The University of Cyprus invites Postdoctoral Researchers to submit applications for twenty seven (27) full-time Postdoctoral Research positions under the research programme titled: “ONISILOS - Co-funding International, Interdisciplinary and Intersectoral research excellence at the University of Cyprus”.
ONISILOS fellowships are available to top Researchers from around the word and within the frame of specific intersectoral and interdisciplinary disciplines and topics that can be found in this link.
Who is eligible
- Researchers of any nationality.
- Researchers must hold a PhD degree of a recognised higher education institution before the deadline of the ONISILOS call for proposals i.e. before 25/01/2024.
- Researchers must comply with the MSCA mobility rule: they must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Cyprus for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately before the call deadline - 25/01/2024. Exceptions and relaxation of the above mobility rule could be applied only on cases like career breaks, work outside research, research outside Europe for reintegrating researchers.
What is offered
Fellows will be recruited under an employment contract of two (2) years on a full-time basis, and will enjoy the same working conditions, standards of safety and occupational health, administrative support and available services as other researchers in UCY. Employer and employee contributions will be deducted from the amounts below, which do not include a 13th salary bonus.
Employment conditions will be aligned with the “Charter & Code for Researchers” regulations.
The monthly salary includes the following allowances:
- € 3080.94 Living allowance (Gross monthly salary)
- € 291.55 Mobility allowance per month (Gross monthly salary)
- € 194.36 Family allowance per month (Gross monthly salary), to married researchers, and to those with a status equivalent to marriage recognised by the country in which the relationship was formalised
Fellows will have the opportunity to request budget for research purposes like conference participation, seminar registration fees, consumables etc.
Deadline: 25 January 2024