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EURAXESS Researchers in motion
NEWS7 Jul 2023News

Germany - 30 executive fellowships at EMBL for research infrastructure scientists


Are you an innovative thinker eager to develop novel methods and technologies for the life sciences? Are you driven by curiosity and impact? Do you wish to become an expert in service development, provision and research infrastructure management in academia or industry? If so, we would like to hear from you! Here is why.

The life sciences are increasingly relying on services provided by the core facilities, synchrotrons, data services and other research infrastructures. This creates a greater need for trained experts who know how to operate and develop scientific services. To meet this need, the ARISE programme (Career Accelerator for Research Infrastructure Scientists) at EMBL, is the first Fellowship programme of its kind in Europe that trains scientists and engineers for the high-level careers in research infrastructures in academia or industry.

You are invited to apply for one of the 30+ three-year Fellowships to

  • work at EMBL on a method or technology development of your choice which will have a potential to be provided as a service to external life science researchers
  • get trained in the operation and management of research infrastructures and service provision.

For the ARISE programme, we encourage applications from individuals who can complement our teams – we believe that success is built on having teams whose backgrounds and personal experiences reflect the diversity of the populations that our science serves. We are particularly interested in the strengths and lived experiences of women, and all genders, different ethnic groups and cultures, and all demographics to help us avoid perpetuating biases and oversights at this transformational point in our people strategy.

ARISE receives funding from Horizon 2020 under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie action COFUND (grant agreement No 945405).

Your role

As an ARISE Fellow, you will be developing a method, technique or technology of your choice which is the field of expertise of EMBL groups who are participating in ARISE, e.g.:

  • Bioinformatics, computational modelling, software development, data management, data science, AI and machine learning.
  • Imaging and image analysis, optical engineering, detector development, microscopy, X-ray optics, X-ray crystallography.
  • (Bio)chemical engineering, chemistry or chemical biology, omics technologies.
  • Automation, high-precision mechanics, microfluidics, robotics.

Your development should facilitate research in life science fields of genome, structural, developmental and planetary biology, cell and tissue biology, translational research, or drug design and have the potential to be integrated into the service catalogues of research infrastructures.

You will get trained for the jobs in research infrastructures (core facilities, data services, synchrotrons etc.) and attend over 60 courses on how to provide and plan services, how to manage the operation of diverse infrastructure, manage staff and finances, handle innovation and collaboration with industry, do strategic planning, and understand science policy and funding system.    

You will also be able to network with a diverse group of professionals working at EMBL and in ARISE partner organisations

The fellowship duration is 36 months.

You have

  • At least four years of full-time equivalent research or development experience (including first experience in technology development), after the university degree.
  • University degree in natural sciences or related STEM disciplines (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) at the level that theoretically entitles to enrol into a PhD
  • A high level of skills (postdoctoral standard) or expertise in a specialisation in which doctoral degrees are not usually awarded. Experience can be both in academia or non-academic sectors, but must be relevant to the research fields of our groups and teams that are participating in the programme.
  • Strong research potential that can be shown through eg., scientific publications, (scientific) software, unique or problematic data sets, technical documentation or similar, contributions to patents, examples of management of technology development projects or detailed description of any other innovative research you have performed and your achievements or through other ways to demonstrate experience relevant to technology-development and scientific services.
  • Capacity to work independently and think creatively
  • Fluency in English (written and oral)
  • Ability to work collaboratively, and communicate and work with a diverse group of individuals across the organisation
  • Good time-management and organisation skills

You might also have

  • Experience relevant to improvement or development of methods, techniques or technology that can be used for service provision.
  • A PhD degree

Why join us

EMBL is Europe’s flagship research laboratory for the life sciences – an intergovernmental organisation performing scientific research in disciplines including molecular biology, physics, chemistry and computer science. We are an international laboratory with more than 1800 employees from many nations, operating across six sites, in Heidelberg (HQ), Barcelona, Hinxton near Cambridge, Hamburg, Grenoble and Rome. One of our missions is to provide access to advanced technologies and engage in technology transfer activities.

EMBL is curiosity-driven, community-oriented and international organisation. As an inclusive, equal opportunity employer, we believe that diversity enables us to collaborate more effectively and be innovative in our approaches. We are, therefore, committed to creating an inclusive and flexible culture - one where everyone can realise their full potential and make a positive contribution to our organisation. We operate by our values of: openness, inclusion, integrity, transparency, fairness.

At EMBL, as per our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy, we actively encourage applications from people who are currently underrepresented in science.

We value our collegial and family friendly working environment, and offer excellent health insurance, pension contributions, flexible hybrid working arrangements, family allowances, diverse training opportunities and other social benefits.

Salaries and allowances offered to the ARISE fellows are competitive and a full overview of salaries at different EMBL sites for ARISE fellows can be found here.

Our working language is English.

What else you need to know

You will need to select the group you wish to join and prepare the short project proposal which you would like to do in the group. We strongly encourage you to contact the groups before applying, to inform them about your interest and learn about their future plans.

For details on how to apply, please visit our ARISE website. The application with all required documents should be submitted using the online submission system.

  • We accept applications from 1 July - 30 September 2023.
  • Interviews of top candidates are planned for late November 2023.
  • Start of the fellowship: ideally by May 2024.

Please contact the ARISE project management team ( if you have any questions or would need any kind of advice.

EMBL is a signatory of DORA. Find out how we implement best practices in research assessment in our recruitment processes here

Deadline: 30 September 2023.

More information