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EURAXESS Researchers in motion

European Research Nights 2018




Evening social & networking events
for the European research community of Japan

Keep in touch! 2019 edition coming soon!


Beyond Academia

Intersectoral Researcher Mobility in Europe and in Japan

Tuesday 19 June 19:00 ~ start
Nagoya - Nagoya Univ. ITbM Lecture Hall 1F


Research update: state of the art in europe and Japan

Xavier Eekhout

FECYT (Spain's research funding agency)

‘Supporting  researcher intersectoral mobility from EURAXESS’ (video conference)

Between 2002 -2006 he worked as a researcher in the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, an institution that is part of the largest research organization in Spain, the CSIC (Spanish National Research Council). Working within the framework of museum’s animal sound collection (, he co-authored several papers on animal acoustic communication and anuran behavior.

After specializing in international project management, in 2007 he was incorporated as a scientific manager in the FP6 Network of Excellence EDIT (Towards a European Distributed Institute of Taxonomy) where CSIC lead a work package. Apart of the of the technical and financial management of project within CSIC, Xavier Eekhout gave support to the Science Policy Group and collaborated in the preparation of the “Manual on Field Recording Techniques and Protocols for All Taxa Biodiversity Inventories”.

In October 2011 he was hired by FECYT, the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology, to coordinate the FP7 project EURAXESS TOP II (January 2012 – December 2014). Since October 2015 he is back in FECYT to manage its participation in other EURAXESS-related European projects: The FP7 project PIPERS (December 2014 – December 2016), and the H2020 projects EURAXESS TOP III (September 2015 – August 2018), EURAXIND (May 2016 – April 2018) and EUESCADA (March 2017 – February 2018).

Apart from EU projects, Xavier collaborates in the management of the EURAXESS Spain network coordinated by FECYT, and has participated in several working groups related to researcher career development of the ERA Steering Group on Human Resources and Mobility.


EURAXESS is a pan European network aimed at supporting researcher career development directly contributing to 2 key ERA (European Research Area) priorities: (1) creating ‘an open labour market for researchers’, and (2) ‘the optimal circulation of, access to, and transfer of scientific knowledge’.

Within this general aim, the EURAXIND project, funded by the H2020 programme (May 2016 – April 2018)  and coordinated by CRAC-Vitae (UK), has focused on producing online tools for increasing business (i.e., non-academic) researcher employers engagement with the EURAXESS network, and to encourage researchers within academia to consider research careers in other sectors beyond academia. For the preparation of these tools, the perspectives and needs of academic institutions, business employers and researchers have been taken into account.

Through this presentation we want to introduce to the audience the final outputs of the project, which will be part of the online career development support resources of the European EURAXESS portal (




Masaki Sudo

Nagoya University / ITbM

'Intersectoral mobility in Nagoya and in Japan'

Masaki Sudo is an alliance manager at Institute of Transformative Bio-Molecules, Nagoya University.

His interest and technical background lie in pharmaceutical research and development. He started his career as a medicinal chemist, expanding his specialty to high-throughput chemistry technologies, project management in drug discovery, and licensing and business development, for 20 years at a total of 3 companies, which comprise a domestic pharma, a global pharma and a bio-tech.

After serving as Executive Director, Head of Chemistry at RaQualia Pharma, Inc., he moved from industry to academia, where he currently oversees project planning and coordination of joint research and technology transfer between academia and industry.

Medicinal chemistry, high-throughput chemistry technologies, pharmaceutical research and development, and licensing and business development.




Experience feedback: personal experiences of intersectoral mobility in Europe and Japan

Giorgio Colombo

Associate Professor, Nagoya University Graduate School of Law

There and Back Again? A Lawyer's Tale
Between Law Firms and Academia



Arvydas Kausas

Researcher, Institute for Molecular Science, Center for Mesoscopic Sciences

Working in Industry and Academia in Lithuania and in Japan


Rene Wink

Technical Sales Specialist, NanoTemper Tech, Germany

Tips on Transitioning From Academia to Industry (Japan and Europe)

Rene Wink started his career with a Ph.D. in biology (molecular developmental genetics and biochemistry) conducted at Heinrich Heine University Duesseldorf (HHU/Germany) and Michigan State University (MSU/USA). He continued with a postdoc at the Institute of Transformative Biomolecules (ITbM/Japan) until he decided to change to the industry side and do something entirely new. He jumped into a headhunting role for the financial industry within the metropolitan area of Tokyo.

These experiences prepared him for his current role at Nanotemper Technologies (Munich/Germany), where he works as Technical Sales Specialist with focus on biophysical high-end technologies for academic and industrial research.




Nagoya University, ITbM Lecture Hall 1F
Nagoya, Chikusa-ku, Furocho

18:30 doors open, 19:00 Introduction, 19:05 start
Research update: 30' / 30' + break & discussion time
Experience feedback: 10' each + discussion time
22:00 wrap-up











Science in the Oven Open

Open Science's Impact on Research Careers

Thursday 24 May, 19:00~
Tokyo - Toranomon Hills Cafe 2F



Research update: state of the art in Europe & Japan

Matthieu Py


EU's recent developments in the area of Open Science


Kazuhiro Hayashi


Paradigm shifts generated by Open Science

Kazuhiro Hayashi has been in Scholarly publishing, in a wide variety of roles, for more than 20 years. At Chemical Society of Japan, he has worked successively as an Editor, a Production Manager, an E-journal Manager, and a Promotions Manager. Covering a broad range of roles in publishing, he is focused on scholarly communication through E-journals, and he has reconstructed and improved the way publishing is managed through his skills involving information technology. He now studies a Science for Science and Innovation Policy to give administrative people and policy makers some evidences for Science and Technology policy. His main task is policy implication of Open Science and Open Access, together with developing a new way to foresight ST trends.

Specialties: not-for-profit publishing, e-journals, scholarly communication, open science

LinkedIn || Twitter





Roundtable: individual experiences in various Open Science areas

Martin Vacha

Tokyo Institute of Technology

Open Access: editing open access journals

Professor, Department of Organic and Polymeric Materials, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Editor in chief, NPG Asia Materials



Naoto Ikegai

Toyo University

Open Data: databases for researchers in the arts and humanities

Naoto Ikegai is visiting associate professor of Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies at the University of Tokyo. His research interests are in the fields of information law and policy, digital cultural heritage, and digital platform strategy. Prior to his current position, Naoto served as a faculty member of the University of Tokyo Library System and researcher of Art Archive Center at Tokyo University of the Arts. Naoto holds a Ph.D. in Socio-information and Communication Studies from the University of Tokyo.



James Cannon

Kyushu University

Open Education: how to bring active learning to the classroom and the public

I am a contract associate professor within the Mechanical Engineering department at Kyushu University (Fukuoka, Japan) and deputy-director of the International Education Support Centre for Engineering. My position allows me to combine research into nano-scale thermo-physical properties of liquids and solids with my interests in modern teaching methods and internationalisation.


I utilise active learning methods for all of my classes to maximise student outcomes. In particular, I employ Online Challenge-Based Active Learning (CBAL). Together with Assistant Professor Mika Tamura of the International Education Support Center for Engineering I have set up the ATLAS Initiative (Active Learning in STEM), of which CBAL is one integral part.

Curriculum Vitae

2016-present: Contract Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University, Fukuoka Japan

2013-2016: Research Assistant Professor, TEEL (Shiomi) lab, University of Tokyo, Japan

2010-2013: Post-doctoral researcher (2 years JSPS), Maruyama-Shiomi lab, University of Tokyo, Japan

2009-2010: Post-doctoral researcher, Sogang Energy-Water Nexus lab, Sogang University, Korea

2009: PhD in Physics, Advanced Technology Institute, University of Surrey, UK

2005: MPhys (1st class) in Physics, University of Surrey, UK






Pieter Franken


Citizen Science: how to bring society to participate in science

Pieter Franken’s career spans over 25 years in Financial Services, specializing in O&T, Fintech, innovation and large-scale transformations.

In 2011 Pieter co-founded - a global initiative to collect citizen sourced environmental data. Since 2016 he is a member of Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) International Technology Advisory Panel (ITAP)

Pieter holds a MSc in Computer Science from Delft University and currently is a Guest Professor at Keio University and researcher with MIT Media Lab where he contributes to research in Citizen Science, IoT and Block-chain technologies.




Venture Cafe Tokyo
Toranomon Hills Cafe
Minato-ku Toranomon 1 - chome 23-3 Toranomon Hills Mori Tower 2F

18:30 doors open, 19:00 Introduction, 19:15 start
Research update: 10' / 40' + break & discussion time
Roundtable: 4 x 5' introduction + 20' discussion + 20' Q&A
21:30 wrap-up

First floor of the venue is a cafe!
Looking forward to seeing you on the 24th!

Register now to ERN#3 - Open Science - 24 May Tokyo









Venture Cafe Tokyo




Gender Equality in Research
& Dual-Careers

Thursday 8 March, 19:00~
Tokyo Chiyoda-ku



Research update: state of the art in Europe & Japan

Matthieu Py


Gender equality in EU's research and innovation framework programme, and She Figures




Hisako Ohtsubo

Nihon University

Women in STEM careers in Japan


Hisako Ohtsubo is a senior researcher of Research Institute of Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy, Nihon University, a former Professor & Head of the Female Scientists Support Unit (FSSU), Nihon University, Active members of Japan Inter-Society Liaison Association for promoting Equal Participation of Men and Women in Science and Engineering (EPMEWSE, so-called RENRAKUKAI), working on the gender issue in the field of Life Science. She spent her early days of her career (70s~80s) at Stony Brook University, NY., as a faculty member, where she had experienced early days of the affirmative action in STEM field in US. Her publications include; 1) Japan's Lagging Gender Equality. Science Apr 26; 340 (6131): 428-30 (2013), and 2) Maximizing the Potential of Scientists in Japan: promoting equal participation for women scientists through leadership development. Genes to Cells 18 (07): 529-532 (2013).




(Speaker TBC via video conference)

Gianna Avellis

Chair of Working Group on Gender Equality, Marie Curie Alumni Association





Experience feedback: gender equality & dual careers in Europe and Japan

Gentiane Venture

Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

Being a woman in a robots’ world

Gentiane Venture is a French Roboticist who has been working in academia in Tokyo, Japan for more than 10 years. After graduating from Ecole Centrale de Nantes and obtaining a PhD from University of Nantes in 2000 and 2003 respectively, she works at the French Nuclear Agency and at the University of Tokyo. She started in 2009 with Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology where she has established the GVlab, an international research group working on human science and robotics. The researchers at the GVlab try to encompass human motion dynamics and non-verbal communication into complex intelligent robot behavior design to achieve personalized human machine interaction. The work of her group is highly interdisciplinary by collaborating with therapists, sociologists, psychologists, physiologists, philosophers, neuro-scientists, ergonomists, bio-mechanists, designers worldwide…




Beate Heissig

University of Tokyo

Dual or half career: trapped between success and support

Present Position:

Associate Professor, Center for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine, Dep. of Stem Cell Dynamics, The Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo



1984-1990       M.D., Philipps-University Marburg, Germany

1993                Doctor in Medicine, Philipps-University Marburg, Germany


Professional Experiences:


Physician (Intern, Fellow)

- The National Bone Marrow Donor Program, Tuebingen, Germany

- Thoraxklinik, Oncology, Heidelberg, Germany

- Heidelberg University, Medical Faculty of Mannheim

Hematology/Oncology, Germany


Postdoctoral Fellow, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (Laboratory of Developmental Hematopoiesis), New York


Senior Research Associate, Weill Medical College of Cornell University, Hematology-Oncology, New York, NY


Cooperative Assistant Professor. Juntendo University School of Medicine, Transfusion Medicine, Tokyo, Japan


Project Assistant Professor, Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo (IMSUT), Center for Experimental Medicine


Assistant Professor (tenure track), IMSUT, Center for Experimental Medicine

2012- present   Associate Professor (tenure track), IMSUT, Center for Stem Cell Biology & Regenerative medicine




Akiko Ejima

Meiji University

Gender equality or inequalities in legal field careers





Sanbancho KF Bldg 5F
Tokyo Chiyoda-ku Sanbancho 2-4

18:30 doors open, 19:00 Introduction, 19:05 start
Research update: 15' / 45' / 30' + break & discussion time
Experience feedback: 15'/ 15' /15' + discussion time
22:00 wrap-up

Please feel free to bring your food & drinks
Looking forward to seeing you!

register here for ERN2018#2 !!limited seats!!







Long term careers in Japan

Friday 26 January, 19:30~
Meeting room central Osaka

(Honmachi station)



Jean-Pierre Bellier

Assistant Professor, Molecular Neuroscience Research Center, Shiga University of Medical Science


David Hajime Kornhauser

Director, Global Communications, Kyoto University

Kristian Bering

Chief Research Administrator, Office of Management and Planning, Osaka University




Meeting room, Marushi Bldg. 9th Floor, Osaka Chuo-ku Honmachi 3-4-11

大阪市中央区本町3-4-11 丸寿ビル 9階

(access: 5 minutes on foot from Honmachi subway station 3rd exit)


19:30 start - short introduction - 30 minutes / speaker + discussion time

Please feel free to bring your food & drinks

Looking forward to seeing you!

registration closed










What are these events?

The European Research Nights 2018 (ERN 2018) are evening social events organised by EURAXESS Japan as a support event for the annual flagship event European Research Day 2018 (ERD 2018).

Both aim to bring together the European research community currently based in Japan to discuss research, careers and relation to Europe.

The ERN 2018 events will be held at regular intervals along the year, with the objective of providing more informal, social opportunities for the European community to interact. Our objective for 2018 is to hold 3 editions in Kanto (Tokyo) and 3 editions outside of Tokyo; with a pilot event in Kansai.


Event features

The ERN are evening events designed to provide local communities with a get-together opportunity, and to discuss specific topics (which can be decided either on an ad-hoc basis or upon requests from the community, feel free to email us to suggest a topic).

They feature a small number (2 to 4) of speakers with specific experience or ideas relevant to the topic of the day, on a longer format (30 to 45 minutes each), and extensive discussion sessions.

They are social and informal by nature -- all profiles, all questions & discussions welcome!


More about the ERD

The ERD is a one-day workshop featuring presentations by researchers from the European research community of Japan, discussion panels on issues of relevance for Japan-Europe mobility and research cooperation & careers; while fostering networking among participants and representative of European countries participating in the European Research Area.


check ERD past and current editions here