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NEWS13 Sep 2023News

Spain - 15 postdoctoral fellowships in cancer research in MSCA Cofund project AECC Talent


The MSCA COFUND postdoctoral fellowship programme AECC Talent launched by the Scientific Foundation of the Spanish Association Against Cancer (FCAECC), is a unique opportunity for talented postdoctoral cancer researchers across the globe to carry out their research projects in one of the selected host cancer research centres in Spain.

Fellows will be able to carry out international, intersectoral and interdisciplinary secondments, that may range from one month to one year, through which they will boost their networking opportunities and expand their interdisciplinarity.  Moreover, AECC TALENT will provide a comprehensive training programme to its fellows with yearly sessions that will range from specific courses and seminars on research skills to non-research oriented transferable skills, innovation and leadership courses provided by experts in the corresponding fields.

What is offered

  • Living allowance: 4 500€/person-month that will cover salary and Spanish social security costs arising from the employment of the beneficiary, including the costs of severance pay on termination of the contract.
  • Mobility allowance: 600€/person-month to cover private mobility-related costs (ie. travel and accommodation costs).
  • Family allowance: 600€/person-month for those fellows with family obligations during the fellowship duration
  • Research, training and networking costs: 1 500€/person-month that will be managed by host organisations to fund cost related to the fellows’ project (reagents, lab material) and activities foreseen in the Career Development Plan that contribute directly to the researchers’ career development (training, workshops, conferences, secondments, publication costs, IP protection costs etc)

Who is eligible

To be eligible, candidates:

  • must hold a doctoral degree and have a maximum of 8 years of experience in research, after PhD, following the criteria outlined for MSCA postdoctoral fellowships, at the deadline of the programme’s call
  • may not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Spain for more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately before the programme’s call deadline.
  • must have a demonstrable C1 level of English (both speaking and in writing)
  • all nationalities are welcome to apply to this postdoctoral programme as long as they comply with the MSCA mobility rule and Spanish immigration policy. 
  • must have at least a research article published or accepted within the last 5 years as first author (or co-first) in a first quartile peer-reviewed international journal at the time of application. 

Deadline: 23 November 2023

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