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EURAXESS Researchers in motion
NEWS17 Oct 2018News

Personal Visiting Researcher Grant - Norway


DEADLINE: ongoing

Funding may be sought for research stays in Norway for international researchers with qualifications at post-doctorate level or higher. Guest researcher grants provide a means of strengthening Norwegian research groups in the field through international collaboration. The Research Council allocates funding for Personal Visiting Researcher Grants in the form of a framework grant. The grant covers documented costs of settling in and other associated extra costs incurred in connection with a research visit in Norway at fixed rates (see guidelines on the application form). The host institution itself must cover payroll costs for visiting researchers who do not have a salary from their home country or who are not already receiving a salary from the main project.

  • Visiting researcher stays in Norway may have a duration of 1–12 months and must not require an extension of the project period.
  • The earliest permitted start-up date for a Personal Visiting Researcher Grant is six weeks from the date of submission of the application.
  • Confirmation from the visiting researcher’s institution and a CV for the individual involved must be attached to the grant application.
