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EURAXESS Researchers in motion

Science Slam

2015: EURAXESS Science Slam Is Back In China!

A science slam is a scientific talk where researchers compete to present their work in front of a non-expert audience. The slam is a way to show the engaging and fascinating side of research to the wider public.

The EURAXESS Science Slam 2015 will take place in October in Beijing. Five researchers from all across China will compete for the main prize in Beijing; the audience will decide who the best is.

The winner will go to Europe and visit:

1. EU headquarters, Brussels

2. Research instutition of his/her own choice (in any EU country).

EURAXESS Science Slam is open to China-based researchers from all sectors, all fields (incl. Social Sciences and Humanities, Life Sciences, Physical Sciences and Engineering), all nationalities and all research career stages (including Masters students, PhD students, postdocs and researchers in industry).


  • Get creative and develop an original idea to present your research project to the world. Everything is allowed to demonstrate your creativity - live experiment, cooking, tap dancing - you name it!
  • Go to and click the button on the page to register. We will ask you to show us your slam idea with a short video or video call (max. 5 minutes). Everybody who submits an application receives a small prize!
  • Authors of the best 5 submissions will be selected and invited to the live EURAXESS Science Slam China in Beijing in October 2015, where they compete for a trip to Europe.All Science Slam presentations must be in English. Video submissions must be max. 5 minutes long.

The closing date of EURAXESS Science Slam was 8 October 2015, 12 pm (Beijing Time)

A panel of experts have picked the which 5 finalists were invited to participate in the final competion of EURAXESS Science Slam China 2015. The selection this year is a diverse group of excellent scienctist from various fields, each of whom will perorm a Science Slam about their research in front of live audience in Zhongguancun, Beijing, coming 27 October.

The finalists are (in no particular order):

Adèle Poirier

A french researcher in the field of Design Research

Dr Tonni Kurniawan

Indonesian researcher in the field of applied biology and chemical technology

Vikas Malik

Indian researcher in the field of biomedicine and health

Dr Li Yinfeng

Chinese researcher in the field of solid mechanics

Dr Chen Cheng

Chinese researcher in the fields of photonic chrystal and hydrogel sensor materials. Dr Chen, as the winner of the EURAXESS Science Slam Shanghai Pre-Round, automatically qualified to participate in the finals.

The finals will take place in 3W Café in Zhongguancun's Innovation Street in Beijing, 27 October. There is still some seats left. Registration and further information at

Below is a screenshot from introducing the prize as well as a gallery from last year's competition.

Need More Information?

Inaugurated in 2013, the EURAXESS Science Slam has become an annual event organized in ASEAN, Brazil, China, India, Japan and North America. Researchers from all over China joined in the first edition of the EURAXESS Science Slam. Six slammers competed in the exciting finals in front of 200 people in Beijing. In the end, Dr. Yu Yang from Wuhan University became China’s first EURAXESS Science Slammer and embarked on a trip to Europe.

In 2014 again, Wang Yanting from Beijing University's National Institute of Drug Dependence won the audience over with her "Story of Addiction" and in June 2015 went to Europe for a scientific tour!

We were all grateful to all the brilliant finalists, enthusiastic public, swirling waiters and waitresses, cool sound technicians, authentic kung fu masters and distinguished jury members for a memorable evening!

Take a look at the great atmosphere from last year's slam by having a look at our YouKu Channel to watch a short video of last year's science slam.

In 2015, for the third time, creative researchers of any nationality based in China will have the chance to showcase their work, original ideas and presentation talent.

This year again, the science slam takes place at all countries with EURAXESS Links: ASEAN, Brazil, China, India, North America and Japan. And once again, the winners from each country or a region will get a return ticket to Europe.

Please read carefully these terms and conditions before submitting your candidacy!

The 2nd EURAXESS Science Slam concluded in November 2014 - the science competition will return to China in 2015!

Across October and November, the second EURAXESS Science Slam took place in all EURAXESS Links countries - Brazil, India, North America, China, Japan and ASEAN.

A science slam is a scientific talk where researchers compete to present their work in front of a non-expert audience. The slam is a way to show the engaging and fascinating side of research to the wider public. The main prize is a scientific tour to the European Research Area, comprising a science communication workshop and a field visit of an ERA research institution of the winner's choice.

China's second EURAXESS Science Slam took place in The STEPS Bar, in the heart of Beijing's vibrant university area of Wudaokou. The finalists - coming from all over China and beyond - were all full of originality. Their slams covered various fields from neurobiology, anthropology of folk religion and martial arts, solar panels, finance and astrophysics.

The five finalists were:

- AMBROSI Raymond - From the Boxer Uprising to Cultural Resurgence- The Underground Plum Flower Boxers and the Rejuvenation of Community Life in Rural North China

- DENG Zhuo - 'Who stole my electrons?' - Electron Loss Process in 3rd Generation Solar Cells

- FLORES Nahiely - Numerical Models in Astrophysics

- LI Miaoyan - Bitcoin, Its Development and Risks

- WANG Yanting - A Story about Addiction

In the end, Wang Yanting, PhD student from Peking University, won the audience over with her "Story of Addiction" and will go to Europe for a scientific tour.

She told us that although the first prize is very attractive, it was not her primary factor to participate: "The most important thing for scientists is to communicate and share ideas. Unfortunately, in most cases people think that researchers a bit boring, that they spend a lot of time in lab. My motive was to change people's perception. The most important factor is that the audience understands the way I tell the science story," said Yanting.

According to her, the "Story about Addiction" needs to be told as: "Drugs are popular among people, especially among those who suffer a lot of pressure, physically or psychologically. Nowadays there is no effective way to treat addiction without relapse. People might get rid of addictive behavior, but afterwards, even years later, they might see a cue, for example the people they shared the experience of doing the drug with, and it is easy to go back. So we make an effort to find medication that will treat addition without the potential of future relapse."

The Science Slam will return in 2015 with submission cycle similar in 2014 (registration for contestants will open around May). All information and photos about 2014 edition can be accessed at our event websites for audience and contestants.

Show your creativity, explain your research and win a free trip to Europe! Submission for the 2nd EURAXESS Science Slam China is open from 6th of May until 20th of October, 2014. Join the competition now!

In 2013, researchers from all over China joined in the first edition of the EURAXESS Science Slam China and 6 of them took part in exciting finals in front of 200 people in Beijing.

Dr. Yu Yang from Wuhan University won the contest, became China’s first EURAXESS Science Slammer and embarked on a trip to Europe. You can watch a short video of last year’s final here.

In 2014, EURAXESS Links China is once again looking for China's best science slammers.

Five finalists will battle it out for the title of “EURAXESS Science Slammer China 2014” in the LIVE slam to be held in Beijing on 6 November 2014. The first prize is a free trip to Europe!

Watch the EURAXESS Science Slam China 2014 Trailer

Online submission of slam presentations is open between 6 May and 20 October 2014.

To post a video on this YouKu account, after clicking on the link indicated above, click on 上传 in the top right corner of your screen. You will then be redirected to a page asking for an email address and a password.Type ‘’ for the email address and ‘slam2014’ for the password. Validate. On the next page click again on 上传 in the top right corner of your screen and then on the arrow icon in the middle of the window that will appear.

EURAXESS Science Slam China 2014 is the second edition of an event giving researchers based in China the chance to showcase their research projects to their peers and the wider public in a relaxed and joyful atmosphere. It is open to researchers of all nationalities and from all fields of research.

Every participant at the final slam to be held in Beijing on 6 November 2014 will present a topic related to their research to an audience of non-experts. The slam will be given in English in less than 10 minutes and can be supported by video and audio material, ppt. slides and any other kind of media available, as well as by scientific equipment. The performances of the participants will be judged by the audience and the jury based on conceptualization, style and originality. The winner will be awarded a round trip to Europe where he or she will attend a scientific meeting along with the winners of the other EURAXESS Science Slams organized in the US & Canada, Japan, India, ASEAN and Brazil.

What this is about:

EURAXESS Science Slam China 2014 is the second edition of an event giving researchers based in China the chance to showcase their research projects to their peers and the wider public in a relaxed and joyful atmosphere. It is open to researchers of all nationalities and from all fields of research.

Every participant at the final slam to be held in Beijing on 6 November 2014 will present a topic related to their research to an audience of non-experts. The slam will be given in English in less than 10 minutes and can be supported by video and audio material, ppt. slides and any other kind of media available, as well as by scientific equipment. The performances of the participants will be judged by the audience and the jury based on conceptualization, style and originality. The winner will be awarded a round trip to Europe where he or she will attend a scientific meeting along with the winners of the other EURAXESS Science Slams organized in the US & Canada, Japan, India, ASEAN and Brazil.

What you need to do:

  • Step 1: Get creative and develop an original idea to present your research project to the world: Tap dancing, singing, old-school presentation, scientific equipment – all is allowed.
  • Step 2: Make a 6 minutes max. video of your presentation with your camera phone (or equivalent). Make sure the presentation is in English.
  • Step 3: Post your video on the EURAXESS Science Slam YouKu account or send us the link to your video at

Terms and Conditions:

  1. A free round-trip to Europe (Bonn, Germany) in the Spring of 2015.
  2. In Europe, the winner will be invited to participate in a science communication workshop on “Graphic Facilitation”. The workshop will be held in Bonn, Germany. “Graphic Facilitation is the use of large scale imagery to lead groups and individuals towards a goal. The method is used in various processes such as meetings, seminars, workshops and conferences.” (Source: Wikipedia)
  3. During the stay in Europe, EURAXESS Links will assist in arranging a meeting at one research organisation/institution of the winner’s choice within the European Research Area. In case of a successful meeting arrangement, EURAXESS Links will finance the trip to this institute. However, EURAXESS Links cannot guarantee any meetings with a particular organisation or individual. If no meeting can be arranged, EURAXESS Links will not be held responsible.
  4. The economy round-trip flight from the city the winner is based in during the time in question to Europe to attend the science communication workshop as arranged by EURAXESS Links.
  5. The costs for the winner’s participation in the science communication workshop.
  6. The costs for accommodation (4 nights in a hotel) and food during the stay in Bonn, Germany, where the workshop will take place.
  7. The costs for the travels (bus, train or flight ticket) to the meeting with a research organisation of the winner’s choice within the European Research Area (incl. accommodation for up to 2 nights in the respective city).
  • Accessibility for non-experts
  • Conceptualisation of research project
  • Presentation style
  • Originality & Creativity
  • Interest on the research topic aroused among the jury and the audience
  • Accessibility for non-experts
  • Conceptualisation of research project
  • Presentation style
  • Originality & Creativity
  • Interest on the research topic aroused among the jury and the audience

Who can take part

The competition is open to participants from all nationalities and all scientific disciplines (including social sciences and the humanities).

The competition is open to researchers of all levels from PhD. students onwards. (PhD. students, postdocs, associate professors, professors, etc.)

To enter the competition participants must be active as a PhD. student/researcher at a recognised university or research institute / centre from public or private sector in the People’s Republic of China (including Hong Kong and Macau).

To enter the competition participants must be willing and able to participate in the final EURAXESS Links China science slam that will be held in Beijing on 6 November 2014. Economy return flights (1 ticket per person) and hotel accommodation (2 nights) will be booked and paid for by EURAXESS Links China for the finalists not resident in Beijing.

The selection phase

To enter the competition participants are invited to produce a video introducing their research. The video must not exceed 6 minutes in length. Participants are free to choose presentation styles and equipment as they see fit.

Participants are invited to upload their slam on the EURAXESS Science Slam Youku account or to send the link to their video to For submissions via email a notification email confirming receipt will be send within 3 working days.

Submissions are possible from 6 May to 20 October 2014. No videos will be accepted once the number of posted videos exceeds 50. EURAXESS Links China accepts no responsibility for entries that are defective, lost or delayed, or which are not received for any reason.

The jury will select 5 finalists from all submissions received at the end of the submission period. Submitted videos will be assessed based on the following criteria, all of equal importance:

The "production quality" (image quality, quality of the support material or equipment etc.) will not be a selection criteria, as long as the resolution, light and sound quality allow the jury to see and hear the performance clearly. Videos shot with smartphones, webcams and any video recording devices will all be accepted. Finalists will be notified by email. The selection will also be announced on the EURAXESS Links China website. The judges’ decision will be final, and no correspondence will be entered into.
The panel of judges for the online selection (as well as for the finals) will be comprised of a team of research scientists and/or administrators and the two EURAXESS Links China country representatives.

The finals

The 5 finalists will present live in front of a non-expert audience composed of members of the research community and of the wider public.

The presentations will be done by one person only.

Every presentation will be done in English.

Each presentation shall not exceed 10 minutes.

Presentations can be supported by video and audio material, ppt. slides and any other kind of media available, as well as by scientific equipment, in accordance with the venue's capacity and security measures.

The presentations/performances of the 5 finalists will be assessed based on the following criteria, all of equal importance:

The first prize will be awarded to the best performer as decided by the audience and the jury.

By entering the competition the winner agrees to participate in such promotional activity and material as EURAXESS Links China may require.

The first prize

The first prize consists of the following components:

EURAXESS Links covers only travel or other costs unrelated to the actual prize. EURAXESS Links will cover the following expenses:

The prize will not be transferable to another person.

Intellectual property rights and disqualification

By participation in this competition all participants declare that they hold the intellectual property rights to the research presented.

Abusive and derogatory entries will be disqualified.

Mr. Jacques DE SOYRES/Mrs. Andrea Strelcova, Country Representatives EURAXESS Links China:

The ConceptEURAXESS Science Slam China 2013 is the first edition of an event giving young Chinese and international researchers in China the chance to showcase their work as well as their communication and creative skills in front of members of the research community and the wide public, in a joyful and convivial atmosphere.

The Content

Every finalist (selected via online video posting, see the 'Terms & Conditions' for further details) will present a topic related to his or her research in front of an audience of non-experts. The presentation will be given in English in less than 10 minutes and can be supported by video and audio material, slides and any other kind of media available, as well as by scientific equipment.

The audience will judge the participants' performances. Creativity and originality will be of the essence to arouse interest and get the votes!

The best performer will be awarded a round trip to Europe where he or she will attend the EURAXESS Voice of Researchers Conference on 21-22 November 2013, along with the winners of the other EURAXESS Science Slams organized in North America, Japan, India, ASEAN and Brazil.

Who Can Take Part

The event is open to researchers of all nationalities currently based in China active in all fields of research.

How to take part

Make a 5-minute video of your presentation and post it on our YouKu account before 10 September 2013. The 6 best presenters will be invited to come to Beijing and compete in the Slam final on 26 September.

This first edition of the EURAXESS Science Slam China is organized in collaboration with ThinkIN China and Understanding Science.

attachment: 2_euraxess_science_slam_china_2013_terms_conditions.pdf

attachment: euraxess_slam_china_online.pdf

31/10/2013 — EURAXESS Science Slam China 2013 Finals – The Movie

The clip of the final event of the EURAXESS Science Slam China 2013 can be watched and downloaded here. We hope you will enjoy it and thank everyone again for the great support!

27/09/2013 — 6 Finalists, 180 Judges, One Winner...

The 1st EURAXESS Science Slam China took place at the Bridge Café on 26 Sept. evening in an atmosphere warmed up by 180 great supporters (as well as by a couple of beers), all finalists stepped fearlessly in the arena and battled fiercely but at the end of the evening there could be only one winner....Congrats to Yu Yang from Wuhan University! And kudos to all the candidates of course, not forgetting those who didn't make it this time through the first round and to the finals, to the audience who was fantastic and to all those (in particular our friends from Think In China and Understanding Science, the amazing staff of Bridge Café) who spared no efforts to help making this first slam a success.

Stay tuned with EURAXESS and see you hopefully next year for an even greater 2nd edition of the EURAXESS Science Slam China!

Here are the first pictures of the event, more will come while waiting for the official video of the evening!

(coming soon as well)