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EURAXESS Researchers in motion
NEWS20 Jul 2023News

Brazil - Call for International ST&I research projects, including funding for research, scholarships and individual postdoctoral fellowships abroad


The National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) has opened the call for proposals for CNPq Call No. 14/2023 - Support for International Scientific, Technological and Innovation Research Projects with the aim of promoting proposals for international research projects through the award of scholarships abroad and funding resources, in all areas of knowledge.

In all, an investment of R$ 55 million is planned.

What is offered:

The call offers support for cooperation projects including:

  • resources for funding projects
  • resources for scholarships
  • postdoctoral fellowship for individual projects.

These projects will be supported in the following bands:

Track 1:

Co-operation project, understood as a research project with proven international articulation between already established groups, upon written manifestation of the international groups involved in the project

Track 1 projects will have resources for scholarships and funding according to the following modalities:

  • Doctorate-Sandwich Abroad (SWE)
  • Post-Doctorate Abroad (PDE) and
  • Technological Development and Innovation Scholarship Abroad in the Senior (DES) and Junior (DEJ) categories.

Track 2:

Individual project, understood as a research project that seeks to stimulate the engagement of doctors, with up to 10 years of completion of their doctorate, in international research in order to promote new scientific leadership.

It is desirable that the intended international training adds conditions so that the researcher can compete in cooperation projects, in the future, by Brazil.

    In track 2, the resources will be for the award of an individual Post-Doctoral Abroad (PDE) scholarship and the proponent will be the beneficiary of the PDE scholarship.

    The call also encourages cooperation between Latin American, Caribbean and African countries and regional diversity, encouraging projects with researchers from the North, Northeast and Centre-West regions.

    Who is eligible

    The person responsible for submitting the proposal will be the project coordinator and must:

    • Have a curriculum registered in the Lattes Platform, updated until the deadline for submission of the proposal; 
    • Hold a doctoral degree;
    • Have a celetista or statutory link with the institution of execution of the project or, if retired, prove the maintainance of academic-scientific activity and submit a statement from the project's implementing institution agreeing to its implementation execution.

    The institution implementing the project must be registered in the CNPq Directory of Institutions, and must be a Scientific, Technological and Innovation Institution (ICT) and/or private company incorporated under Brazilian law, with headquarters and jurisdiction in Brazil, as well as a public company or non-profit civil society organisation.

    Budget per project

    Track 1: Up to R$ 300.000,00 (three hundred thousand reais) in scholarships and up to R$ 150.000,00 (one hundred and fifty thousand reais) in project funding.

    Track 2: Up to R$ 200.000,00 (two hundred thousand reais)

    Deadline: 1 September 2023

    More information (In Portuguese)


    What the video in Portuguese about the call.