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EURAXESS Researchers in motion

EU-ASEAN Collaboration in Science, Research and Innovation: Food Science, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources & Agri-Tech Calls


Food session

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Research actors from across ASEAN are invited to participate in the

Online Information session on ‘Opportunities in Food Science, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources & Agri-Tech in Horizon Europe',

on Tuesday, 11 July 2023

3:00-4:00 pm WIB (GI/IT+7).

This information session aims to encourage the participation of ASEAN research institutions in Calls for proposal under Pillar 2 of the Horizon Europe programme to join collaborative research projects with European partners in the thematic areas of Food Science, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources & Agri-Tech

The session will be opened by Sayvisene Boulom, Head of Food Lab, National University of Laos & Deputy Chairman, ASEAN COSTI Sub-Committee on Food Science.

Past/Forthcoming sessions in the series 'ASEAN Participation in Horizon Europe'

Registration for the above sessions will open shortly. 


Date & Duration
Jakarta, Indonesia




Sayvisene Boulom, Head of Food Lab, National University of Laos & Deputy Chairman, ASEAN COSTI Sub-Committee on Food Science. Dr Boulom has been working as a researcher and lecturer at the Faculty of Agriculture at the National University of Laos since 2004. Food safety management system, food microbiology, food chemistry, and food nutrition are his four main teaching subjects and my research interests. Currently, he is working on the application of nutrition-sensitive agriculture to improve food and nutrition security in rural mountainous areas.

Ms. Serena Borgna is the head of the APRE institutional activities department since 2019. She holds a Bachelor in Political Science, a Master in Economics for Development and Environment and a post-graduation Master in European Community Operator. She has been working in APRE (Agency for the Promotion of European Research) since 2008, in particular in NMP, environment, bioeconomy and frontier research sectors. She has been H2020 National Contact Point for the Societal Challenge 2 “Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research bio-based industries and the Bioeconomy “, for LEIT NMPB “Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials, Advanced Manufacturing and Processing, and Biotechnology” and for the ERC “European Research Council”.  She has been also NMP “Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials & new production technologies” and IDEAS (European Research Council) thematic priority national contact point in FP7. She is currently coordinating the APRE competence team on cluster 6 Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment.

She has been involved in several European projects, of which five in international cooperation with INDIA (EUINEC, INDIA GATE, INDIA SI HOUSE, INNO INDIGO and INDIGO POLICY), three in Food sector (FIBRA, TRADEIT and BIO HORIZON) and some designed to enlarge the quality of SMEs participation and interaction in framework programme like TRADEIT or SM BIO POWER. She has been specializing in training for Horizon Europe, Horizon2020, Bioeconomy challenge and ERC programme and also in brokerage event organisation (more than 20 European and international brokerage events organised in the last 6 years).

Dr Susanne Rentzow-Vasu and Dr Jenny Lind Elmaco are Regional Coordinators of the EURAXESS Worldwide project in ASEAN.



The event is part of the project: Promoting ASEAN Participation in Horizon Europe Series of Information, Training, And Matchmaking Sessions with selected sub-committees under the ASEAN Committee on Science, Technology, and Innovation (COSTI). The initiative is implemented by EURAXESS ASEAN with the support of the European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (DG RTD) and the Science and Technology Division of the ASEAN Secretariat.

Horizon Europe is the EU’s key funding programme for research and innovation with a budget of €95.5 billion. It tackles climate change, helps to achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and boosts the EU’s competitiveness and growth. The programme facilitates collaboration and strengthens the impact of research and innovation in developing, supporting and implementing EU policies while tackling global challenges. It supports creating and better dispersing of excellent knowledge and technologies.



EURAXESS ASEAN with the support of the European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (DG RTD) and the Science and Technology Division of the ASEAN Secretariat


S Borgna - Cluster 6.pdf
(2.4 MB - PDF)