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EURAXESS Researchers in motion

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  • Portugal


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6 Jun 2024

Job Information

University of Porto
Human Resources Department
Research Field
Pharmacological sciences » Pharmacy
Researcher Profile
First Stage Researcher (R1)
PhD Positions
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Hours Per Week
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by a EU programme
Reference Number
(Ref. 2024/10, Pr. N.º 51)
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description


By order of the Deputy Director of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Porto (FFUP), Professor Doctor Susana Isabel Pereira Casal Vicente of May 13th, 2024, was decided the opening of an international recruitment competition for one PhD Holder equilased to Assistant Researcher. This international call is open for a period of 10 (ten) working days from the working day immediately following the publication of this notice in the Diário da República through the Order (extract) no. 6394/2024, 2nd series, no. 109 of June 6th. The successful candidate will carry out research activities in the scientific areas of Health Sciences, scientific sub-area of kidney disease, under an individual work contract for an unspecified term, under the Portuguese Labor Code, to carry out research activities, knowledge transfer and enhancement, management and communication of science and technology, collaboration in teaching and training, among others, financed by national funds through the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT).

1. Scientific area:

The scientific area of this competition is Health Sciences.

2. Applicable Legislation and Regulations:

2.1. The call for applications and corresponding recruitment are governed by the provisions set out in Regulation no. 487/2020 - University of Porto Regulations for Research, Science and Technology Staff (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation), published in the Diário da República, 2nd series, no. 100, of 22 May, and by other applicable legislation, namely the Portuguese Labor Code, approved by Law no. 7/2009, of 12 February, in its current wording; Decree-Law no. 57/2016, of 29 August, amended by Law no. 57/2017, of 19 July, which approves the scheme for the recruitment of PhD graduates aimed at stimulating scientific and technological employment in all areas of knowledge (RJEC); Code of Administrative Procedure (CPA – abbreviation in Portuguese), approved by Decree-Law 4/2015; Regulatory Decree 11-A/2017 of 29 December; and applicable regulations.

2.2. This call for tenders is open under the multiannual funding contract for R&D units 2020-2023, established between FCT and UCIBIO/FFUP (references UIDB/04378/2020 and UIDP/04378/2020), to support the development of scientific and technological activity; and in accordance with Article 28(4) of the Scientific Employment Regulation, approved by Regulation No. 607-A/2017 published in the 2nd series of the Official Gazette of November 22, 2017, amended by Regulation No. 806-A/2019, published in the 2nd series of the Official Gazette of October 14, 2019 and Regulation No. 985-B/2019, published in the 2nd series of the Official Gazette of December 31, 2019.

3. Under the terms of article 16 of the RJEC, in the wording currently in force, this tender procedure is exempt from the authorization of the members of the Government responsible for the areas of Finance and Public Administration, namely that referred to in article 7(3) of the General Law on Public Employment (LTFP), from obtaining the prior favorable opinion of the members of the Government responsible for the areas of Finance and Public Administration, referred to in article 30(5) of the LTFP and from the procedure for recruiting workers in a situation of requalification, referred to in article 265 of the LTFP.

4. Admission requirements

4.1. General admission requirements

The competition is open to national, foreign and stateless candidates who hold a PhD[1] in the Pharmaceutical Sciences or related scientific areas and have a scientific and professional curriculum vitae that reveals an appropriate profile for the activity to be developed.

4.2. Special admission requirements

For the purpose of determining the suitable profile for the activity to be carried out, the following are specific requirements:

  1. Minimum of four years of post-doctoral experience in studies in the area of chronic kidney disease;
  2. Experience with different models (human, animal and kidney cell culture) to study kidney disease, and with processing of biological samples (blood and tissues);
  3. Experience in hematological studies (complete blood count, study of membrane proteins and erythrocyte enzyme activity) and biochemical studies (biomarkers of inflammation, oxidative stress, liver injury and kidney injury, using classical and early injury biomarkers);
  4. Experience in molecular biology techniques (primer design, quantitative gene expression, differential analysis of gene expression and genotyping of polymorphisms using quantitative PCR (qPCR) techniques;
  5. Experience in flow cytometry studies;
  6. Knowledge and experience in biostatistics.

4.3. The failure to prove the requirements mentioned in points 4.1. and 4.2. will result in the exclusion of the application.

5. Preferred selection requirements

  1. Participation in research projects in the area of kidney disease;
  2. Experience in building analytical and clinical databases, statistical analysis and interpretation;
  3. Experience in advanced training (teaching and guidance) in higher education institutions.

6. Remuneration

The basic monthly remuneration is 3 427,59 €, corresponding to the 1st position, level 9 in accordance with the table attached to the Regulation, on an exclusive dedication basis.

7. Workplace

The workplace is located at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Porto.

8. Contractual regime:

The successful candidate will be hired under an individual work contract for an unspecified term, by legal imperative, under the terms of Article 6(1)(b) of the RJEC, ex vi, Article 18(2) of the RJEC.

The contract will remain in force only for the period necessary to carry out the tasks identified in the following paragraph, within the framework of the program contract, estimated to end on December 31 of 2024.

9. Activities to be developed:

9.1. Performing activities, on a regular basis, related to the career category to which he/she is contractually equilased, specifically in the following areas:

  1. Research;
  2. Transfer and valorization of knowledge;
  3. Management and communication of science and technology and other tasks;
  4. Teaching and training activities.

9.2. The PhD holder equilased to Assistant Researcher is responsible for carrying out research and development activities, as well as other scientific and technical activities within the scope of the FFUP mission and also:

  1. Participate in the design, development and execution of research & development projects, and in related scientific and technical activities;
  2. Supervise the work carried out within the scope of the projects under his/her responsibility;
  3. Collaborate in the development of training actions within the scope of research & development methodology;
  4. Supervise the research work carried out by research fellows and interns;
  5. Collaborate in teaching and participate in the institution’s training programs;
  6. Participate in the training and guidance of higher education students, namely bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral students;
  7. Participate in science and technology management and communication tasks.

10. Selection Panel

In compliance with Article 19(1)(f) and Article 22(3) and (4) of the Regulation, the selection panel of this competition is composed as follows:

Chair: Maria Alice dos Santos Silva Gomes Martins, Full Professor, Biochemistry Laboratory, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Porto and Researcher at UCIBIO, in the exercise of powers delegated by Order (extract) no. 6394/2024, published in DR, 2nd series, no. 109, of June 6th.

Members of the Selection Panel:

1st Member: Luís Filipe Barbosa Amado Belo, Assistant Professor, Biochemistry Laboratory, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Porto.

2nd member: Carla Susana Meireles Coimbra, Assistant Professor, Polytechnic and University Higher Education Cooperative (CESPU).

3rd member: Rosa Cristina Barreto Catarino, Assistant Professor, Biochemistry Laboratory, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Porto.

Alternate members:

1st alternate member: Elsa Maria Ribeiro Bronze da Rocha, Assistant Professor, Biochemistry Laboratory, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Porto.

2nd alternate member: Maria Irene de Oliveira Monteiro Jesus, Associate Professor, Biochemistry Laboratory, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Porto.

11. Selection methods:

In accordance with Article 26 of the Regulation and article 5 of the RJEC, the selection methods are as follows:

  1. Evaluation of Scientific and Curricular Careerof the applicants (SCC) - 90%;
  2. If the Selection panel deems it necessary, a Interview (ENT) will be carried out to a maximum of 2 of the best placed candidates in the SCC method (10%).

12. Evaluation of Scientific and Curricular Career of the applicants (SCC)

12.1. The assessment of the scientific and curricular background of the applicants, considering the profile required to fulfil the demands of the position corresponding to the category for which the present call for applications is open will focus on the relevance, quality and timeliness of the following aspects:

  1. Scientific performance in the areas and sub-areas for which the competition is open;
  2. Knowledge transfer and enhancement;
  3. Management and communication of science and technology;
  4. Teaching and training.

12.2. The assessment of the criteria referred to in points a) and b) of the previous point must take into account the activity carried out over the last 5 (five)[2] years.

12.3. The period of 5 (five) years referred to in the previous paragraph may be extended by the selection panel, at the candidate's request, when justified by the suspension of scientific activity for socially protected reasons, namely parental leave, prolonged serious illness, and other legally protected situations of unavailability for work.

12.4. In the evaluation of the dimensions described in 12.1, the following parameters shall be assessed and given the weighting factors indicated as follows:

12.4.1. Criteria for evaluating Scientific Performance (SP):

SP. Personal CV in the specific area and domain for which the recruitment process is open (which reflects the scientific and professional path), (e.g. coordination and participation in national and international research projects, editing of international journals, publications in international journals, awards) (90%).

12.4.2. Criteria for evaluating Knowledge Transfer and Enhancement (KTE):

KTE. Dissemination of science and technology. Coordination and participation in scientific and technological dissemination initiatives within the scientific community (for example, organization of congresses and conferences) for different audiences (3%).

12.4.3. Criteria for evaluating Management and Communication of Science and Technology and Other Tasks (CST):

CST. Science and technology management and communication activities, in the area for which the recruitment process is open: (a) participation in Erasmus+ Projects; (b) actively contribute to the definition and fulfillment of scientific and social policies; (c) collaboration in evaluation committees for technical and scientific activities, promoted by national or international entities, particularly within the scope of competitions for projects, grants or prizes (2%).

12.4.4. Criteria for evaluating Teaching and Training (TT):

TT. Teaching and advanced training activity: a) experience and scope of teaching activity carried out by the candidate in the specific area and domain for which the recruitment process is opened; (b) advanced training (doctoral supervision, master's degrees and training actions) in higher education institutions in the indicated recruitment area (5%).

12.5. The final SCC classification is obtained using the following formula:

SCC = 0.90 x SP + 0.03 x KTE + 0.02 x CST + 0.05 x TT

13. Evaluation of the Interview (ENT)

13.1. If the panel considers it necessary, an interview (ENT) will be held with the candidates ranked in the first positions in the APCC, up to a maximum of three, and the panel will evaluate aspects related to the research carried out by the candidates.

13.2. Failure by candidates to attend the eventual interview stage of the selection process will be equivalent to withdrawing from the competition, and the candidates will be excluded from the procedure.

14. Final Classification (FC)

The Final Classification (FC) of the SCC and ENT (if it takes place), will be obtained by applying the following formula: CF = (0,9 *SCC) + (0,1 * ENT).

If an interview is not held, the final score will correspond to the SCC.

15. Valuation of selection methods

15.1. Each panel member evaluates the scientific and curricular path of each candidate on a scale of 0 to 100 points, valued to the hundredths; the score is obtained through the weighting defined in the evaluation criteria.

15.2. The evaluation of the interview, if carried out, is scored on a scale of 0 to 100 points, with a weighting to the hundredths.

16. Evaluation methodology

16.1. After the admission of the applicants, and before starting the voting for their final ranking in the evaluation of their scientific and curricular background, each member of the selection panel presents a written document, to be attached to the meeting minutes, with the list of the applicants in descending order of merit, duly substantiated, considering the criteria and parameters of this tender notice.

16.2. The panel deliberates employing reasoned roll-call voting following the selection criteria adopted and disclosed; abstentions are not allowed.

16.3.   The ranking methodology to be followed is that indicated in Article 29 of the Regulation.

16.4. If an absolute majority of votes is not reached after the votes provided for in the previous paragraph, or if there is still a tie, the President's casting vote shall be used for the purposes of the final ranking.

16.5. Each member of the panel shall respect, in every voting round, the order he or she presented in the document referred to in paragraph 16.1.

16.6. The interview has a maximum duration of one hour and is exclusively aimed at clarifying aspects related to the research carried out by the candidates.

16.7. The panel’s discussions will be briefed in minutes taken during its meetings, containing a summary of what occurred, as well as the votes cast by each member and respective reasoning.

16.8. After concluding the application of the selection criteria, the panel draw up the ranked list of the applications with the respective score.

16.9. The panel’s final decision is approved by the head of the institution responsible for opening the tender notice. The final decision on the hiring is the responsibility of the top leader of the hiring institution.

17. Applications

17.1. Applications are formalized by means of a Application Form addressed to the President of the selection panel, in accordance with the terms defined in the attached model.

17.2. Applications must include all supporting documents that prove that the conditions set out in the requirements (points 4, 5 and 12) are fulfilled, namely:

  1. Application Form, required in point 17.1, above;
  2. Copy of doctoral certificate or diploma and respective recognition of the degree, if it was granted by a foreign higher education institution (proof of recognition to be provided by the time of hiring, if applicable);
  3. A detailed curriculum vitae, containing all relevant information for the assessment of the application, as well as to demonstrate compliance with the criteria set out in points 4 and 5 of this notice, organized in accordance with the SCC criteria set out in paragraph 12.4;
  4. Other documents that the candidate deems relevant to the analysis of his/her application (if applicable).

17.3. Applications must be submitted using the online application submission system available on the website of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Porto (ref. 2024/10 no. 51). 

17.4. Applications must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. (local time) on June 21th, 2024.

17.5. Failure to comply with the application submission deadline, failure to submit or late submission of the documents referred to in points a) to c) of section 17.2. will lead to exclusion of the application. Applicants will be notified of the exclusion decision by e-mail for the purposes of the hearing of interested parties.

17.6. The selection panel may, whenever considered necessary, ask the candidates to provide complementary documents to verify the facts mentioned in the curriculum vitae submitted, setting a deadline for that purpose.

18. False statements

False statements provided by the candidates shall be punished by law.

19. Results Notification

The minutes regarding the evaluation phases will be sent via email with a delivery notification.

20. Preliminary hearing and deadline for the final decision

Pursuant to article 121 of the Administrative Procedure Code, after notified, all candidates have 10 working days to respond. The panel’s final decisions will be announced within a maximum period of 90 days, counted from the deadline for submitting applications.

21. This call for applications is exclusively intended to fill the position announced and can be terminated at any time until approval of the final candidate list, expiring with the respective occupation of the said position. In the case that none of the candidates is considered to have the profile required for the performance of the position described above within the scope of this project, the Selection panel reserves the right to not award the position announced in this call.

22. Selection Reserve list

In case of withdrawal of the candidate ranked first, the highest body of FFUP reserves the right to call the next candidate and so on until the vacancy is filled, by convenience and opportunity, based on the selection reserve list that can be used up to 18 months from the date of the ratification of the selection panel decision, with a “selection reserve list” being created for this purpose, which corresponds to the final score list.

23. Others provisions

FFUP actively promotes a policy of non-discrimination and equal access, so that no candidate can be privileged, benefited, harmed or deprived of any right or exempt from any duty on account of age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, economic situation, education, social origin or condition, genetic heritage, reduced working capacity, disability, chronic illness, nationality, ethnic origin or race, origin territory, language, religion, political or ideological convictions and trade union membership.

24. Approval of Notice

The President of the Scientific Council of the FFUP approved this notice on April 30th, 2024, under the delegation contained in Deliberation no. 201/2024, published in Diário da República, 2nd series, no. 28, of February 8.


Porto, June 6th, 2024

The Deputy Director of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Porto

Professor Doctor Susana Isabel Pereira Casal Vicente


Research Field
Pharmacological sciences » Pharmacy
Education Level
PhD or equivalent
Internal Application form(s) needed
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Website for additional job details

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