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NEWS2 Aug 2021News

Postdoctoral fellowships of 24 months in Normandie, France - WINNINGNormandy (MSCA)


The WINNINGNormandy – WelcomINg and TraiNING of international high-level post-doc in Normandy programme aims to promote attractive research careers in the Normandy Region in France by funding individual-driven research training and career opportunities for Experienced Researchers. The programme is co-funded by the European MSCA-COFUND programme and the regional council of Normandy and will offer 40 positions for 24-month fellowships through 2 calls (2021 and 2022) of 20 positions each.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska - Curie grant agreement N° 101034329.

These Experienced Researchers will design and implement their original research project in one of the Norman laboratories. Their project will have to be implemented in the framework of one or several Norman Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3) domains.

  • Food industry “Preserving and sustainably transforming agricultural, marine, forestry and production systems”
  • Energy “Develop an energy mix towards zero carbon emissions”
  • Industry “Transforming processes for a high-performance, sustainable and digital industry”
  • Mobility & logistics “Develop low-carbon mobility solutions that are efficient and secure”
  • Health “Accelerating synergies and innovation in the service of human and animal 5P medicine”
  • Risk management “Make Normandy a resilient territory by mastering technological, natural, health and social risks”

The project will offer to experienced researchers an exceptional international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral training program in the identified Norman smart specialisation areas as well as hands-on knowledge in non-research oriented transferable skills necessary for future research leaders.

The educational and research programme will be implemented by leading universities and 24 extra-academic partner organisations, covering actors from large industries and SMEs in various economic sectors to entrepreneurship actors and human resources actors.

The scientific actors will ensure infrastructure capacity and high-level environment to conduct excellent research. Extra-academic partners will contribute to the implementation of WINNINGNormandy by hosting ERs during secondments or visits and/or by providing training, mentoring or career development opportunities.

Who? Eligibility criteria:

  • Compliance with the Marie Sklodowska-Curie mobility rule : applicants must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in France for more than 12 months in the last three years before the call deadline;
  • At the time of the call deadline, applicants must be in possession of a doctoral degree (or have at least four years of full-time equivalent research experience);
  • Applicants can choose a host research group belonging to one of the “Smart Specialisation Strategy” domains (around 110 laboratories) to develop the research project of their choice.
  • No other restrictions are implemented, the WINNINGNormandy programme applies strict equal opportunity principles for candidates’ selection and recruitment.
  • Any ethical issues linked to the research project must be clarified by the Ethics self- assessment.

Documents to download

more information here

Deadline (1st call): 17 October 2021.