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EURAXESS Researchers in motion
NEWS13 Nov 2023News

France - 12 postdoc positions in life sciences within the ApogeeBio programme


The ApogeeBio programme, supported by the European Commission, launched its third call for proposals concerning experienced researchers with hosting possibilities both in the academic and the private sectors of life sciences and the environment.

The ApogeeBio post-doctoral fellowship program gives you an opportunity to join a research team at Genopole, a leading French biocluster for academic research and innovation located just south of Paris.

12 positions are available in the 3rd call with a salary of up to 3000 € net/month for 24 months strictly dedicated to international mobility toward the Genopole campus.

The research fields proposed are all applied to health/life sciences or to environment and biodiversity; they include:

  • Gene and cell therapies;
  • Human and environmental genomics;
  • Biophysics, structural and molecular biology, chemistry;
  • Computational biology including bioinformatics, biostatistics, machine learning and AI;
  • Systems and synthetic biology, biotechnologies;
  • The management of innovation including intellectual and industrial property and ethics.

What is offered

  • Attractive allocations: up to € 3000 net monthly salary for 24 months
  • Strictly dedicated to international mobility toward Genopole campus ;
  • Access to attractive positions among 14 academic laboratories and a potential of 77 companies, all located at the Genopole biocluster.

 The research fields proposed are all applied to health/life sciences or to environment and biodiversity; they include:

  • Gene and cell therapies;
  • Human and environmental genomics;
  • Biophysics, structural and molecular biology, chemistry;
  • Computational biology including bioinformatics, biostatistics, machine learning and AI;
  • Systems and synthetic biology, biotechnologies;
  • The management of innovation including intellectual and industrial property and ethics.

Who is eligible

The following eligibility criteria must be met by the applicant:

  • Diploma : On the date of application, the candidate should be in possession of a PhD degree or have 4 years-experience as researcher; he/she must have at least one publication in the first 3 authors (either accepted, in press or published).
  • Seniority: Candidates can apply within 4 years from obtaining their PhD degree or from the end of their 4 years research experience. This time limit is considered at the application deadline and is extended by one year per pregnancy, parental leave or national service.
  • Research topics: Total freedom is given to the applicant to design the research project and to choose the most appropriate host institution among partners; it is their responsibility to contact the potential hosting teams (listed on ApogeeBio website).
  • MSCA Mobility Rule: Researchers must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, research mobility, internships....) in the country of the recruiting beneficiary for more than 12 months, successive or not, in the 3 years immediately before the application deadline. Compulsory national service, short stays such as holidays, and time spent as part of a procedure for obtaining refugee status under the Geneva Convention are not considered in this mobility rule, they are allowed.  A declaration of honor on mobility rules will be requested.

How to apply

It is the applicant's responsibility to contact first the hosting teams according to their research field to propose a project, before apply on ApogeeBio submission platform  - submission in English (open via

Here are the different research domains of Genopole and the list of hosting teams.

Deadline: 28 February 2024

More information