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NEWS7 Feb 2024News

COST Actions open call 2024

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European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) has announced the launch of its COST Actions open call, which will be open for for more than eight more months. A COST Action is an interdisciplinary research network that brings researchers and innovators together to investigate a topic for four years. Open to all science and technology fields, including new and emerging ones, COST Actions are also are bottom-up meaning you can propose a network based on your own interests or ideas. The funding a COST Action receives covers the expenses of networking activities and can be used to fund events, Short-Term Scientific Missions, Training Schools, communication activities, and virtual networking tools.

You can learn more about COST Actions here. Note that there are 41 members of COST, so if you are a researcher based in the United States or Canada, you can get involved as a non-COST country participant by joining a running COST Action, becoming a member of a proposing team for a new COST Action, or working as an external expert. Learn more on the COST Global Networking page.

There will be an online Info Day taking place on March 27th, 2024.


More information about the open call

Browse existing actions


The call deadline is Thursday, October 24th, 2023 at 12:00 noon CEST (6:00 AM ET / 3:00 AM PT, convert to your local time zone here).


See our past webinar on COST Actions here.