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EURAXESS Researchers in motion

Research in Europe: Switzerland


Flag of Switzerland


Learn about Switzerland as a research destination from two speakers who will share on the Swiss research landscape. Hear from:

  • Olivia GachoudHead of the Science and Technology Office at the Embassy of Switzerland to the United States
  • Dr. Gaetano ManzoPostdoctoral Researcher, U.S. National Institutes of Health


You can also see the resources on the nation we've compiled on our Country Resources: Switzerland page and read our recent written interview with Olivia Gachoud here.


The interview will be conducted by Dr. Derya Büyüktanır Karacan of EURAXESS North America. It will debut on Thursday, December 21st, 2023 at 12:00 noon ET (9:00 AM PT / 6:00 PM CET). Convert to your local time zone here. The interview will be held in English.


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EURAXESS North America