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EURAXESS Researchers in motion

Career Development E-tool



Four steps diagram


The diagram on the right summarizes the four basic steps involved in your career development and decision-making process. More details, along with a selection of useful tools for each step, can be found in the tabs below.  

Career development is meant to be a dynamic process, that shifts forwards and backwards between different stages, although it is recommended that you start by building self-awareness. Whenever you consider a career change, you can employ these same steps; the details might differ but the procedure will be essentially the same.

It is important to note that the career development never ends. At various points during your professional life, you may have to go back to the beginning, or any other step, as you redefine yourself and your goals. For example, you may decide to change your career altogether or you may have to figure out how to pursue better options in your current one.

Four basic steps

Step1: Self Assessment


Step 2: Exploration


Step 3: Focusing

Step 4: Action Plan