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EURAXESS Researchers in motion
NEWS23 Jul 2023News

LAC - III Jean Monnet Award, monograph contest for young Latin American researchers


The Project Jean Monnet Network - BRIDGE, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, and the Latin-American Center for European Studies invite young Latin American researchers to submit their works to the “Monograph Contest For Young Latin American Researchers - Jean Monnet Award”, whose main objective is to foster excellence in research on topics related to European integration and/or its relationship with Latin America. 

The topic of the monographs must be related to one of the following editorial lines of the Latin American Journal of European Studies:

  • a) European Union Law and Policies;
  • b) International Relations of the European Union with third countries and Latin America.

Who is eligible

Only unpublished monographs submitted will be accepted. Authors need to be:

  • Young researchers who are up to 35 years old in 2023
  • Enrolled in any Higher Education institution in Latin America or had been enrolled in the past 18 months.

Monographs (between 60-120 pages) written in English, Spanish or Portuguese will be accepted and authors must submit their monographs by 1 August 2023.

Deadline (EXTENDED): 13 August 2023

More informations, access the public call:

Call in English   Call in Spanish  Call in Portuguese

