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Online Events : European Research Council Grants for African researchers



The European Research Council (ERC) and EURAXESS Africa jointly organized two highly informative webinars on "European Research Council Grants for African Researchers." The French session was held on June 12, 2024, at 3 pm CEST, with over 450 registered participants and 155 online attendees, while the English session took place on June 14, 2024, at 2 pm CEST, boasting a record of 1600 registered participants and over 500 online participants.

Both webinars were skillfully moderated by Mr. Benjamin Pelletier, Project Adviser at ERC, along with Dr. Ahmed Maalel and Dr. Yedilfana Setarge Mekonnen, the regional representatives of the Africa Hub within the EURAXESS Worldwide Network.

During the French webinar, Dr. Tegawendé F. Bissyandé, an esteemed teacher-researcher in Computer Science affiliated with the Centre Interdisciplinaire pour la Sécurité, la Fiabilité et la Confiance (SnT) at the University of Luxembourg, provided a compelling testimony. Dr. Bissyandé's noteworthy dedication to advancing software engineering research led to the prestigious European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant for his groundbreaking work on automatic program repair.

These webinars delivered in-depth insights to African researchers on ERC grants, encompassing eligibility criteria, application processes, and strategies for crafting successful proposals. Participants were privileged to access industry best practices, hear success stories from previous grant recipients, and engage in a stimulating question-and-answer session with ERC representatives.

Whether you're an early-career researcher, a seasoned academic seeking funding for innovative projects, or a research administrator supporting applicants, these webinars serve as a golden opportunity to gain invaluable knowledge on securing esteemed ERC grants and propel your research career forward with European funding.


 French Webinar

Date: June 12, 2024

Time: 3:00 PM CEST

Regardez l'Enregistrement Vidéo




English Webinar

Date: June 14, 2024

Time: 2:00 PM CEST

Watch the recording video







Date & Duration


Contact Person
Dr Ahmed Maalel (EURAXESS) & BAKER Bryony (ERCEA)


Webinaire Afrique - 12.06 Benjamin PELLETIER.pptx
(2.04 MB - PPTX)
2024_05_15 Euraxess stats Africa.pptx
(360.6 KB - PPTX)