The MOBILITY CONFAP ITALY CALL 2023 is open for applications from all areas of knowledge. CONFAP is responsible for selecting the candidates and awarding the scholarship. The call offers support for researchers in Brazil through Scholarships.
The Scholarship awards offer an opportunity for researchers associated to universities and research institutes based in the Brazilian States which support the present call, to develop strengths and capacities of their research groups, through research collaborations and visits, in partnership with research groups in Italy, part of the MCI network.
This call may be complemented by specific Guidelines issued by each one of the participating FAPs.
According to the CONFAP requirements, the mobility period may range from 2 to 12 months.
To find out about research opportunities offered by the MCI Programme, Brazilian candidates may consult the research opportunity info-sheets provided by the Network of Italian Universities. Apart from the offers published on this website, Universities part of the MCI Network may have other opportunities, therefore they can be consulted directly.
Who is eligible
Brazilian candidates may be:
- Master students interested at doing research for their final dissertation;
- PhD students interested in a sandwich PhD position: the PhD student must be and remain enrolled in a Brazilian PhD doctorate programme and perform the experience in the host Italian University for a defined period of time in agreement with his/her University of origin.
- Post Doc based in Brazilian institutions
All applicants must have a supervisor associated to a university in Italy, part of the MCI network
What is offered to Brazilian candidates
Support is offered in the form of Scholarship awards, which may include different funding components, according to the Guidelines or orientations of the respective FAPs supporting this call. The support offered within the present call may include:
- For Master Students, support offered exclusively for research periods;
- For Doctoral students, support offered exclusively for research periods;
- Post-doctoral research.
No tuition fees will be charged by any side for any exchange mobility. The values of the monthly scholarships will be indicated in the specific Guidelines or orientations provided by the respective FAPs which support the present call.
All practical details concerning the mobility period as well as certificates needed should be discussed with the host University.
Relação de Fundações Estaduais de Amparo à Pesquisa (FAPs) que aderiram à Chamada MCI – Mobility Confap Italy 2023:
- Alagoas – FAPEAL
- Amapá – FAPEAP
- Amazonas – FAPEAM
- Bahia – FAPESB
- Ceará – FUNCAP
- Espírito Santo – FAPES
- Distrito Federal – FAPDF
- Goiás – FAPEG
- Mato Grosso do Sul – FUNDECT
- Minas Gerais – FAPEMIG
- Pará – FAPESPA
- Paraíba – FAPESQ
- Paraná – Fundação Araucária
- Pernambuco – FACEPE
- Rio de Janeiro – FAPERJ
- Rio Grande do Sul – FAPERGS
- Rondônia – FAPERO
- Roraima – FAPERR
- Santa Catarina – FAPESC
- São Paulo – FAPESP
How to apply
Please read the call guidelines. Applications can be done through the link: https://sistema.confap.org.br.
FAPs may request that the proposals are submitted also in their own platform. To this end, applicants need to verify directly with their FAP. Contacts are available in the following link.
Deadline: 11 March 2024
For general information on the call, contact: elisa.confap@gmail.com