecturer at University of Korea/University of Kukmin/Seoul National University




Ph.D. Universityof Bielefeld, May 2005

Major Field: Contemporary German History

Adviser: Prof. Ute Frevert(Director of Max-Planck-Institute for Human Development, Berlin)

M.A. Seoul National University(SNU), Feb. 1999

Major Field: Modern German History

Adviser: Prof. Byung-Jik, Ahn

B.A. SNU, Feb. 1996

Major: Western History




Spaces Work, Gran Seoul 7F ACCESS

18:45 doors open, 19:00 start
Research Opportunities Talks: 45' (including Q&A time)
Alumni Talk: 30' (including Q&A time)
20:30 networking session
21:30 wrap-up

event postponed