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NEWS25 Sep 2023News

Italy - up to 60 Max Weber Post-doctoral Fellowships in political and social sciences, economics, law, and history at the European University Institute


Applications are now open for the 2024/25 entry to the Max Weber Post-doctoral Programme at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence, Italy.

Amongst the largest, most prestigious, innovative and successful post-doctoral programmes in the historical and social sciences, the Max Weber Programme is located in an exceptionally beautiful setting with truly outstanding research and training facilities.

This multidisciplinary programme is offering between 50-60 fully funded post-doctoral fellowships to applicants from anywhere in the world in the fields of economics, history, law and social and political sciences. All areas and types of research within these fields are considered. Applicants can apply to be affiliated with one of the EUIs four departments (Economics, History and Civilisation, Law and Political and Social Sciences), the Robert Schuman Centre or the School of Transnational Governance.

Who is eligible

Applicants must be within 5 years of the award of their PhD. Preference is given to those who have recently completed a doctorate, not had a postdoctoral position before and/or are on the job market. Over the last years more than 90% of Fellows found an academic position upon completing the Fellowship.

The Programme is open to applicants from anywhere in the world, regardless of nationality, and is not restricted to citizens of the EU. 

What is offered

  • The Programme awards 1 and 2 year long fellowships according to departments. In extraordinary cases only can a fellowship be extended to a third year.
  • The grant provided by the Fellowship is currently 2,070 EUR per month plus - when appropriate - a family allowance.
  • Fellows in the Department of Economics and Political and Social Sciences who stay on for a second year will have the possibility of applying for a Part-time assistant professor contract (level ASSPR6/3) for 12 months involving some teaching duties and mentoring Ph.D. researchers: net remuneration would be approximately 850 EUR in addition to the monthly grant. The MWP operates a parental leave policy.
  • The Max Weber Fellows enjoy the superb research facilities of the European University Institute (including an outstanding library, a shared office space, and a personal research fund of 1000 EUR - 2000 EUR for second or third year Economics Fellows who are on the job market). The MWP is unique among postdoctoral programmes in helping Fellows to become full members of a global academic community.

In addition to the scholarships funded by the Max Weber programme itself, there are additional grants available that are funded by governments/foundations in Finland, Germany, Greece, Japan, Poland, and Slovenia. Please consult the Programme’s website for the conditions of these grants. Suitable applicants of any nationality may also apply for a second year at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva (IHEID). Candidates who apply to be affiliated with the Department of History can indicate interest in an affiliation with the Alcide de Gasperi Research Centre on the History of European Integration at the EUI.

To find out more about the programme, the training it offers and its multidisciplinary character, as well as how to apply, go to:

Max Weber Fellowships • European University Institute (

Deadline: 18 October 2023

More information

Watch a short video about the EUI Max Weber Programme: