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EURAXESS Researchers in motion
NEWS4 Jul 2023News

Spain - 27 postdoc positions in Biomedicine and Health Sciences


ARISTOS is a strategic program in Biomedicine and Health Sciences, led by CIBER (Consorcio Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red) in Spain, that offers 27 postdoctoral positions for three years each. The program's goal is to provide highly-qualified postdoctoral researchers with opportunities for international, intersectoral, and interdisciplinary research through a competitive recruitment process. The program will have one main call and a reserve call if needed.

For any potential candidates, ARISTOS will offer a Kick-off informative meeting on July 13th at 15:00h CEST. You can register here.

What it is offered

Our advanced training program offers a holistic approach, incorporating both research-oriented and soft skills development, to enrich your professional growth.

A unique opportunity to gain intersectoral exposure awaits you, as you will engage in a secondment with a company of your preference.

As a member of our esteemed community of researchers, you will have access to various training events and meetings, fostering opportunities for collaboration and exchange of ideas.

We offer a highly competitive remuneration package that surpasses national standards, as a testament to our commitment to providing our researchers with the best possible experience.

  • FULL TIME CONTRACT: 36 months
  • MOBILITY ALLOWANCE: 3.600 €/year
  • FAMILY ALLOWANCE: Maximum of 3.600 €/year
  • TRAVEL ALLOWANCE: An average of 900 €/year
  • RESEARCH COSTS: 8.400 €/year
  • TRAINING: 3.000 €/year

With the guidance of a dedicated group of three supervisors, you can expect personalized mentorship throughout your career development journey.

More information

ARISTOS has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 101081334


Deadline: 30 September 2023