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Horizon Europe work programme 2023-2024 - what's in it for Brazil and LAC?

banner What's in for Brazil and LAC

Read the highlights from the first two years of Horizon Europe implementation (2021-2022):


Horizon Europe work programmes and calls 2023-2024 were published in December 2022 with a budget of around €13.5 billion to support researchers and innovators in Europe to pursue breakthrough solutions for environmental, energy, digital and geopolitical challenges

We prepared an indicative list of calls with international cooperation as priority. These particular calls may be calling for collaboration with the Latin American region or specific countries of the region, like Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Mexico.

Indicative calls of interest for Brazil and LAC

About Horizon Europe and how to participate in the calls

Horizon Europe is the Research and Innovation (R&I) Framework Programme of the European Union with a budget of €95.5 billion. It will run from 2021 to 2027. The work programmes of Horizon Europe for the period 2023-2024 outline the objectives and specific topic areas that will receive a total of €13.5 billion in funding.

The vast majority of this funding is allocated on the basis of competitive calls open to applications from researchers, businesses and other interested organisations located in any of the EU Member States or Associated Countries to Horizon Europe as well as partners from all over the world.

The Horizon Europe programme is open to the world. Institutions from third countries (including Latin American and Caribbean countries) can join most of Horizon Europe calls as part of a consortium comprised of:

  • at least 1 partner from an EU member state and
  • at least 2 additional partners from 2 other different countries coming either from EU member states and/or countries associated to Horizon Europe.

To look for partners to submit a proposal, check this guide on how to find partners in Horizon Europe.

Eligibility to funding

Latin American and Caribbean institutions are fully eligible to funding from the European Commission, except institutions from Antigua y Barbuda, the Bahamas, Barbados, BrazilChileMexico, Panama, Saint Kitts & Nevis, Trinidad y Tobago and Uruguay.

In the case of institutions (public or private) from countries not automatically eligible to funding, funding can exceptionally be provided if:

  • The country is explicitly identified in the work programme and/or call for proposals as being eligible for funding.
  • if the granting authority considers that their participation as a beneficiary is essential for implementing the project, for example in view of their:
    • outstanding competence/expertise,
    • access to particular research infrastructures,
    • access to particular geographical environments,
    • access to particular data.

In all the other cases, the non-automatically funded institutions have to participate at their own cost. In some cases, such as Brazil and Mexico, complementary funding mechanisms were implemented by local authorities (see below).

Co-funding mechanism (Brazilian and Mexican institutions)

The administrative arrangement between Brazil and the European Union, which enables co-funding mechanisms to encourage the participation of Brazilian Institutions under Horizon Europe calls, was renewed on 19 November 2021. More information here and at Support to Brazilian researchers in Horizon Europe projects.
You can also watch an interview in portuguese of EURAXESS LAC's regional representative with explanation and tips on Brazil's participation in Horizon Europe here.

Mexican institutions can check more about the Puerta Horizonte Europa scheme here.

LAC scientists eligible to researchers' mobility programmes (MSCA and ERC)

Short- and long-term mobility of researchers both ways is an important driver of the EU-LAC research and innovation cooperation.

Individual researchers from all Latin American and Caribbean States can take part in mobility programmes under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions scheme (MSCA). LAC researchers may also apply for the European Research Council (ERC) grants, which are for the most ambitious and highest quality researchers.

LAC individual researchers, including from Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Panama and Uruguay are fully eligible to funding under MSCA and ERC. They don't need co-funding. For more details read our guides:

Horizonte Europa: Convocatorias 2024 - Webinar in Spanish

When: 21 November 2023 - 15:00 CET

Webinar in Spanish focusing on the last calls of Horizon Europe Work programme 2023-2024 for LAC.

Join us to learn more about the programme, the most relevant calls and how local organisations and researchers from LAC can participate, focusing on the calls targeting Latin America or matching the EU-LAC cooperation priority areas.

Read the highlights from the first two years of Horizon Europe implementation (2021-2022):