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NEWS4 Dec 2020News

Research Analyst Position - University of Kassel, Germany


The Faculty of Organic Agricultural Sciences, Department of Agroecosystem Analysis and Modelling (Prof. Dr. Gornott) is offering the following position to start as soon as possible:

Research Analyst position (m/w/d), EG 13 TV-H, funded for two years until 28.02.2023, full time (40 hours per week), § 2 Abs. 2 WissZeitVG.

Closes: 17.12.2020

Date of hire: as soon as possible

Reference: 33647

The Department Agroecosystem Analysis and Modelling has a strong collaboration with the Working Group Adaptation in Agricultural Systems at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). This position will work closely with this group at PIK.

We are looking for a Research Analyst to join our team with interest in climate impacts and adaptation for agriculture in developing countries and with experience in stakeholder engagement and transferring scientific results to a non-scientific audience.

Working together with governments, research institutes, international and private organizations primarily in sub-Saharan Africa, we aim to transform research into user-oriented climate services and policy transfer that enable stakeholders to better adapt to climate change in the field of agriculture. This position will focus on developing risk mitigation and risk transfer solutions (i.e. agricultural forecasts and crop insurances) to stabilize the crop production of smallholder farmers with a focus in Eastern Africa. Financial risk transfer products such as crop insurance can help overcome the challenges of climate risk.


  • Coordinate and contribute to the implementation of research projects through close collaboration with other researchers as well as the involved stakeholders
  • Liaise and maintain communication with project donors, preparing project progress reports and policy briefs
  • Organize and conduct workshops, surveys for data collection and expert interviews with a broad range of stakeholders including members from governments, civil society, academia and the private sector in developing countries
  • Support in data collection, literature review and analysis, and inform the development of sustainable agricultural practices.
  • Contribute to writing of policy reports and scientific articles for publication in peer-reviewed journals that highlight findings from the research projects, and present research findings at international conferences
  • Project management, developing new project proposals and applying for funding


  • You hold a Master’s Degree in the field of Agricultural Economics, Development Studies, International Relations, Political Science, Agricultural Science, Geography, Natural Science or another project relevant field and at least two years of work experience. The certificates of the university degree must be available by the appointment date at the latest. A PhD in a similar field is valuable
  • You have knowledge in tropical agriculture and/or sustainable development
  • You have experience and interest in stakeholder engagement as well as communicating scientific results to a non-scientific community
  • Experience in project management, and development of research proposals is desirable
  • You have knowledge or are interested in climate impacts and risk management for the agricultural sector. A basic understanding in statistics is valuable
  • Work experience in developing countries is desirable and the willingness to travel to these countries
  • You have strong analytical and scientific writing skills, excellent communications skills, and you are fluent in oral and written English. Proficiency or knowledge in Kiswahili and / or other languages (e.g. French) is valuable
  • You have the ability to work independently, goal-oriented and on your own initiative

We offer:

  • an inspiring, international, and interdisciplinary work environment at the University of Kassel in close collaboration with the working group “Adaptation in Agricultural Systems” at PIK
  • high-impact of your research through publications in renowned journals
  • participation in user driven research projects with international partners
  • contribution to international projects with extensive stakeholder engagement
  • opportunities for cooperation with a network of leading climate and agricultural research institutes
  • guidance and supervision in career development

Application documents should comprise a letter of motivation including research interests, CV, relevant certificates, and a short sample of your work (e.g. journal publication, approx. 2-8 pages) in one PDF document.

For further information please contact Prof. Dr. Christoph Gornott, Tel.: +49 561 804-1712, E-Mail: gornott(at)

The protection of your personal information is very important to us, so we will handle your personal information with care. By your application, you allow us the storage and use in the sense of the Hessian Data Protection and Freedom of Information Act. You can object to this at any time. Your personal data will be deleted.

Information according to Art. 13 DSGVO for the application process at the University of Kassel can be found at: 

The University of Kassel is very interested in the professional satisfaction of its employees. It is distinguished as a family-friendly university and, in the interests of equal opportunities, strives to offer everyone the same opportunities for development and to counteract existing disadvantages. It promotes the Family Welcome Service and also the Dual Career Service for positions that are scientifically and academically filled. One of the strategic goals of the University of Kassel is to significantly increase the proportion of women in research and teaching. Applications from women are therefore particularly welcome. Seriously handicapped and equivalent applicants are given preference if they have the same suitability, qualifications and professional performance. Full-time positions are generally divisible (except when filling civil servant positions).

Applications indicating the Position Number, which may be in digital form, should be sent to the President of the University of Kassel, 34109 Kassel, Germany or, quoting the applicable reference number.
