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EURAXESS Researchers in motion

Terms and conditions 2015

Terms and conditions 2015

1.Who can take part:

The competition is open to participants from all nationalities and all scientific disciplines (including social sciences and the humanities). Participants must be based in China.

Eligible for participation are researchers at all career levels starting with those at the R1 level (up to the point of Ph.D., including MA/M.Sc.) working in either public or private research.

  • R1 - First Stage Researcher (Up to the point of PhD)
  • R2 - Recognised Researcher (PhD holders or equivalent who are not yet fully independent)
  • R3 - Established Researcher (Researchers who have developed a level of independence)
  • R4 - Leading Researcher (Researchers leading their research area or field)

For more details indicating research career stages, applicants can look through the European Framework for Researchers‘ Careers )

When submitting their contribution to the Science Slam, eligible participants should be :

  • 18 years or older AND
  • be actively enrolled in a Masters or PhD programme, or work at postdoc/assistant professor/associate professor/professor position at a recognized university, research institute/center from public or private sector in the People’s Republic of China (including Hong Kong and Macau).

To enter the competition , participants must be willing and able to participate in the final EURAXESS Science Slam in China.The Slam finals will be held in Beijing on 22 October 2015 (date will be yet confirmed).Economy return flights (1 flight per person) and hotel accomodation (2 nights) will be booked and paid for by EURAXESS Links China for all finalists based outside Beijing.

2. The selection phase

To enter the competition, participants are invited to visit the event’s website at and to sign up by filling out the RSVP form (“Register for Science Slam”)

EURAXESS Links China will thereupon invite all those who registered to submit a formal application via video or video call. This video/video call will introduce their original research The participant is expected to respond to the invitation indicating which submission method is preferred. If video call is chosen the organizers will send back instructions how to schedule it.

If pre-recorded video is chosen the video must not exceed 5 minutes in length. Participants are free to choose presentation styles and equipment as they see fit, to demonstrate their research in an accessible, original and creative way.

Participants are invited to upload their video submission on the EURAXESS Science Slam Youku account1 or upload the video online and send the link to Notification email confirming receipt will be send within 3 working days.

Submissions are possible from 5 June to 8 October 2015.

No videos will be accepted once the number of posted videos exceeds 50. EURAXESS Links China accepts no responsibility for entries that are defective, lost or delayed, or which are not received for any reason.

All participants who submitted a formal application via video will receive a small prize and a certificate.

The jury will select 5 finalists from all video submissions received at the end of the submission period. Submitted videos will be assessed based on the following criteria, all of equal importance:

  • Accessibility for non-experts
  • Conceptualisation of research project
  • Presentation style
  • Originality & Creativity
  • Interest on the research topic aroused among the jury and the audience

The "production quality" (image quality, quality of the support material or equipment etc.) will not be a selection criteria, as long as the resolution, light and sound quality allow the jury to see and hear the performance clearly. Videos shot with smartphones, webcams and any other video recording devices will all be accepted.

Accuracy of language (grammar, accent etc.) is also not a selection criterion.

Finalists will be notified by email. The selection will also be announced on the EURAXESS Links China website. The judges’ decision will be final, and no correspondence will be entered into.

The panel of judges for the online selection will be comprised of a team of research scientists and/or research administrators and professionals, and the EURAXESS Links China team.

3. The EURAXESS Science Slam Event

The EURAXESS Science Slam China event will take place on 22 October in Beijing (exact time and venue will be confirmed).

The 5 Science Slam finalists will present live in front of a lay audience composed of members of the research community, student community and of the wider public. Those who are not based in Beijing will be invited for the finals EURAXESS Science Slam in Beijing. Accommodation and transportation will be covered.

In Beijing, 5 Science Slam finalists will get preparation training for the final life Science Slam. All

5 finalists will receive an additional voucher, certificate, and gifts.

The presentations (“slams”) will be done by one person only. Every slam will be done in English. Each slam shall not exceed 10 minutes. Each slam will be recorded.

Slams can be supported by video and audio material, ppt. slides and any other kind of media available, as well as by scientific equipment, in accordance with the venue's capacity and security measures.

The presentations/performances of the 5 finalists will be assessed based on the following criteria, all of equal importance:

  • Accessibility for non-experts
  • Conceptualisation of research project
  • Presentation style
  • Originality & Creativity
  • Interest on the research topic aroused among the jury and the audience

The accuracy of English language grammar/spoken accent does not belong to the selection criteria.

The first prize will be awarded to the performer of the best slam, as decided by the audience and the jury.

4. The first prize

The first prize is an economy round-trip flight from China (from the city where the winner is based at the time), to Europe (Brussels) to attend the meeting with European Commission representatives and an additional field visit anywhere in the EU.

The first prize consists of the following components:

1. A free round-trip to Europe (Brussels, Belgium) in Spring 2016.

2. The costs for accommodation and food during the stay in Brussels, Belgium.

3. The costs for the travels (bus, train or flight ticket) to any city within European Union for a meeting with a research organization of the winner's choice (incl. accommodation for up to 2 nights in the respective city).

In Brussels, the winner will be invited to meet European Commission research policy officers (Directorate General for Research and Innovation, European Research Council, Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions).

During the stay in Europe, EURAXESS Links will assist in arranging a meeting at one research organisation/institution of the winner’s choice within the European Union/European Research Area. In case of a successful meeting arrangement, EURAXESS Links will finance the trip to this institute. However, EURAXESS Links cannot guarantee any meetings with a particular organisation or individual. If no meeting can be arranged, EURAXESS Links will not be held responsible.

The prize will not be transferable to another person.

5. Intellectual property rights, disqualification and participation in promotion activities

By participation in this competition all participants declare that they hold the intellectual property rights to the research presented.

Abusive and derogatory entries will be disqualified.

By entering the competition the winner agrees to participate in such promotional activity and material as EURAXESS Links China may require.

Contact: Ms Andrea Strelcova, Country Representative, EURAXESS Links China, and Halldor Berg, EURAXESS Links China China.

Address: Dongsanhuan North Road 8, Landmark Tower 2, 2105,