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NEWS19 Oct 2021News

Fellowship Programme COFUND FP-DYNAMO-PARIS - Paris,France


Institut de Biologie Physico-Chimique, Collège de France (Cdf) and the École Normale Supérieure (ENS) have recently obtained Fellowship Programme COFUND FP-DYNAMO-PARIS from the European Union. 21 post-docs will be recruited to FP-Dynamo-Paris in two calls, separated by about 4 months, with the first call for 13 post-doc positions launched on 17th September.

The COFUND FP-DYNAMO-PARIS programme offers a unique interdisciplinary environment and a fundamental research initiative in the centre of Paris. The goal of the research programme is to integrate knowledge on gene expression, structural and membrane biology, and bioenergetics in bacteria, chloroplasts and mitochondria in the general context of improving our understanding the biogenesis of energy-transducing membranes. These studies will involve cutting-edge technologies including structural biology (NMR, X-ray crystallography and CryoEM), RNA sequencing, mass-spectrometry, synthetic biology, microfluidics, computational modelling and visualization. In the 1st call 13 Post-doctoral fellows will have the opportunity of developing their research projects in a dynamic scientific environment covering three main research themes: I) RNA biology from bacteria to chloroplasts, II) Membrane system dynamics and III) computational modelling of molecular assemblies.

Post-doctoral fellowships will start between January 1 and May 31, 2021.

The programme is widely open to anyone with one single condition: "Candidate must not have resided in France more than 12 months in the last 3 years at the time of recruitment ».

The Cofund Fellowship Programme FP-DYNAMO-PARIS is recruiting up to 13 post-doctoral researchers

If you are eager for a first-rate research experience in molecular, structural & marine biology join us!

Call 1: 17th Sept. – 17th Nov. 2021

The COFUND FP-DYNAMO-PARIS programme of fers a unique interdisciplinary environment and a fundamental research initiative in the centre of Paris to train the scientists of tomorrow in the field of physico-chemical biology. The goal of the re search programme is to integrate knowledge on gene expression, structural and membrane biolo gy, and bioenergetics in bacteria, chloroplasts and mitochondria in the general context of improving our understanding the biogenesis of energy-trans ducing membranes. These studies will involve cut ting-edge technologies including structural biology (NMR, X-ray crystallography and CryoEM), RNA se quencing, mass-spectrometry, synthetic biology, microfluidics, computational modelling and visua lization.

Post-doctoral fellows will have the opportunity of developing their research projects in a dynamic scientific environment covering three main re search themes:

i) RNA biology from bacteria to chloroplasts

ii) membrane system dynamics and

iii) computational modelling of molecular assem blies.

They will benefit from the supervision of internationally-recognised experts in their fields, a world-wide network of renowned institutions, cutting-edge research infrastructure and state-of-the-art technical know-how that will allow them to hone their scientific skills, make themselves known and increase their competitiveness on the labour market.

Specific training will be proposed to ERs through attendance of the EMBO course on “Laboratory Leadership for Postdocs” included in a retreat in Padua, and involvement in dedicated complementary soft skill training events.

The CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) promotes equal op portunity as its employment policy. In addition, FP-DYNAMO-PARIS is committed to promoting the role of women in science, and, therefore, explicitly invites women to apply.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 101034407

Information on how to apply available at:
CALL 1: 13 Early career post-doctoral fellowships in gene expression, membrane systems dynamics & protein assembly modelling chosen from the following topics.

RNA biology from bacteria to chloroplast (6 positions)

  • Control of translation initiation in bacteria: a transcriptomic study PI: M. Guillier

  • Structural biology of RNA-protein complexes PI: C. Tisné

  • Elucidating the role of yeast Ded1, a DEAD-box RNA helicase, in translation elongation* PI: K. Tanner

  • Understanding the role of the key ribonuclease RNase Y in the control of gene expression in B. subtilis* PI: H. Putzer

  • Structural study of [4Fe-4S]-dependent sulfuration enzyme MnmA involved in genetic translation* PI: B. Golinelli-Pimpaneau

  • In-depth characterization of the CES regulation coupling Rubisco large subunit synthesis and assembly in C. reinhardtii PI: K. Wostriko

Membrane systems dynamics (4 positions)

  • Investigating the effects of allelochemicals secreted by dinoflagellates on the thylakoid membranes of marine diatoms PI: B. Bailleul Study of the energy landscape of G protein-coupled receptors PI: L.J. Catoire, co-PI: K. Moncoq

  • AtpF-mediated membrane biogenesis in E. coli and C. reinhardtii PI: F. Zito, co-PI: B. Miroux

  • Flippable ELP-decorated proteoliposomes to prepare nano-bioreactors* PI: C. Tribet

Computational modelling of protein assemblies (3 positions from the following possible subjects)

  • Regulation of mitochondrial function/dysfunction by focused ultrasound PI: P. Nguyen

  • Advanced scientific visualization of membrane proteins and their assemblies PI: M. Baaden, co-PI: A. Taly

  • Protein-protein interactions in the purinosome metabolon PI: F. Sterpone

  • Multiscale approaches to investigate the conformational landscape of flexible protein assemblies PI: S. Sacquin-Mora, co-PI: A. Taly

* These projects are funded for one year only.
Call 2 opens on Jan. 2022 with 8 additional post-doc positions

Your profile

  • Highly motivated personality, with the ability to work in a multi-disciplinary team on scientifically challenging problems.

  • Very good knowledge of written and spoken English.

  • Ambitious, creative with good analytical, interpersonal and communication skills


  • We offer two-year post-doc positions (one year with renewal of one year) for 9 of the projects; 4 projects are funded for one year only (see *).

  • Exciting work in a dynamic team of researchers with backgrounds in different disciplines across biology, chemistry, physics and computational science.

  • Convivial, international environment in a human-sized atmosphere on the Montagne St-Geneviève campus, in the Latin quarter of Paris.

  • Mentoring programmes to support career development.

  • Development of personal strengths, e.g. through an extensive range of training courses, opportunities for career and personal development.

Eligibility criteria

  • You have a PhD or equivalent (R2 recognizedresearchers) at the recruitment date.

  • You have research experience in the field relevant to the call.

  • You must not have resided or carried out your main activity (e.g. work or studies) in France for more than 12 months in the 3 years prior to the recruitment date.

Selection process

Full application in English including a CV, the research theme(s) (with the name of the PI) you are applying for, a minimum of 2 reference letters, a motivation letter describing short-term and long-term scientific and career goals and signed statement that you are in compliance with the Mobility rule should be: & also sent to:
More details on :

Call 2 opens on Jan. 2022 with 8 additional post-doc positions

Deadline - November 17th.

To apply :
