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Webinar: Networking and Brokerage Event - MSCA Staff Exchanges Call 2024 – CSIR India-EU Co-Funding


MSCA Staff Exchanges 2024 Webinar

Are you permanent CSIR scientific and/or technical staff and planning to apply for the 2024 MSCA-Staff Exchanges call? Looking for partner organisation in Europe or India?

Then don’t miss the opportunity to join our upcoming webinar on the MSCA-Staff Exchanges Call 2024! on 17th of October, 11.00-13.30 CET/2.30-5.00pm IST.  Pitch your proposal idea or expertise to participating organisations from CSIR, India and Europe!

Register Here


About the CSIR-EU Co-funding

The European Union and the India’s Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) have launched a new co-funding initiative for the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Staff Exchanges, part of the EU’s research and innovation programme, Horizon Europe.


Through this scheme, CSIR will top up selected MSCA Staff Exchanges projects, enabling its institutes to engage in joint research projects with European and international partners and second their scientific and technical staff to European research organisations for knowledge sharing and research activities. 


The funding will be from 2025 to 2027 and be open to any CSIR institution involved in successful projects selected under the upcoming Staff Exchanges calls.


The next calls of Staff Exchanges will open on 19 September 2024, with a deadline of 5 February 2025, and on ­27 March 2025, with a deadline of 8 October 2025.


About the webinar

This webinar will provide the following information:

  • What are the MSCA Staff Exchanges?

  • What is the co-funding mechanisms

  • What are the eligibility criteria for CSIR-staff

  • Who can apply for MSCA Staff Exchanges?

  • What is funded?

  • How does it work?

  • When is the next call for proposals?

  • How to find a consortium partner from Europe and India

  • Project idea Flash presentations by European and Indian organisations 


This event is virtual, free of charge but registration is required. 

Register here


Guidelines for Flash Presentation

Participants looking for partners or wish to be part of consortium will have a unique opportunity to present their organisations and ideas and/or expertise for project proposals in front of the audience in the form of a brief oral presentation (7 minutes max.).

For the presentation during the Flash Presentation session please use the recommendations included in the Template which can be downloaded here.

Please note that:

Due to time constraints, the flash presentation selection criteria will follow the next order or preference:

  • Project ideas linked to specific topics (coordinator looking for partners)
  • Expertise offer linked to specific topics (priority to widening countries* then first come first served basis). 


Presentation order during the event will be in accordance to the date of reception of the final version of PFD presentation and not the date of registration.


Deadline to submit your presentation: 14 October 2024


Who should attend?

Europe: The webinar is open for European academic and non-academic stakeholders who would like to enhance their organisation's innovation capacity through interdisciplinary and intersectoral collaboration with Indian partners!


India: The webinar is open only for permanent CSIR scientific and/or technical staff members.


Information about the co-funding scheme


Consortia of organisations planning to apply to the next calls of Staff Exchanges are strongly encouraged to partner with CSIR entities for their proposals. Projects should build on previous work while also striving to generate or strengthen long-term collaborations.


This new partnership will strengthen research and innovation ties between Europe and India and drive forward scientific and technological progress by enhancing bilateral institutional cooperation, collaborative research and researcher exchanges in a plurilateral setting under Horizon Europe.


To be eligible for the co-funding, projects should comply with Staff Exchange’s eligibility criteria and include at least one CSIR entity and staff member. Read more here. 


The full details and guidelines for applicants are available on CSIR’s website.


About the MSCA-SE 2024 Call

The MSCA “Staff Exchanges” (MSCA-SE) Call promotes cross-sector collaboration through exchanging research and innovation staff worldwide. Through its Staff Exchanges scheme, the MSCA promote collaborative research, knowledge transfer and innovation by supporting the secondment of research and innovation staff within international consortia of organisations based in the EU, countries associated to Horizon Europe and third countries.


The call will open in 19 September 2024 with a deadline of 5 February 2025.


For more information about the MSCA-Staff Exchanges click here.


Information on how to apply to MSCA Staff Exchange


About the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)

Founded in 1942, CSIR is India’s premier research and development organisation, comprising 37 national laboratories and a dedicated team of over 8,000 scientific and technical staff. Known for its excellence in fields ranging from aerospace and pharmaceuticals to environmental engineering and genomics, CSIR has a robust history of successful collaborations with European research institutions and has actively participated in various EU research programmes.


About the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)

The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions under Horizon Europe is the reference programme for doctoral education and postdoctoral training. They support researchers across any career stage, as well as doctoral training and postdoctoral fellowship programmes and collaborative research in all domains.

Since 2014, the MSCA have supported 182 research and innovation projects involving Indian organisations. India ranks first among non-European countries in participation of individual researchers, with over 2,800 Indian beneficiaries over the ten past years, including about 1,800 PhD candidates and 1,000 postdoctoral researchers.

More information on the co-funding scheme for interested consortia and Indian organisations




Date & Duration




Delegation of the European Union to India and EURAXESS India


PPT- Template -HE 2024 MSCA-SE.pptx
(90.93 KB - PPTX)