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NEWS8 Jun 2024News

Research Grant Hungary to attract foreign researchers in innovation

Research Grand Hungary

The Research Grant Hungary (RGH_24) is a new funding scheme that provides priority support for up to five years to outstanding researchers in the most dynamic creative phase, at the forefront of international science, who are foreign nationals or live and work abroad, and who, as leaders in their field, contribute to Hungary’s development as a regional hub of research, development and innovation by implementing promising research projects.

Projects must be implemented in a Hungarian host institution with a compulsory university affiliation.

Under the programme, basic and/or applied research can be carried out in the innovation focal areas defined in the John von Neumann Programme (digital economy and society, healthy living, green transition and circular economy, security and safety), provided that the project proposal complies with the call terms.

The call includes two sub-programmes:

  • Short-term Research Grant Hungary (RGH_S_24): 5 to 24 months, amount between 127000 EUR and 1 million EUR, approx..
  • Long-term Research Grant Hungary (RGH_L_24): 3 to 5 years, amount between 255000 EUR and 2,5 million EUR, approx..

In addition to staff allowances and employer’s contributions, certain specific material costs are eligible, and 40% of direct costs can be accounted for as general costs (overheads). 

Eligible applicants

The principal investigator may apply jointly with the host institution, which must be a state-recognised higher education institution, research centre, research institute, budgetary organ or an institution with legal personality of a budgetary organ based in Hungary, provided that it qualifies as a research and knowledge-dissemination organisations 

Requirements for principal investigators:

The application requires a prior recommendation (policy recommendation) that the research and innovation cooperation between the principal investigator and the host institution can contribute to the objectives of the call and to Hungary’s development as a regional RDI hub. This is initiated by the host institution with the Funder.

The principal investigator have not been employed as a researcher in Hungary during the 5 years preceding the submission of the proposal.

After the funding has been awarded, the principal investigator must be employed by the host institution as a civil servant or other employee (at least 0.4 FTE) and must undertake to stay in Hungary during the project implementation period.

Read the call on NKFIH website

Deadline: 30 september 2024