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EURAXESS Researchers in motion

Ixhel,Thayse and Eduardo are Latin American researchers who have acquired their doctoral degree in Europe.

Presenting themselves and where they got their PhD – Germany and Ireland

They kindly shared with us what was most difficult to them when they moved to Europe and how they managed to overcome it. Language is among the most obvious difficulties, however, it is neglected very often.




Sharing the language related difficulty and how they manage to overcome it


What are the first impressions of a Mexican researcher from his research team in Germany?


Eduardo speaks about directness and criticism in his German team and how he accepted it

What lies at the heart of social life are social norms like time management, ways of greeting, polite behavior, etc.



Ixhel speaks about social norms.Socialising could be easier – see how.

Eduardo sharing about sports and social clubs


Did you notice what is common in all cases? The people – their colleagues at work, their neighbors, friends and relatives actually helped them. EURAXESS staff mission is to be part of the solution for researchers’ difficulties during their mobility. EURAXESS Bulgaria, Germany and Ireland united their efforts to collect these cases and share them with you. We hope we have been helpful!