EURAXESS WORLDWIDE (EWW) is an all-in-one networking platform and information tool for talented researchers on the move to explore and develop careers in Europe.
Whether you are looking for insights into European research policy, funding programmes and opportunities, practical tips to pursue a scientific career in Europe, or you want to build contacts and meet other researchers, EURAXESS WORLDWIDE is there for you.
Take a quick tour of what we have to offer…
#1 New vision and mission for R&I
#2 Big opportunities for researchers
#3 Top reasons to join
#4 Our global hubs and team
EURAXESS Worldwide in numbers
- Currently, 120,000+ researchers and multipliers are regularly informed by the EURAXESS Worldwide initiative.
- Since 2013, EURAXESS Worldwide has:
- organised over 2.300 events with over 180,000 participants.
- collected more than 2 million visitors on country/hub portals overall.
- collected more than 110,000 likes and followers via social media and posted more than 11.000 news, funding opportunities and events information on the portals.
There is a global race for the most talented researchers and Europe has set its sights on a podium place. Openness and enhanced cooperation are critical to Europe’s new vision for international research and its continued leadership in tackling major societal challenges.
As labour markets change, Europe recognises that talent and skills count as much as they ever did in today’s world of work. But there are new forces at play, especially in the fast-paced field of research and innovation. Agility and resilience are proving to be equally as important as regions and nations compete to create the best conditions for talented researchers.
EURAXESS WORLWIDE’s mission for Europe is to be a one-stop-shop for ambitious researchers, scientists, engineers, innovators, students and entrepreneurs looking to explore and develop their careers in Europe, and abroad. We want to be recognised as a networking platform and ‘toolbox’ to help deepen the European Research Area (ERA) and its contributions to a stronger, safer, greener and more connected Europe.
Read the EU Communication ‘New ERA for research and innovation’
Europe is full of opportunities for researchers working and studying in the centre of a vibrant innovation ecosystem.
EURAXESS WORLDWIDE makes sure our members and the wider community of motivated European and international researchers have all of the information and tools at hand to make the most of the opportunities in your field and career.
The opportunity to further your career, develop your ideas, and work with the best tools, people and teams. An opportunity to work in top labs and facilities and with innovative companies and scientific centres so that you can establish your reputation and be the best in your field.
Read the latest news and opportunities on EURAXESS WORLDWIDE
Check out posts, calls and opportunities for researchers on EURES
Learn about the ERA Corona Platform
At EURAXESS WORLWIDE, our goal is to be more than a networking hub. Our teams work with partners around the world to…
1. Attract talent to Europe and create communities of best practice
2. Serve as a bridge between Europe and the world to foster scientific collaboration
3. Inform members about the latest R&I news, policies, calls, events and opportunities in Europe, and beyond
4. Boost knowledge-sharing, skills and overall R&I capacities, especially for young scientists and early-stage researchers
5. Provide excellent service to its members and wider community
Membership is free, create your researcher profile here!
EURAXESS WORLDWIDE is a diverse networking platform and reliable source of information and ideas to help talented European and international researchers explore and develop careers and contacts in Europe and abroad.
Dedicated teams are ready to help researchers in the following countries and regions: Africa, ASEAN (focusing on Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Vietnam), Australia and New Zealand, Latin America and the Caribbean (focusing on Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Mexico, and Colombia), China, India, Japan, Korea, and North America (USA and Canada).
Got a question? Contact us: viktoria.bodnarova@euraxess.net
Through events and happenings organised in national and regional hubs, EURAXESS WORLWIDE brings European and internationally mobile researchers together. Live and virtual events are organised on a regular basis to share news, best practices and tips on the latest developments and opportunities in Europe for studying, working, collaborating and pursuing a scientific career .
Find your perfect match: Meet your Host Institution for the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship (5th and 6th of June 2023)
EURAXESS Worldwide in collaboration with the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions network of National Contact Points are organizing webinars where over 80 research institutions from 20 European countries will pitch their hosting offers to potential researchers from around the world who are interested in applying for a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship’s 2023 call (MSCA PF). Researchers from all EURAXESS Worldwide hubs are welcome to register and attend. The webinars will be held in English where each institution will have 5 minutes to pitch their hosting offer. All your questions, comments and concerns will be answered in a written form after the webinars. Each research institution will leave contact information so you can reach out to them directly in case if interest.
ERC Funding for top researchers from anywhere in the world
The EURAXESS Worldwide Network and ERC is organizing eight webinars between the 5th and 18th of October for researchers from different regions around the world.
In these sessions, ERC grantees will share their experiences and give personal advice to potential applicants while an ERC National Contact Point (NCP) will briefly explain their role and present the activities they regularly organize to help researchers succeed in submitting a project to the ERC. In addition, a representative of host institutions based in Europe will give an overview of the support they can provide to potential applicants.
European Research Council Grants for Top Researchers from Anywhere in the World
The EURAXESS Worldwide Network and ERC will organize seven webinars between 28th September and 7th October for researchers from different regions around the world.
ERCEA Scientific Officers will present ERC funding opportunities and provide information on applications and evaluations, while ERC grantees will share their experiences applying for grants and give advice to applicants based outside of Europe. R&I Science Counsellors based in EU delegations in the different regions may take part and give an overview of the global approach to international cooperation in research and innovation.
Horizon Europe Pillar II Calls
EURAXESS Worldwide and DG RTD are organising two info days on the Horizon Europe pillar II calls in two regions: ASEAN and Japan.
Specific calls relevant for the regions were selected by the EU Delegations and DG RTD. The calls will be introduced by policy officers along with a brief description of best practices from among the previous Horizon 2020 projects partnering with ASEAN and Japan.
A virtual matchmaking event for research actors and interested parties from across ASEAN and the European Research Area.
A virtual event for research actors and interested parties from across Japan and the European Research Area.
Applying for an ERC Grant: Perspectives from Grantees and Evaluators
The European Research Council (ERC) in cooperation with EURAXESS Worldwide are organising these nine one-hour webinars, from 16 November to 16 December, targeting researchers from different regions and countries around the world. ERC grantees and evaluators will advice on how to apply to an ERC grant to potential applicants based outside Europe.
The EURAXESS Worldwide flagship event
The European Research Day (ERD) is a EURAXESS Worldwide event held in many EURAXESS target countries catering to the specific needs of each community. European Research Days have different formats, ranging from information events presenting mobility opportunities in the European Research Area, effective proposal writing workshops to networking platforms for experience exchange.
EURAXESS Worldwide in numbers
Currently, nearly 64,000 researchers and multipliers are regularly informed by the EURAXESS Worldwide initiative.
Since 2013, EURAXESS Worldwide has:
Organised over 440 events with over 55,500 participants.
The country/hub portals overall were visited by nearly 2 million visitors.
Published over 340 newsletters in all EURAXESS Worldwide target countries.
Collected more than 50,000 likes and followers via social media
(incl. LinkedIn: join our global EURAXESS Worldwide group! https://www.linkedin.com/groups/4990889/ ).
Launch of the Call for Proposals for Projects
The Paris Peace Forum (PPF), of which the European Commission is a Strategic Partner, will hold its fourth edition on 11-13 November 2021.
The PPF’s aim is to place global governance at the top of the international agenda. Different stakeholders discuss global governance issues and cooperate on solutions through three main spaces: Space for Solutions, Space for Debates and Space for Innovations.
The Space for Solutions is mostly to present solutions for incremental change. Each year, governance projects proposing concrete solutions to global challenges are invited to the Forum’s Space for Solutions and contribute to debates (with concrete projects). The solutions highlighted at the Forum have to be beyond the conception stage and stand out by their international and cooperative dimension, and their capacity to create sustainable change in global governance.
The Call for Projects for this year has just been launched and it will run until 9 May, with a maximum of 80 projects expected to be selected. This year, the Call focuses on the following main areas, which are also core for the fourth session of the Forum:
- Fighting against the Covid-19 crisis
- Better governing the global commons
- Better governing the digital world
- Fighting fake news and threats to the press
- Protecting the civic space in times of Covid-19
- Achieving equality among men and women
- Strengthening South-South cooperation
- Reforming capitalism through the impact economy.
This Call for Projects is open to all governance actors: states, international bodies, local governments, non-governmental organizations, companies, foundations, development agencies, religious groups, associations, think tanks, universities, etc.
Useful links:
Mentoring Programme "Shape the Future of a Researcher Coming to Europe"
This Mentoring programme aims to encourage and to facilitate the transnational mobility, by fostering cooperation between the researchers from the European Research Area (ERA) and the EURAXESS Worldwide countries. In the framework of this programme, experienced researchers will have the unique opportunity to mentor early-stage researchers and support their integration and career development from the international mobility perspective.
Learn more about the mentoring programme
COVID-19 Researchers Survey results - November 2020
The survey addressed among other the current situation and needs of international researchers, their perception of international mobility in the new context, factors influencing their motivation and capability to participate in international mobility as well as their preferences and the support and conditions which they need.
In total, the survey has triggered 1262 responses, of which 1224 were included in this analysis.
Download the full survey report :
European R&I Framework Programme and Policies
With a long-standing tradition of excellence in research and innovation, Europe has the biggest research funding programme in the world. Through its dedication to research excellence, Europe remains a leading actor in global cutting edge research. Its outward-looking research policies enable Europe to maintain strategic international connections with global research partners. EURAXESS Worldwide is an important part of this research fabric and we look forward to continued international collaboration.
Researchers from both Europe and abroad will find recordings covering topics of interest focusing on their career development. In these webinars, experts from Europe explain the topic and provide answers including further information and resources.
- Intersectoral mobility
- Entry conditions to Europe for third-country national researchers
- Career Development Tools
- How to prepare a good European research CV
- How to do a PhD in Spain
- Scientific Entrepreneurship
- How to do a PhD in the Netherlands
- EURAXESS Service Centres’ role in welcoming researchers from abroad
- How to make the most out of the EURAXESS Portal to boost your research career
- European Centres of Excellence
- How to do a postdoc in the Netherlands
- Study and Research in Portugal
- How to do a PhD in Greece
- How to do a PhD in Hungary
- Euraxess WW