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EURAXESS Researchers in motion

Career Handbook for Young Researchers

Career Handbook

Career Handbook for

Young Researchers






Why have a Career Development Plan?

A Career Development Plan (CDP) lets you explore your career possibilities, and set goals to follow the career path that fits you best. A CDP involves proactive planning and implementation of all the necessary action steps towards your career goals. These steps can evolve as you develop skills, change interests, or reconsider your career objectives.

Regardless of your career goals, your next job will not supernaturally materialise. The odds of gaining entry into any career path can dramatically improve if you have a plan clearly focused on your professional strategy.




When is Career Development most effective?

Your Carrer Development Plan will be most effective if you start early, and continually update it. You may be at a point where you are considering your overall career development and growth in academia, or you are considering a career change. The EURAXESS Career Handbook and E-Tool offer some basic principles to help you contemplate on your career to date, and begin to formulate an ongoing career strategy.

Looking for examples of how to use the recommended processes and tools? #CareerStories can help explain when and how you can use the resources available, as they give examples by researchers at different stages of their careers.

