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EURAXESS Researchers in motion

EU-ASEAN Collaboration in Science, Research and Innovation: Energy, Climate Action & Mobility Calls


HE session 4

This event has now ended. Please find the presentation slides attached at the bottom of this post.

The recording of the session is available on the EURAXESS ASEANYouTubechannel.

Next steps

Attend the InfoDay on 17 October.

  • Presentation of research and innovation topics proposed for 2024 under the Work Programme 2023-2024 of Horizon Europe Cluster 5, addressing Climate, Energy and Mobility.
  • Registration to this platform is required prior to the event. Streaming sessions will be accessible once logged in.

Attend the Brokerage event on 18 October.

  • The event will gather all the relevant stakeholders intending to apply for funding, supporting the development of consortia and project ideas.
  • Participants looking for partners will have the opportunity to present their organization and project ideas in 2 different ways:

a) brief oral presentation (4 minutes max.)

b) Bilateral meetings (max. 20 minutes each)

  • The GREENET Brokerage Event will be organized in a virtual mode. Both, pitching session and bilateral meetings will be online through the platform.


Research actors from across ASEAN are invited to participate in the

Online Information session on ‘Opportunities in Energy, Climate Action & Mobility in Horizon Europe',

on Tuesday, 15 August 2023

3:00-4:00 pm WIB (GI/IT+7).

This information session aims to encourage the participation of ASEAN research institutions in Calls for proposal under Pillar 2 of the Horizon Europe programme to join collaborative research projects with European partners in the thematic areas of Energy, Climate Action & Mobility.



Past sessions in the series 'ASEAN Participation in Horizon Europe'

Forthcoming sessions in the series 'ASEAN Participation in Horizon Europe'

  • 'Space Technology', Tuesday, 12 September 2023 3:00-5:00 pm JKT Time (GI/IT+7) 
  • 'Horizon Europe InfoDay at ASEAN COSTI', October 2023 (in-person meeting, details to be confirmed shortly) 

Registration for the above sessions will open shortly.


Date & Duration
Jakarta, Indonesia





Çağrı Yıldırım 

Çağrı YILDIRIM graduated with B.A. degree from İzmir University of Economics International Relations and European Union Program in 2010. He completed his master’s program in European Studies at Sabanci University in 2012.

In 2015, he joined the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TUBITAK) International Relations Cooperation Department EU Framework Programmes National Coordination Office. He obtained the title of expert with the thesis titled ""Analysis Based on Smart City Information System and Suggestions for Smart City Applications in Türkiye".

He currently works as the Head of EU Framework Programmes Department at TUBITAK which is the National Coordination Office of Horizon Europe in Türkiye. He also nominated as Horizon Europe National Coordinator of Türkiye. He represents Türkiye at Strategic Energy Tecnology Plan (SET-Plan) as Steering Group Member since 2015.

He is project coordinator of “Turkey in Horizon 2020-Phase II” technical assistance project which is funded under IPA-2 Programme.

He involves H2020 and Horizon Europe projects which are listed below:

He also involved the following projects:

  • Program Manager, “Clean Energy Transition Partnership”, TÜBİTAK – Horizon Europe – Research and Innovation Programme. Budget: 1.268.191 € (ongoing)
  • Project Partner, “NCPS NETwork for the GREEN transition in climate, energy and mobility – GREENET” - Horizon Europe – Research and Innovation Programme. Budget: 174.250 € (ongoing)
  • Project Partner, “A Greek-Turkish Solar Energy Excellence Hub to Advance the European Green Deal” - Horizon Europe – Research and Innovation Programme. Budget: 225.328 € (ongoing)
  • Project Partner, “Building Capacities for the Climate Neutral and Smart Cities Mission – CAPACITIES” - Horizon Europe – Research and Innovation Programme. Budget: 50.625 € (ongoing)
  • Program Manager, “Joint programming actions to foster innovative CSP solutions – CSP Eranet”, TÜBİTAK – Horizon 2020 – Research and Innovation Programme. Budget: 404.558 € (ongoing)
  • Program Manager, “ERA-Net Digitalisation of Energy Systems and Networks – EnerDigit”, TÜBİTAK – Horizon 2020 – Research and Innovation Programme. Budget: 330.000 € (ongoing)
  • Project Partner, “Developing geothermal and renewable energy projects by mitigating their risks - GEORISK”, TÜBİTAK – Horizon 2020 – Research and Innovation Programme. Budget: 102.625 € (completed)
  • Program Manager, “ERA-NET Smart Cities and Communities – ENSCC”, TÜBİTAK – Horizon 2020 – Research and Innovation Programme. Budget: 323.881 € (completed)

Project Partner, “Fostering transnational cooperation between National Contact Points (NCP) in the area of Energy – C-Energy 2020 V2”, TÜBİTAK – Horizon 2020 – Research and Innovation Programme. Budget: 19.000 € (completed)

Dr Susanne Rentzow-Vasu and Dr Jenny Lind Elmaco are Regional Coordinators of the EURAXESS Worldwide project in ASEAN.



The event is part of the project: Promoting ASEAN Participation in Horizon Europe Series of Information, Training, And Matchmaking Sessions with selected sub-committees under the ASEAN Committee on Science, Technology, and Innovation (COSTI). The initiative is implemented by EURAXESS ASEAN with the support of the European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (DG RTD) and the Science and Technology Division of the ASEAN Secretariat.

Horizon Europe is the EU’s key funding programme for research and innovation with a budget of €95.5 billion. It tackles climate change, helps to achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and boosts the EU’s competitiveness and growth. The programme facilitates collaboration and strengthens the impact of research and innovation in developing, supporting and implementing EU policies while tackling global challenges. It supports creating and better dispersing of excellent knowledge and technologies.


EURAXESS ASEAN with the support of the European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (DG RTD) and the Science and Technology Division of the ASEAN Secretariat


Presentation of Horizon Europe Climate, Energy and Mobility.pdf
(2.36 MB - PDF)