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EURAXESS Researchers in motion
NEWS23 Oct 2023News

Europe - Postdoctoral fellowships for interdisciplinary research within the EMBL's programme Molecules to Ecosystems


EIPOD-LinC is a Postdoctoral fellowship programme supporting promising researchers from around the world who are passionate about interdisciplinary research. The programme is designed to support the increasing diversity of career paths in Europe’s research landscape providing researchers with the mentoring, training and career development support needed to become leaders in academia, industry and beyond.

The programme is embedded in EMBL’s unique interdisciplinary and collaborative research environment. Candidates work on self-designed interdisciplinary research projects in the context of EMBL’s research programme: Molecules to Ecosystems

From exploring the molecular components inside a cell to studying whole populations and ecosystems, EMBL scientists will explore these different scales through eight research themes that foster collaborative, multidisciplinary research:

  • Molecular Building Blocks
  • Cellular and Multicellular Dynamics
  • Microbial Ecosystems
  • Infection Biology
  • Human Ecosystems
  • Planetary Biology
  • Data Sciences, and
  • Theory@EMBL

EMBL has six sites in Europe: Barcelona (Spain), Grenoble (France), Hamburg (Germany), Hinston (United Kingdom), and Rome (Italy)

What is offered

Fellows will be based at EMBL and receive 3-year contracts to work on their self-designed interdisciplinary research projects. Fellows with a MS partner are expected to actively engage with their partner lab spending between 3-months and 1-year in the MS lab. Fellows who spend 1 year in the MS lab qualify for a 6-month extension of their fellowship.

Fellows will complete a well-balanced mandatory training programme focused on transferable skills important for scientists. Workshops cover career development, research integrity/good scientific practice and open science and data management initiatives. In addition, fellows complete three trainings of their choice based on their future career goals and interests. 

Fellows have access to professional career development support via the EMBL Fellows Career Service. This includes 1-to-1 career guidance sessions, access to career development resources and workshops and trainings. 

Who is eligible

Experienced researchers with diverse educational backgrounds (e.g., life sciences, mathematics, chemistry, physics, engineering, ecology, epidemiology, computational biology) who are passionate about pursuing ambitious interdisciplinary research projects in an international setting.

  • Applicants must have a Ph.D. by the call deadline (February 20, 2024). Researchers who have successfully defended their doctoral thesis but who have not yet been formally awarded the doctoral degree are eligible to apply. Successful candidates have 4 months to take up their fellowship. The latest start date is August 31, 2024 for fellows recruited in the 2023 call for applications.
  • The EIPOD-LinC programme is open to experienced researchers of all nationalities. Prior association (including visitor contracts) of a postdoctoral candidate with EMBL and/or a MS partner is compatible with application to the programme but cannot exceed 12 months within the last 3 years prior to the submission deadline. Any previous association must be indicated on the application form.

Deadline: 20 February 2024

More information


Watch the webinar about the call, held on 10 November 2023.
